A pastor in Tanzania shows some of the rubble after his church was destroyed.
A pastor in Tanzania shows some of the rubble after his church was destroyed.
Jul. 03, 2014 | Tanzania

Pray for Pastors Charged with Blasphemy

[229] prayers in [17] nations have been posted for Tanzanian pastors.

A group of 43 Tanzanian pastors, most former Muslims, have been accused with blasphemy for teaching biblical foundations to their church members. In addition, they have been fined the equivalent of nearly $3,000, which they are paying in order to continue their ministry work and to avoid multiple court hearings. If convicted of breaching the peace by "shaking the faith of Muslims," they could face up to 14 years in prison. Many of the pastors have been persecuted by their families and continue to face pressure in the largely Muslim areas where they work.

Write your own prayer for Tanzanian pastors

  • Dear Heavenly Father I amen these previous prayers from 11 years ago. I thank You that there is Christian freedom to worship in Tanzania. But I pray against the Muslims who come against Your people. Meet them on their road to Damascus; remove the veil from their blinded eyes to see the Truth. Man in White, show Yourself to them. In Jesus' Gracious NA
    Johnathan K - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father I amen these previous prayers from 11 years ago. I thank You that there is Christian freedom to worship in Tanzania. But I pray against the Muslims who come against Your people. Meet them on their road to Damascus; remove the veil from their blinded eyes to see the Truth. Man in White, show Yourself to them. In Jesus' Gracious NA
    Johnathan K - USA
  • In the name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Haggoel, our Redeemer, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we ask for redemption, release, hedge of protection on these Tanzanian pastors. We entreat You for angels directly from heaven to minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Praying
    Carla M - USA
  • Thank you Jesus for these men of courage. Give them wisdom and discernment that they may use their time and talent to win the most souls to know You whom to know is life eternal. Provide for them. Protect them and their families. Heal them. Give them your Holy Spirit.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Thank You Father for Your mercy. Please continue to bless all Tanzanian pastors. Thank You for theaching them. Thank You for Your guidence. Meet their needs and let them feel Your love. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen. Ps I love You.
    Maria D - Finland
  • I pray for these pastors that you will sustain them in every way. In Jesus' name. Amen.
    Reatha G - USA
  • Please give these dear saints, pastors of you Church, strength to endure, grace toward their enemies, and fire to steal as many souls from hell as possible. Be with their wives and children. Help them to look to you and to each other for strength. Let them know your love.
    mark m - USA
  • Please give these dear saints, pastors of you Church, strength to endure, grace toward their enemies, and fire to steal as many souls from hell as possible. Be with their wives and children. Help them to look to you and to each other for strength. Let them know your love.
    mark m - USA
  • The LORD is for you! who can be against you?? The LORD will continue to fight your battles in Jesus name! Amen!!
    Cherechi E - Nigeria
  • We are praying for you here in Dallas, Texas. Remember the Lord your God is with you no matter where you go. (Joshua 1:9) We love you
    Charles O - USA
  • Our Father who art in heaven hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil. Amen
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • Father, in the Name of Jesus, I pray for strategy, wisdom, the working of miracles and especially discernment to work in these pastors' lives. Let the Fruits and Gifts of the Spirit manifest on a daily basis. Let them be one as You are One. Send Your angels for protection, provision & comfort & save those persecuting them, cover them with Your Blood
    Brenda T - USA
  • Lord, I pray for these pastors to continue to be bold for You. I pray for the community and fammy members who disagree. Amen
    Thomas B - USA
  • Father, please be with Your children in Tanzania. Please strengthen and encourage them during these difficult times. Protect them from harm and keep them safe in Your hands. May Your light shine through them so that others will come to know Jesus and be saved.
    Roma K - USA
  • Lord and Savior, may the witness of these pastors who boldly share the gospel bring forth fruit. Open up the hearts of the persecutors to You. May mAny come to ask questions or accept Christ as their Savior.
    Thomas B - USA
  • May each pastor stand strong and be found faithful to the Lord. I pray for them in Jesus Name. Protection for them and their families. God bless these dear ones! may they win even MORE muslims to the Lord in Jesus Name. Amen
    Jennifer E - USA
  • Bless these brave pastors and provide for them Lord. Protect them and their families. Let your name be praised and work in the hearts of those opposed to your word to doubt, to have dreams, to not sleep well, to come or begin to come to know you.
    Keith H - USA
  • EL SHEDDAI EL ELYON ADONI You alone deserve the glory honor and praise forever. The lives and suffering pastors, Christians is a worship unto you. These stories overwhelm us but teach us to be ready for tribulation. Be with them Lord. The churches are destroyed but You look to our hearts for Spirit of worship in us, to unit with others and rejoice.
  • Lord Jesus the Christ, thank you for the example of love, courage, and the faithful witness of the Tanzanian Pastors. May you make their faith and love of your enemies stronger as a result of their trials and persecutions. May you provide for all their physical and spiritual needs as they carry out your mission in the future, your will be done.

