Ms. An learned how to pray from a propaganda film in North Korea.
Ms. An learned how to pray from a propaganda film in North Korea.
Jul. 02, 2020 | Korea, North

Propaganda Film Helps Lead Defector to Christ

[248] prayers in [15] nations have been posted for Mrs. An.

Mrs. An wasn’t yet a Christian when she was arrested in China as a North Korean defector, but she did know how to pray. She had learned about prayer from an anti-Christian propaganda film she had seen while still in North Korea. She remembered seeing Christians praying in the film, and now, in her Chinese jail cell, she noticed that someone had scratched the name Jesus on the wall. Desperate for help, Mrs. An decided to ask the Christians’ God to help her get to South Korea. Later, after successfully reaching South Korea, she sought out Christians who could teach her to grow in faith. Mrs. An is now learning how to witness to her family, coworkers and others around her. Pray for her continued growth and perseverance in faith.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in North Korea and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Mrs. An

  • OLord, you use all things to glorify Jesus. Now, please bless Ms. An & grow her faith & boldness for you. May the joy of your salvation well up & flow to everyone around her. Lift her up to share your love & forgiveness to all. I pray for others who see the name of Jesus on that prison wall. May your power flow to them & understanding from your Spirit!
    SM D - USA
  • Our Father, please strengthen Mrs. An in faith and let her be blessing for others. Please meet her needs. In the name of Jeesus Christ. Amen
    Maria D - Finland
  • Lord I praise You for Mrs. An and her willingness to seek You and learn about You. I pray Lord that her hunger grows for You and that her heart becomes like that of someone who cannot contain their joy for You. I pray for her family to see Your glory through her.
    Joy H - USA
  • Thank you Almighty for redeeming Thy dear child in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! You've broken the chains and shackles off her and she truly witnesses Thee to the world. Thank you for going before her Lord.(Deuteronomy 31:8). Father depart not from her Thy Holy Spirit as she ministers and may conviction lead to salvation in Thy Son's name. Amen!
    Jack D - United Kingdom
  • For all those persecuted for the lords work and to all our brothers and sisters in the lord i pray when you all pass away you may R I P this to me dose not only mean rest in peace but intended to mean by prayer risen in peace at the time of the resurrection of the dead to live forever this time this is my prayer for all those in JESUS love your all
    Themis K - Australia
  • Lord, God, thank you so much that Mrs. An was able to make it to South Korea. Give her boldness and wisdom as she shares her faith with those around her. Bless her and guide her. And I pray that You would continue to use the efforts of the enemy against Christianity to actually advance Your Kingdom just as You did with the propaganda film & Mrs. An.
    Beatrice W - USA
  • Give our sister bravery and endurance.
    Debbie V - USA
  • Almighty God we marvel at Your creative means for reaching Your lost sheep. Thank You for the way You pursued Ms. An and have made a way for her to know You and to grow in her faith. Bless her as she matures in her faith and witnesses to her family, coworkers and others You bring into her sphere of influence. Use her to build Your kingdom in power.
    Toni D - USA
  • Father, I pray for my sister. I thank you for watching over her. I pray you continue to make a way for her to grow spiritually and use wisdom as she shares her faith with those around her. Speak to her heart.
    Polly C - USA
  • God, thank you that you can use any means to bring people to a saving faith in Christ. Thank you for our sister Mrs. An! Please help her to learn and grow in her knowledge of you. Make her strong in her faith so that she can share with others the transforming truth of your grace. Please help many other North Koreans come to know you as their Savior.
    Jackie V - USA
  • God, we praise and bless You for Mrs. An's faith!!! We thank You for bringing her to South Korea and ask that she would be raised up as a bold spokesman for the gospel among North Korean refugees. Bring her into contact with mature believers who can help her grow in grace and faith and train her for the advancement of the Kingdom in South Korea, amen
    Forrest B - USA
  • Lord I lift up to You this prayer for Mrs. An,
    I thank You and I pray that You would continue to bring her to Yourself for Your Name's Sake.
    Hosaena C - USA
  • Dear Lord,
    We praise You for the ways You work to bring Your Light into darkness! We thank You for our new sister, Mrs. An. We marvel at how You have brought her to You and safety. Help her as she boldly witnesses for You. Guide and direct her always. May Your peace and joy always fill her. Give her courage and rest as she follows You. In Jesus, Amen
    Madison F - USA
