This social media post about "some vile people… who have embraced Christianity for the sake of money" exposed 10 Christian families and prompted a backlash from 12 nearby mosques.
Mar. 20, 2025 | Bangladesh

Church Threatened by Large Mobs for Ongoing Ministry

After a secret Christmas program at Saiful's house church in late December 2024, someone obtained photos and exposed the church on social media, prompting outrage against Saiful and the church from several nearby mosques. Within hours, the situation escalated until a large Muslim crowd marched to the church, threatening violence. Police intervened to stop the procession, but the leaders of the rally vowed to return with more people to burn Saiful's house. Local authorities have granted permission for the Christians to continue meeting, but Saiful has been warned to take safety precautions. Read More.

"Blessing houses" provide shelter, fellowship, discipleship and training for Muslim-background Christians.
Mar. 20, 2025 | Indonesia

Safe Houses Bless Muslim-Background Believers

A Christian ministry in Indonesia runs four "blessing houses" that serve as temporary safe houses for Christian converts from Islam who are from one of Indonesia's largest minority groups. These houses also serve as places of worship, discipleship and skill development centers for persecuted Christians. A front-line worker there said that every week she experiences "small-scale persecution" in the community. Read More.

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The Voice of the Martyrs

The Voice of the Martyrs (VOM) serves persecuted Christians in the world’s most difficult and dangerous places to follow Christ. Pastor Richard Wurmbrand and his wife, Sabina, founded VOM after being imprisoned for their Christian witness in Communist Romania. Since 1967, VOM has been dedicated to inspiring all believers to a biblical faith by telling the stories of persecuted Christians, thereby inspiring a deeper commitment to Christ and the fulfillment of his Great Commission, no matter the cost.
