North Korean defectors pray together, read from the Bible, and attend discipleship groups to learn more about Jesus' ways..
North Korean defectors pray together, read from the Bible, and attend discipleship groups to learn more about Jesus' ways..
Aug. 21, 2015 | Korea, South

Pray for North Korean Defectors Who Are Learning Jesus' Ways

[498] prayers in [22] nations have been posted for North Korean Defectors.

North Korean citizens are required to attend weekly self-criticism meetings, in which they report on what their neighbors have been doing. “We see these tendencies spill over into the lives of [new believers],” said a VOM Korea worker who runs a discipleship program for North Korean defectors. Members of the discipleship program join in order to deepen their spiritual lives and unlearn ideas that have been programmed into them by the North Korean regime. At a recent retreat, the VOM Korea worker noticed that when students spent time in small groups praying for and confessing to each other, the gossip and criticism between them stopped. “They came together, and God used each one of them to minister to someone else,” the worker said. Pray that God’s love will conquer their tendencies toward gossip and criticism.

Write your own prayer for North Korean Defectors

  • I Pray that God's love will conquer their tendencies toward gossip and criticism.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Dear Heavenly Father I amen these previous prayers from 4 years ago. Demolish the strongholds in the minds of these North Koreans. Send upon them the Spirit of Peace and Love. Let them turn their eyes towards You and keep them upon You. Let them see Jesus, let them hear Jesus, and let them be Jesus. In Jesus' Mighty Name amen.
    Johnathan K - USA
  • In the name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, we bless You for the faithfulness of Korean believers. As Jehovah Jireh, we entreat You today to provide their spiritual needs. We ask for a hedge of protection on them along with angels from heaven to minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father thank You for what You are doing in North Korea. Please help the defectors. Have mercy on the nation of North Korea and have mercy on the US. In the Name of Yeshua Amen.
    Kia W - USA
  • Lord, take your words into the hearts of North Korean Defectors who are learning Jesus' way!
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, I pray for the person whose hands are pictured. And I pray for all persons sitting in discipleship groups with your word open. Inspire all to pray for each other, to confess to each other, to stop gossip, to interrupt criticism, and to let no unwholesome talk come out of their mouths--but only words that build each other up, that it may benefit.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, please cause all North Korean Defectors to set Christ apart as Lord without giving in to fear, always prepared to share Christ while living a holy life.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, we can study to show ourselves pleasing to you. We can be workmen who are unashamed. You inhabit your Word. Your Word can dwell richly in the soul and spirit of the North Korean who can read your Word in his own language. Thank you for people who devote themselves to reaching, teaching, loving, discipling North Koreans. Fill them with love, Lord
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, where there is prayer, there is love. Where your voice is invited, peace and comfort follow. Teach North Korean Defectors to see a marked difference between criticism and words of exhortation. Teach them to return good for evil, love for hate.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, please pour the words of your mouth and the meditations of your heart into the heart and mind of North Korean Defectors who are learning your way. And do the same for me, Lord!
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, I pray for North Koreans who are learning your way. May we be like them each time we open your word. Speak to us fresh each day, Lord.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, though we were not taught, like North Korean Defectors, to systematically mold every nuance of our hopes, dreams, temperaments, characters, visions, thoughts, and personalities to follow the Kim family, we do have problems in our flesh which only Jesus' blood can cleanse and the Holy Spirit can comfort. Make us like them--pray-ers & encourage-ers
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord of all, we offer you thanks and praise that the government of North Korea is under your control. Let your name be glorified across this nation! Bring North Korean Defectors to discipleship groups based upon your Word. Make them radiant with your love and your grace, Lord.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, I praise you for the VOM Korea worker who noticed that when students spent time in small groups praying for and confessing to each other, the gossip and criticism between them stopped. Please cause me to do the same.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, continue to teach North Korean emigrants to confess to each other with confidence. May they leave any tendency to talk about one another, amen. Let all men lift up holy hands to your name and yours alone.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, all men are equal. You desire that all me become saved and come to knowledge of the truth. You hear our prayers. You change us as we confess and encourage and minsiter to others. Make us like these North Korean Defectors who dismantled self-criticism and other-criticism when they heard the word. Build faith, Lord!
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, thank you for VOM workers who share the ten commandments and the love of Christ with North Koreans who learned the ten principles of Juche. Replace, redeem, rescue, Lord! Fill their hearts with prayer, encouragement, and love for fellow North Koreans.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, Psalm 139 tells us that you know all things. You know the hearts and minds of all North Korean Defectors. You know how each person is shaped by his lifetime inside Juche. You alone replace self-criticism with forgiveness, kindness, gentleness, and love. Thank you for the VOM workers who show your love by leading prayer, confession, forgiveness.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, I pray for North Korean Defectors who are learning Jesus' way. Only you can dismantle Juche beliefs in each dearly loved person's heart, psyche, mind, emotions, thoughts, intellect. You alone can do this and you can allow weak people to be part of your plan. Send your love into every retreat and discipleship program. Christ = head of the church!
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Show your love and faithfulness to the officials, the neighbours, the Juche teachers and followers who do not know you. Reveal yourself to them in all your glory. Lord of all, may your name be exalted across North Korea, China, all of Asia. Replace self criticism and mistrust with prayer, confession, forgiveness and ministry. Bless VOM workers.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, we thank you that you are rich in mercy and that you showed mercy to each one of us, when you gave your precious Son to die for us on the cross. Your love leads men to repentance. Pour your love into their hearts today, Lord, and let them choose prayer over gossip.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • El De'ot, God of Knowledge, 1 Sam 2:3 tells us that you have perfect knowledge of all things, from beginning to end. You know which North Korean Defectors will choose prayer and confession. And you know which North Korean defectors will be healed. You desire that all men be saved and come to knowledge of the truth. You are worthy!
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, I Pray for North Korean Defectors Who Are Learning Jesus' Ways. I Pray that Your love alone will conquer their tendencies toward gossip and criticism. Please open each heart to confess all sin and to enjoy victory.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord North Korean Defectors are learning your way. This happens because it is your good pleasure to fill minds bent by thought reform with powerful truth. You replace gossip and criticism with ministry and prayer.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, thank you for North Koreans who are learning Jesus' way.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Elohim, you made the hands pictured here. The simple process of reading the bible, pondering the bible, discussing the bible, taking notes on the bible, and taking action on the bible, all of these lead the beloved North Korean to know You. Strengthen the disciples today as they learn your word.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, Iray that your love will conquer tendencies toward gossip and criticism.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • El Shaddai, O Lord God Almighty, we are unable to comprehend the depths of True love. This is the love that you embody. You are the genesis of love. You came to destroy gossip, criticism, and psychological, sociological, and religious oppression of Juche. Simple gentle prayer conquers all of these sins. You do all things well, Lord! Come today!
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, your love will conquer gossip. Breathe your love through each bible study group member today.
    Linda D - Korea, South
  • Lord, thank you for the North Korean Full Study Bible ì¡°ì„ ì–´ 스터ë"" 성경 which enables North Korean Defectors to learn in their heart language. Thank you for teachers willing to lead by example in praying, serving, teaching fellow North Koreans who learn to pray and minister instead of criticizing fellow Defectors.
    Linda D - Korea, South
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