  • Father, thank you for drawing Mrs. An to Jesus in surprising ways. You are an amazing and great God and do things that we could never imagine. Continue to grow Mrs. An's faith and live through her to draw many more to Jesus to be saved. Thank you for the good plan you have for her. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Holy Father, bless Your daughter as she continues to grow in faith and love for You and Your son. I pray that Your Spirit, living in her, will strengthen her daily, and give her boldness to teach others about You. In Jesus' name, Amen
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on your faithful.
    Peter K - USA
  • Dear God,May Your Spirit intercede.Thank You for Mrs. An,and thank You that she was able to make it to South Korea.Please help others like her.May she grow and become joyfully mature in the faith.Thank You.In Jesus'name,Amen
    Rae M - USA
  • Dear Lord, Thank you for Mrs An's conversion to the Christian Church. Provide her with guidance and strength as she shares your work with others including her family. May she have everything she needs to share the message of salvation with others as it was given to her. Place receptive ears in her path. Please bless her abundantly.
    Joyce A - USA
  • Thank You for using even an anti-Christian video to draw Mrs. An to Yourself. Thank You for bringing her to a place where she can learn of You and grow. May her faith continue to grow with all wisdom and understanding, knowing the fullness of Your love, and rejoicing in the surety of Your promises. May she be a strong witness to those who know her.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father!
    Thank you so much for saving Mrs An!
    Thank you that You bring us in even with very little witness or even through the enemies tactics used against him! You are truly great and marvelous! May Your name be praised all throughout North Korea and around the globe. Save many in miraculous ways! To you be all glory honor & praise! Amen!
    Caroline O - USA
  • Lord thank you for your love in helping Mrs. An to find you in the midst of her struggles. Send your Holy Spirit to her to help her grow in her faith, give her courage and strength to bring others to salvation. We praise you for this wonderful testimony she has to share with others. Continue to open doors for the films to be used to reach others
    Angie E - USA
  • I thank you, Almighty God, that Mrs. An was able to escape North Korea and reach South Korea. Thank you that she saw the name Jesus and prayed to you. Thank you that she found Christians to help her. May her story of salvation go powerfully out to many others and be used for your kingdom. I pray for her family, that they will hear the gospel and believ
    Julia F - USA
  • Thank You, Father, for the depth of Your love & the lengths You will go to reach each one for Christ. Using propaganda films to teach someone to pray - amazing. Thank You for Mrs. An & her reaching out to You. Thank You for getting her to N. Korea & some believers. Bless her life with growth & perseverance. All for Jesus' glory. Amen.
    Marlyne P - USA
  • Father, I praise You for Your power to use anything, even those meant for evil to bring light to a heart seeking TRUTH. Please bless Ms. An in her new life in JESUS. I thank you and Your people who helped her get to S. Korea. Build her and the other believers up in the strength of the Holy Spirit and as she grows in Your word in JESUS' name.
    Kathy G - USA
  • Holy Father of the Universe. Thank you for your great Love and faithfulness to save the lost. How amazing are your ways to use the evil of this world to advance the Gospel. Bless Mrs. An with growth in her faith and surround her with other believers. Use her Lord for your Glory, to advance the Gospel. In The Precious Name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
    Alvin A - USA
  • Father I thank you for how you have led Miss An to Christ. And thank you for helping her to get to South Korea maybe she find many brothers and sisters there who will help her to grow in Grace and in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Please use her to help others come to you in Jesus name I pray amen
    William S - USA
  • Father God i pray for our sister in Christ Jesus. Thank you for all you are doing in her life. May continue the work in her and give her strength to keep going forward in Jesus mighty name Amen.
    Yvonne T - USA
  • Praise You Holy Father for delivering Ms An from the power of darkness and providing her with redemption and forgiveness of sins. continue to strengthen her with all my might and fill her with the knowledge of your will. May her love abound still more in all knowledge and discernment. May she be a witness to her family to the glory and praise of God
    Julie C - USA
  • Father I am grateful for Mrs An and her journey with you in her spiritual walk. Empower her to prosper in all areas of her life. I pray for her spiritual growth so that she can spread the good news in her community. I ask all that in the name of Jesus Christ.
    Dumezweni M - South Africa
  • Father God, I'm very encouraged by how you miraculously initiated your relationship with Mrs. An. God, I ask that you'd continue to meet her needs and to firmly secure her identity and comfort in You. Lord, use her as your servant to shine your light on those around her and to ceaselessly pray for North Korea. May she continue rejoicing in You.
    Alyssa J - USA
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