Bring millions to faith and new life in your as a result of this persecution.
Finally my brethren be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God that you may be able to stand against The Wiles of the devil. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood. The weapons of our Warfare are not carnal But Mighty in God for the pulling down of strongholds
Father I pray for Christians in Chinaand other parts of the world, where mmSatan hold sway, over the nations and blindfolded them, that they are blind to the truth of Jesus Christ. Lord you have a net that can catch the vilest sinner, I pray ask that uspread that net over China, parts of Africa, and the Mid East. Ipray that you stand by your peop
Thank You, Father, for remember the case of the pressured Chinese Churches . Thank You for helping all it's members. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Dear Lord, thank you for always being with us. I pray for healing for those persecuted and forced to flee homes, comfort for family and friends of those lost or injured, security for those sharing You despite threats, and salvation to those who are persecuting your Church. I pray Your light would shine for many to see through these trials. Amen
Father I pray for pressured Chinese Churches to remain courageous and determined to share the love and truth of Christ as they continue to follow Him this year 2018. May the revelation of Christ reach the government officials so that they may repent and come to Jesus and receive Salvation. May they find the love of Christ in their hearts, Amen.
Father use these believers in a mighty way. Fill them with the knowledge of Your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so they will walk in a manner worthy of You, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of You; strengthened with all power, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience; joyously giving thanks.
Dear Jesus, give great joy and hope to the Christians who were arrested and whose celebration was shut down. Convict the authorities of their wrong behavior. Help them repent and turn to the Truth of Jesus. Help the Christians grow in courage, faith and hope.
As the pressure mounts on Chinese Christians may they put their roots deeper into Christ. May their steadfast adherence to the teachings of Christ regarding forgiveness be seen as desirable. Use their willingness to forego vengeance speak to many hearts hardened by sin and deception. Deepen their commitment to share the love of Christ with neighbors.
Lord, we pray that China Christians will remain courageous and determined to share the love and truth of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that they continue to follow Him. In Jesus name. Amen.
Dear China brothers and sisters, thank you for your bold witness and faith in Christ. May you continue on the path Jesus has called you to, despite government pressure to stop. Your brother in Christ, Jeff F
Precious Lord, even though our bodies are destroyed and homes destroyed, still You are the only safe place in this World, knowing one day we will stand before You. Help Your saints to endure and remain courageous to share the truth of Christ going forward. Let the enemies see the light and turn to You.
Father, it sounds as if they want you completely out of the picture, but we know that will never happen. I pray for the believers in China, may they remain strong in their faith and work for you. I pray you would open the eyes of those who try and stop your work. Don't let this discourage, but ignite that Holy Flame in each believer.
Father, thank You for the church in China. Please be with Chinese believers and fill them with faith boldness and Your Holy Spirit. Strengthen the church there and may the Gospel spread to all in China. In the Name of Yeshua, Amen.
Lord thank, for the Church in China is marching on, the gates of hell shall not prevail. Lord pls unity them and let them not despair by happenings, increase their faith and trust in you. Pls protect, encourage and increase them, meet their needs, Let them continue to share the gospel and let your name be praised even as more souls are won to Christ.
Lord, give them courage and zeal in the new year.
Glorious Heavenly Father, I ask you to give strength and courage to these your children. Protect and guide them. I pray for all the people in their community and across China that their eyes will be opened to see that you are real and your salvation is for them too. We place our trust in You, Lord.
Pam F - US
Heavenly Father, give strength to preach the good news to this city and make many disciples there, Lord Jesus. strengthen and establish the hearts of your people; encourage them to remain firm in the faith through tribulations and hardships. Give them visions and revelations of You to sustain them and pour out your seven-fold spirit upon them .
May each pray Psalm 51:
Create a pure heart in me, O God,
and put a new and loyal spirit in me.
Do not banish me from your presence;
do not take your holy spirit away from me.
Give me again the joy that comes from your salvation,
and make me willing to obey you.
Then I will teach sinners your commands,
and they will turn back to you
Oh Lord, man’s plans will not come to fruition unless You have ordained it in Your will. As China cracks down on the Church allow Your Glory and Power to prevail, and Faith in the Hearts of the believers to be strengthened as they face this persecution. Thy Will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven. Bear up Your children in China.
Holy Father, hold Your children in China close to Your heart. Strengthen them as they face opposition daily. Let them find encouragement from each other and knowing that they are prayed for, and loved, by others all over the world. Surround them with others who love, and serve, You so that they can share Your love with those who need You. Amen
Father use these churches in a mighty way. Fill them with the knowledge of your will in all spiritual wisdom and understanding, so they will walk in a manner worthy of you, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of you;strengthened with all power, for the attaining of all steadfastness and patience joyously giving thanks.
Heavenly Father I agree with prayers for believers in China. They are facing increased opposition and restrictions in expressing their faith. Cause believers to stay strong and remain courageous and express the truth of the gospel in a loving and non confrontational way. Please give them courage and wisodm. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen
Heavenly Father I pray for the believers in China. They are facing increased opposition and restrictions in expressing their faith. I pray that the believers will stay strong and remain courageous and express the truth of the gospel in a loving and non confrontational way. Please give them courage and wisodm. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
Dear Lord
Keep our brothers and sisters in China bold in You. Give them the strength and faith they need to brightly show Your light. May those arrested stay strong and surrounded by Your Spirit. Let Your Gospel once again be allowed freely. Change the hearts of those who persecute them.
In Jesus Christ's precious name I pray, Amen
Dear Lord, please help our Christian brothers and sisters in China. Give them the love, wisdom and strength to share Your love and message of salvation. Make the truth of these false arrests be exposed in the media there and abroad. Help the believers grow and worship You safely whether in public or in house churches. In Jesus’ Mighty name, Amen.
King YHWH Please change the hearts of the rulers of China! Let our brother's and sister's of China love you freely! Bring all China to repentence. May they all grow to love you! It's awful! Lead all souls to your truth, and understanding! May China one day come to know and love you! May your children remain faithful to you. In Yahushua's name I pray
Father Christians in China are under attack each and every day Lord, it is getting worse there Father, I pray you would work a miracle in this land Lord, I pray you would open the eyes of the nonbelievers and government officials in China to see your glory and to come to the saving grace of your Son Jesus Christ! Protect your people Lord I ask!
Father God, I Pray for the Christian churches and the Christians in China and ask that you would strengthen their faith, make them courageous and are determined to share the love and truth of Christ to people who do not know about you. Help them to show Christ-like attitudes to unbelievers and authorities who persecute them. Increase their love to you
Loving Lord, please be with all those who believe in you in China and bring righteousness to those who lead in China. Convict them of the freedoms of their people to choose how they worship and break down the controls that force so many into exclusion. Please shine a light on the arrests that are happening wrongly in so many place. In Jesus name. A