Our Father, We are Your soldiers and we truly understand
Loyalty - Duty - Respect - Selfless Service -
Honor - Integrity and Personal Courage but we need Your help to press through, so help us! In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Bring millions of Muslims to faith in Jesus through this Church and others like it. Bring salvation and grace and eternal life and redemption to our Muslim neighbors. We give our very lives for this worthy cause!
Psalm 37: Thank you Heavenly Father for these faithful believers. May they not fret because of evildoers but rather trust in the Lord and do good and dwell in the land and feed on his faithfulness, Delighting themselves in the Lord, committing their way to the Lord and trusting in Him. May He bring forth their righteousness as the light.
Our Father, let us not be superstitious, but instead read The Word of God and believe it. Please help us to believe in Your goodness despite our outward conditions. Strengthen us in faith and ease our thoughts. Show us the truth behind this attack and help us to leave it's memory behind. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thank You, Father for the Word of Truth and the lives of the Evangelical Christian Baptist Church members. Strengthen them in faith and please meet their needs. Let them be blessing for others. Please lead the pyromaniacs in all Truth, send calls of faith and save them. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Thank you Heavenly Father for your unfailing love, despite the enemy attack against your people you will always be God, thank you for saving your servants inKyrgyzstan, grant boldness to pereservare spread your sheltering wings over them, and grant courage to stand as Daniel , pul o strength and face the foe in Jesus name Amen
Dear Lord, thank you for always being with us. I pray for healing for those persecuted and forced to flee homes, comfort for family and friends of those lost or injured, security for those sharing You despite threats, and salvation to those who are persecuting your Church. I pray Your light would shine for many to see through these trials. Amen
Praise the Lord for the sign of your Presence and protection. I pray for the Christians to remain strong in faith and be united so that they may encourage one another in Christ. I pray for the hearts of those who burned the temple that they may regret and repent. May their guilt rise against them to condemn them for punishing the innocents, Amen.
Father use these believers in a mighty way. Fill them with the knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so they will walk in a manner worthy of You, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of You; strengthened with all power, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks.
Dear Jesus, encourage and protect these precious Christians. Thank you that their lives were spared. Thank you that the altar Bible was spared. Bring the wicked men to repent and turn to You. Encourage and strengthen the Christians. Bring many souls to know You because of these Christians!
Thank You, Father, for reminding Your people that You are in control. May the church members see Your protecting hand in this situation. As the community watches for their response may they see Christians whose faith is solid and who follow the teachings of Christ when tested and do not seek retaliation but rather have forgiveness for their attackers.
Jesus we know that in all things you work for the good of those who love you and are called by your purpose. Please protect this church and use this event to renew the minds of those that caused this damage to repent and seek the Prince of Peace. Jesus please allow the community to see you in these church members as they endure this attack. Amen.
Dear Evangelical Christian Baptist Church Members. I pray for you to get your strength through the Lord as you recover from the attack on your church. Your friends in Christ. Jeff F.
Please continue to protect & encourage these believers as they worship. May their forgiveness, joy & peace be a powerful witness to the unbelievers in the community. May their faith continue to mature. Please provide for their needs.
Father, I pray for this congregation. I thank you for watching over them. I pray you help them to remain strong in the faith. Speak to the hearts of those who did this, may they see their need for you. use this church to win souls for Jesus.
Father, thank You for Evangelical Christian Baptist Church in Kaji. Please protect the members and increase their faith. I pray that they would have their building restored. I pray church debris would recover emotionally form the attack and that they would be a light that shines brightly. i pray that those who did this would seek forgiveness.
Thank You Lord for the miracles displayed in this tragedy and that Your children are emboldened by it. I pray that those who perpetrated this act would see Christ and be shaken from their foundation of hate. Let this be a testimony that brings many to Your Son. Amen.
Father, help the Christians at this church to forgive those who tried to harm them and help them to pray for them. i pray that the surrounding community sees their resilience and Christ-like character as they move forward. I praise You God for protecting the church members and i pray that those who caused the fire will repent and seek forgiveness.
Deliver them from their enemies, O Lord! They have fled to you for refuge. Teach them to do your will, for you are their God! Let your good Spirit lead them on level ground! For your name's sake, O Lord , preserve their life! In your righteousness bring their soul out of trouble! Ps 143:9-11
O Great God Almighty, You are the one we trust and place our hope in. Help these your children to trust your guidance and future. Let nothing shake their confidence in you. Help them to stand firm in their faith. Save the souls of everyone in this place. We trust in You. Pam F - USA
Strengthen your people to fight in prayer, Heavenly Father, and to seek Your signs that You are with them in this battle. Let Your Presence with them ignite new zeal and courage for the difficulties they face. Bless and confirm the preaching of the gospel and the rebuilding of the church and the people from the trauma of this attack. Bless them, Lord.
May each pray Psalm 51:
Create a pure heart in me, O God,
and put a new and loyal spirit in me.
Do not banish me from your presence;
do not take your holy spirit away from me.
Give me again the joy that comes from your salvation,
and make me willing to obey you.
Then I will teach sinners your commands,
and they will turn back to you
Holy Father, be with Your children. Thank you that the attack on the church was minimized. Place a hedge of protection around them as they minister to their neighbors who don't know You. May their neighborhood be filled with worshipers of Jesus. May those living in darkness see a great light and come to You for forgiveness. In Jesus' name, Amen
Father thank you for the faithfulness of this church. Open up a door for your word, so they may speak forth the mystery of Christ, for which they have suffered and make it clear in the way they ought to speak. Fill them with a joy which causes them to leap for joy. Use them to draw others to you. Fill them with a love for their persecutors.
Father God, thank you For strengthening the faith of church members,causing to stand firm in their faith. Keep church members safe as all recover from this attack, replace all the devil stole. Cause the communities to see their resilience and Christ-like character as they move forward. Praise You for Your protection of members In Jesus name Amen!
Dear Lord
Please be with these Christians! Bless them for their amazing faith in the face of this persecution. Show all there that You are in control and have cover the Christians with Your wings. May thet feel Your spirit with them always. May they never feel alone. Your Words cannot die - may many more there come to know You!
In Your name, Amen
Lord, what a miracle, Your word survived this fire! Father I pray these christians would stand firm in their faith and continue to be a witness to those around them as they share their testimony of this fire with others! Do a work in the hearts of those that caused this fire Lord that they would have their eyes opened to see your glory! I ask in Him
Heavenly Father I pray for the church members as they sort out and recover from the Islamic attack. I pray that they will stay strong and resilient as they move forward and that their love and life will influence the people around them in a positive way that they will come to know you as their personal savior. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Father God, I pray for the church members and the surrounding community that are impacted by the recent violence. I ask that you would help them to remain strong in their faith and show Christ-like character to people who do not like them. Thank you for protecting the church members and turn the hearts of those who caused the fire towards you. Amen.
Dear Lord, I thank you that no one was injured in the fire of the Evangelical Christian Baptist Church. Please soften the hearts of their attackers, and may they see You as the One True and Only Way. May this church grow so much, that they need to build a bigger building, and may the attackers become bold strong members of the church. Jesus is King!