Monthida is now living with a pastor's family.
Monthida is now living with a pastor's family.
Nov. 26, 2020 | Laos

Laotian Teenager Kicked Out

[228] prayers in [14] nations have been posted for Monthida.

A Laotian teenager was kicked out after her mother and stepfather realized she had become a Christian. Monthida, 16, accepted Christ after a friend brought her to church. Whenever Monthida would come home late from school, her mother would quiz her on where she had been and why she was late. When her mother found out Monthida had become a Christian, her stepfather worried he would lose his job if others discovered that someone in his family was a Christian. He and her mother tried many times to get Monthida to give up her faith, but she would not. Finally, her stepfather told Monthida not to come back home unless she was ready to renounce Christ. Monthida is now living with a pastor and his family. “Pray that Monthida will not be discouraged,” a VOM contact in Laos wrote.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Laos and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Monthida

  • "...after... illuminated, you endured a great struggle with joyfully accepted the plundering of your goods, have a better and an enduring possession for yourselves in heaven. Therefore do not cast away your confidence, which has great reward" (Heb. 10:32, 34, 35).

    "The LORD is my light and my salvation" (Ps. 27:1).
    Vance B - USA
  • Dear Jesus, thank You for Monthida. Provide for her. Encourage the family that is helping her. Give her wisdom and protection. Help her not to be discouraged. May her family repent of throwing her out and come to know Jesus themselves.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • OLORD, thank you that Monthida acknowledges and follows you. Bring encouragement to her thru other believers and a church family. Send your Spirit to open her heart and soul to your goodness and mercy. May her life be a witness to those around her. Guide and protect her life. May she become the mighty woman you need in this place. In Jesus, Amen.
    SM D - USA
  • Lord thank You for Monthida's courage and faith in the face of her family's fear. Thank You for the pastor and family with whom she is living. Please continue to bless her, and please open her family's heart to salvation, in Jesus' name, amen.
    Edith K - USA
  • Thank you for this young person and new Christian, Jesus. Thank you for the example of her faith and dedication to you. Now, Father, bestow upon her the many blessing available to your flock. Give her a place to live, food to eat, water to drink and wash, keep her clothed. Thank you for the pastor that provides a home. Let their testimony be strong.
    John H - USA
  • Help Monthida start her new family with a man she loves.
    Debbie V - USA
  • Lord bless Monthida as well as the pastor and his family who took her into their home.
    Lord strengthen her in Your Love and mercy, Holy Spirit guide her on the path of righteousness.
    God be with you dear child. Stand strong in your belief and the Holy Trinity will stand strong with you.
    Lord, be with, guide & protect this special child.
    Gary G - USA
  • Fathe God we come lifting up Monthida to you in prayer asking that your Spirit comfort and strengthen her, lift her up. Father we pray for all who afraid of the unknown they do not understand who you are open up to them so they can see. All in the Mighty name of JESUS the Christ we pray AMEN AMEN
    Mark S - USA
  • Thank you Gracious God for providing refuge for Monthida, when Father and mother forsake the Lord will take me up, psalm27, Do Father God guide this youngster in the path of righteousness, and provide mentor that will help her to grow in her faith, provide for the youngster and make ways where there seem to be no way teach her the way to go, b with he
    Joyce D - United Kingdom
  • Lord send your Holy Spirit to encourage Monthida, give her strength, courage, hope, faith, wisdom, peace and healing as she continues her walk with God. Use her and her witness to bring others to salvation. Send people and resources to help her grow in their faith. Provide for her needs for houseing, jobs & medical care. Bring her family to you
    Angie E - USA
  • Dear Lord,
    I pray for our sister, Monthida. Keep her strong and courageous as she stands for You. She has given up so much to follow You - her family, her home. Bless her for it. Work mightily through her. May she feel Your Peace, Grace and Joy as she lives in Your Love. May her parents, and many she knows, come to You because of her Faith. Amen
    Madison F - USA
  • Father, comfort Monthida as she remains faithful to you. I pray you wrap your arms around her. Help her to grow in knowledge of your Word. Speak to her mother and stepfather's hearts. Open their eyes to the truth. Deal with their hearts. Move on the behalf of Monthida. Bless her and the family who is caring for her. Watch over and protect her.
    Polly C - USA
  • Thank You, Jesus, for our young sister's steadfast faith, and for her willingness to stand strong in the face of family opposition. I'm trusting You to provide for her and for this pastoral family as they stand with her. Grant her the desire of her heart, the salvation of her family. You have promised to grant what we ask when it aligns with Your will!
    Gina A - USA
  • Father, thank you for Monthida's faith in you. May she not become discouraged, but grow in her faith. Bless the pastor's family as she lives with them. May her family come to know you so they can be reunited.
