Beatrice was known for distributing tracts like this one, called "Have you read the Bible?"
Beatrice was known for distributing tracts like this one, called "Have you read the Bible?"
Nov. 19, 2020 | Mali

Kidnapped Swiss Missionary Dead

[205] prayers in [15] nations have been posted for Beatrice's Family.

Swiss missionary Beatrice Stockli arrived in Mali in 1998 as part of a missions team. Beatrice grew close to a local pastor’s family, staying in Timbuktu for several years and becoming known for distributing tracts. She was kidnapped in April 2012 during an Islamist insurgency in the country and held for 10 days before being released. She briefly returned to Switzerland but returned to Mali in 2013 against her family’s wishes and the advice of her government. She cited Galatians 2:20 to local Christian leaders as her reason for returning: “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live…” She stayed until June 8, 2016, when she was taken from her home by armed men in pickup trucks. Along with other foreign hostages, Beatrice was held by fighters of the Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. In early October, a hostage who had been released reported that Beatrice had been executed just weeks before by members of the Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslim group. “Her death, in our opinion, is that of a martyr who resisted in her Christian faith and surely refused to reject faith in Jesus,” wrote a VOM contact. Pray that her witness for Christ might lead her executors to salvation, and pray that those she led to Christ in Mali will remain bold in their faith.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Mali and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Beatrice's Family