    John R - USA
  • Father may we all be as brave and courageous not being concerned about earthly consequences but eternal glory for JESUS when we are witnesses for you. May those especially in the USA and others around the world have the eyes or our hearts enlightened and our spiritual ears be unplugged to be bold witnesses for JESUS CHRIST in us the hope of Glory.
    Mark M - USA
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for these Pastors: Give them peace & hope. bring those in their families to repentance & faith. Provide the material needs of the Pastors. Let them find favor with the authorities they deal with. Bring many Muslims to repentance & faith. Bring an end to these blasphemy laws. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
    Lisa D - USA
  • God, I pray that You would reach the hearts of the family members of these pastors. Please break the chains of Islam that have enslaved them, and show them the truth of Your glory, and the glory of Your truth! Bless these pastors with undying love for You, so that they will NEVER let go of You, but that they will be strong in Your power!
    Abigail M - USA
  • I pray for strength, courage, and Your song in the hearts of these Tanzanian pastors. I pray for favor to be shown towards them. I pray for Your miracles to be wrought. Shine, Messiah, and fill Tanzania with Your glory. Blaze, Spirit, set hearts on fire. Flow, river. Flood Tanzania with grace and mercy. Send forth Your Word & let their be light.
    Rivqah C - USA
  • Thank you so much for bringing so many former Muslims into your Kingdom! These men knew they were risking much when they gave their lives to you, yet it probably feels different as the persecution actually happens. Please strengthen them and give them great joy, as well as financial provision and a favorable outcome in court.
    Brenda M - USA
  • Father God, we thank you for pouring out Your Spirit in Tanzania, this people who were once in darkness are now starting to see Your light, strengthen pastors and church members during these sufferings, pain and accusations from their own family members. Lord bless them to grow in You, provide them needed money. Let none in Tanzania perish, for Jesus.
    Paul B - USA
  • Lord I am amazed at the courage of your servants. Thank you for empowering them to do your will in such dire circumstances. Praise you for your Word, the truth that sets captives free. Thank you for providing the resources to cover their fines so they can continue their service. Protect them as your soldiers marching in tune with Jesus. Amen
    Rose Marie P - USA
  • Precious Lord Jesus, we thank You that all things have been placed under Your feet and the last enemy that shall be defeated is death itself. Thank You that Your children have overcome the accuser of the brethren by the Blood of the Lamb, the Word of their testimony and that they love not our lives unto the death. Thank You the enemy is defeated. Amen
    Sarah A - USA
  • Dear Lord, Strengthen them in the face of persecution. Strengthen their faith; give them the words that they need. Set a hedge of protection around them of Your Precious Blood. Let their word reach many hearts and set them afire. Let the pastors blaze with Your love, grace and forgiveness. Teach them and heal them so that they may continue. Amen
    Kathryn G - USA
  • Praise YOU Most High GOD for the faithfulness of those in Christ who continually inspire and light up the name of Jesus Christ. Grant them longsuffering and faithfulness in all things.
    Robert B - USA
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