    Darlene E - USA
  • Father God, I thank you that Monthida was strong in her faith and stayed loyal to Jesus. I pray that you would now guide her and provide for her needs. Help her to continue to grow and serve other believers. I pray that she would see your work in her life and praise you. Thank you, Lord. In Jesus's name, Amen.
    Julia F - USA
  • Please Father, help Monthida to continue to grow in her faith in Christ. Encourage her as she is away from her family. Please help her family see that you are the Way, the Truth, and the Life, and may this family be reunited soon. Bless Monthida with peace and safety. Please bring a great Revival and Awakening to Laos.
    Tricia G - USA
  • Lord speak courage & hope to my dear sister. May she be surrounded by your family. We are believing for her family, that You are drawing them even now. May she never look back & grow solid in Your Word. May her family see the beautiful things You are doing in her life. Blessings on the pastor and family for offering her a home in Jesus' Name..
    Lisa T - USA
  • Lord, I pray Monthida would not be encouraged rather that You would encourage her through Your believers. I pray her mother and father's hearts would be made tender and they would come to faith in Christ despite the cost. I pray that these gov't's that oppress and terrorize people into fear of converting would be brought down.
    scott L - USA
  • Lord, I pray for Monthida and her family. I pray you give her courage and strength and that her family would turn to you. Use her to further Your kingdom.
    Heather O - USA
  • Gracious God and Father of Heaven and Earth. Thank you for the faith of Monthida. Thank you for giving her an unwavering faith and for being founded in the truth of the scriptures. Use her Lord Jesus to proclaim your Gospel and we pray that many will come to Christ's saving grace. In Jesus Precious Name Amen.
    Alvin A - USA
  • Father, we know Satan is out in full-force. Families fear their "standing" in ungodly regions. I praise you for Leah and all believers who KNOW Jesus is Savior and Lord! Please BLESS Monthida greatly and may her parents see their error: that those who hate Jesus are not friends. Thank you for providing for Monthida and bless her caregivers in Christ.
    Kathy G - USA
  • Lord, thank you for our sister Monthida! Please bless her and encourage her, remind her she is loved, and please bring the rest of her family to a saving faith in Jesus. Help her grow strong in her faith even as she experiences heartache. Thank you for the provision of her pastor's family. May she be used in a mighty way to be a light in her community.
    Jackie V - USA
  • Father god, please provide for monthida! Lord give her a place to live, to have nourishment, medical needs and find love in others who are living and worship you! May your chin love her , lift her up! May she grow strong, have wisdom, education and strength to push on living for you, in Jesus name I pray amen
    sandra n - USA
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for Monthida & other children & teens in the persecuted Church: Protect, provide, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. Provide each of them with adults to nurture them to grow & stay strong in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. In particular, encourage Monthida & bring her family to repentance. Amen.
    Lisa D - USA
  • Thank You for Monthida and her faith and confidence in You. May she grow and mature in her faith as she lives with this pastor and his family, and may she find great joy in believing Your promises to never leave or forsake her. May her heart be built up through Your word and her family be softened and come to You through her example.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Father I lift up Monthida to You asking that You continue to provide for her spiritual and physical health and protection as she continue to obey Your call on her life. Thank you for her Pastor's care for his little lamb. May she grow under hours teaching of the Word, and be encouraged that God is FOR her, not against her. Save her parents Lord!
    Christine L - USA
  • Monthida, be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. God is with always do not be dismayed.
    Dumezweni M - South Africa
  • Dear Lord, we ask you to touch and encourage Monthida as she continues to walk in the Christian faith. In her young life and as is the culture in Laos, family is very important.Please help her to see that although she may have lost her worldly family, her Heavenly Father and church family are still with her. We pray for her family to come to know You
    Donna H - USA
  • Father, our hearts break for Monthida and we praise You for her strong faith in the face of losing her family for not giving up Christ. Thank You that the pastor's family has provided her a home at this time and will be able to help her grown ever stronger in the faith. We ask Your Holy Spirit to move in her parents hearts to consider Jesus as Savior
    Gail M - USA
  • Father, our hearts break for Monthida and we praise You for her strong faith in the face of losing her family for not giving up Christ. Thank You that the pastor's family has provided her a home at this time and will be able to help her grown ever stronger in the faith. We ask Your Holy Spirit to move in her parents hearts to consider Jesus as Savior
    Gail M - USA
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