  • Dear Jesus, I pray that Beatrice's brave Christian witness will lead many to know you even now. I pray that those who executed her will repent and seek forgiveness in You. I pray that Your Holy Spirit will comfort her family and Christians in Mail.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Blessed Lord, thank You for the witness to Your greatness, love, and mercy of Beatrice Stockli. Please continue to comfort and encourage her family. May her witness for Christ lead her executors to salvation, and may those she led to Christ in Mali remain bold in their faith. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
    Christienne D - USA
  • OLord, I lift Beatrice's family and friends to you for comfort and assurance of your love. Give them visions of your beauty that Beatrice is now experiencing. May they find peace and acceptance of the life you wrote for her. May they know the wonderful things she did in your name. Multiply the fruitfulness of her time in Mali. May her love be seen.
    SM D - USA
  • Lord my Beatrice's commitment to you and her physical death move her family to walk closely with you. Help them as the grieve. Let them see the compassion about which she was passionate. Upon those that held her and hastened her death, May their hearts be restless until they acknowledge her witness and come to serve you, to commit their lives to you.
    John H - USA
  • Thank you God for such brave missionary who did not count her life so dear, but was determine to help to lead others to God at any cost, I trust that today she is resting in the presence of the Lord, Do God in your mercy remember her enemy who roared her of her life, and strengthened her relatives and heal their their pain as they come to term with
    Joyce D - United Kingdom
  • Help Beatrice's family get justice for loved one lost.
    Debbie V - USA
  • Oh Father I pray for my sister Beatrice's family.I ask you to bring peace to their hearts and may they feel your loving embrace. Lord remind them she is with you now, and they will see her again. All is not lost, moreover your will is at play. You have not forsaken anyone, you are the King of all Kings. Thank you Father.
    Chanelle C - USA
  • I pray you find comfort in knowing Beatrice gave her life to save others. She knew Christ not just in His resurrection power but in His suffering as well. Her commitment to spread the Good News, challenges us all. She will not be forgotten.
    Jonty D - USA
  • Father God let Beatrice's family be comforted by the Holy Spirit in the knowledge that she is in a better place with you. Let there be peace in their hearts as they face a future without her but let this also be a lesson to look up to you as the only source of hope for tomorrow.
    Dumezweni M - South Africa
  • Lord, we pray first and foremost for the family who is grieving her lost, but also give the joy of knowing her death will be rewarded in heaven. We also pray for her captors and executioners that they may find salvation of their souls, along with all those she came in contact with who have not yet made the decision to come to you. In Jesus name we pray
    Michelle M - USA
  • Jesus, comfort Beatrice's family and friends. Let her witness haunt those who murdered her and lead to saving faith.
    michele r - USA
  • Father, I pray for those that Beatrice's life touched. I pray you strengthen those who accepted Christ and those she ministered to. Strengthen those who are serving you. I pray for those she shared the gospel with, deal with their hearts. Those who killed her, deal with their hearts. Bring back to remembrance the love she shared. I pray for her family.
    Polly C - USA
  • Lord God, I thank you for Beatrice's life and faith. Thank you that her witness went deep into enemy territory. I pray that you would honor that and help the gospel to continue to work and move through those people that she touched. Draw many into your kingdom, Lord God. Bless her life and her work given for the sake of Jesus. Please comfort her family
    Julia F - USA
  • Yes Lord we pray that all those she led to YOU would stand firm in their faith & by your grace never look back. Grow their boldness each day! We pray for others like her who may still be held that they would be enveloped with your peace & stay true to use IJN. We lift up the executors that they would hear your whisper on their hearts ALWAYS IJN.
    Lisa T - USA
  • Dear Lord
    I pray for Beatrice's family as they endure this loss; comfort them and all those she has led to You. Don't let it bring fear, but a stronger faith. May they all find peace in knowing she's with You, Whom she loved more than life! May the believers in Mali be strengthened and empowered! Let Your Grace and power be known
    In Jesus we pray, Amen
    Madison F - USA
  • Father God, we know Beatrice is in Perfect love in Your perfect Kingdom. We praise you and thank you. She knows Your kind words over her for her great and steadfast faith as she looks into the face of her Savior JESUS. All the harassments and persecution she endured for so long cannot compare to her new life which has no end.
    Kathy G - USA
  • Amen and Amen, Jesus -- use the death of Your beloved Beatrice to draw her murderers to You, and encourage other believers in Mali to see the true framework of their lives: eternity with You.
    Elizabeth M - USA
  • Father God, I pray for Beatrices family to continue their strength and love for you as they go through this painful lost. Father please let them hear your voice, allowing them to continue searching and praying living for you in safety in Jesus name I pray amen
    sandra n - USA
  • Lord Jesus, I do pray that You would comfort and strengthen Beatrice's family as they grieve. May her death be used to produce great gospel fruit, both in Mali and in Switzerland. May those who knew her be drawn to the God she loved and may the Christians remaining in Mali be steadfast and abounding in Your work.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father,
    Thank you for Beatrice's strong faith. I pray that you would bring comfort to her family and allow her death to be a witness for Christ that might lead her executors to salvation. It is in Jesus' name I pray,
    Marisa M - USA
  • Father God I pray Lord that the death of our dear sister will sit as weights of conviction on the hearts of those responsible for killing her I pray Lord for their deliverance and eyes opened to shock and awe of the Lord Jesus Christ resulting I salvation and restoration of those lost in this region I also pray for peace once and for all here In Christ
    Pat D - Canada
  • Dear LORD, what a precious servant Beatrice is. We know her spirit lives forever with You! We thank You for everlasting life. Let the light of Christ in her testimony inspire those in Mali to continue and be bold. Let her faithfulness draw her captors to repentance, bearing fruit. Let the love she exuded for You encourage her family, bringing peace.
    Peg B - USA
  • Father, it's with sadness that we hear of the martyrdom of our sister in-Christ, Beatrice. We rejoice, however, that Beatrice may rest from her labor's, is no longer bound to the pain and suffering of this world, and resides in Your presence forevermore. May Your Holy Spirit bring comfort and consolation to Beatrice's family during this season of loss.
    Patrick V - USA
  • Father, even though Beatrice is gone, continue to use her influence for Your glory. Comfort her family at this time. Bring more terrorists and unbelievers into a saving relationship with Jesus. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Father God, I thank you for the steadfast faith and witness of Beatrice Stockli who gave her life in service to You. I pray that her witness for Christ might lead her executors to salvation, and pray that those she led to Christ in Mali will remain bold in their faith. May she be remembered as a woman of faith who gave her life to share the gospel.
    Helen W - USA
  • Holy Father, we mourn for the death of our sister Beatrice. Comfort her family as only You can. May the seeds of Your word and love, that were planted in Beatrice's life, bring a harvest of souls for Your kingdom. May her faithfulness to You be a witness to those who need Your salvation that is found in Jesus. In Jesus' name, Amen
    Eli S - USA
  • Sending prayers of comfort and strength to our Sisters family and may she rest in peace. Father God may her death lead others to our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. May you protect and provide for her family in Jesus mighty name I pray Amen.
    Yvonne T - USA
  • Father, though we mourn for those who have been taken, we thank you that Beatrice is with you now and will never again experience pain and death. I thank you for her faithfulness and pray that her life will be a great encouragement and testimony to others to stand strong even when so much is against us. Please work in the hearts of those who killed her
    Vicki W - USA
  • Almighty God, thank you for the life and witness of Beatrice Stockli. May her blood spilt for Christ's name be the seed of the church in Mali. Comfort her family. In Christ's name, Amen.
    Chris B - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father, thank you for Beatrice's faithfulness and courage. Please open the eyes and ears of those who persecuted her to recognize the truth, and to surrender their lives to Jesus. Thank you for your love and mercy.
    Renee T - USA
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