Hindu radicals held a rally against church activity.
Hindu radicals held a rally against church activity.
Sep. 16, 2021 | India

Radicals Warn of Attacks Against Churches

[182] prayers in [15] nations have been posted for Christians in Gujarat state.

After holding a rally, radicals in Gujarat state issued a statement to district authorities telling them that if they did not stop church activities in the region, the radicals would take matters into their own hands. The document issued by the radicals listed the names of 56 churches and pastors and gave district authorities three days to act. In response, the police told pastors not to conduct church services or they would risk attack by the radicals — and the police would not protect the Christians. Instead, they said they would arrest the pastors. Several pastors have already been arrested, many of the churches have stopped meeting, and pastors are unable to visit people. “The churches are all in fear and seek prayer for this matter,” a VOM contact wrote. Pray that these Christians will be able to worship and work freely, and pray for the hearts of the radicals and the police to be changed.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in India and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Christians in Gujarat state

  • Dear Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ I come to You on behalf of Your people who are being persecuted and abused and traumatized, please give them comfort!
    christine s - USA
  • Dear Jesus, send Your Holy Spirit to give wisdom and encouragement to the pastors. Help them to know how they should respond to these threats. Soften the hearts of the police and radicals to see the goodness of the Christians.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father,
    You know and see what is happening to the Christians in Gujarat state. Somehow, Lord, bring good from it! You are all powerful and we place our trust in You and not in men! May the believers be able to worship freely - convict the heart of those opposing them, radicals or police. Let Your name be known!
    In the name of Jesus, Am
    Madison F - USA
  • Lord Jesus, embolden believers in Gujarat state to stand firm in their commitment to gather for worship and openly declare their faith in Jesus. Grant them grace and peace in the midst of suffering and allow them to see that their battle is not against flesh and blood but against darkness and protect the lives and families of pastors on the front line
    Forrest B - USA
  • Father may your love overcome the fear of these believers. Please make a way forward for them to be able to meet and worship in peace. Help them to be able to rejoice in their persecution for Jesus.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Father, how difficult this is for the churches in this district. Please give the members peace and trust to know that you are there and that you will work on their behalf. Please give the church leadership wisdom in meeting and help them to find ways to meet. I pray that you will also work in the hearts of those who are persecuting them.
    Vicki W - USA
  • Father please arise to the aid of Christians inGujarat state, and help them to be bold, and stand on the promises of God Isiah 4110ðŸš
    Joyce D - United Kingdom
  • Dear Lord, may the police who are supposed to protect religious freedom be called to so so by the witness of those whom they are supposed to protect. Amen.
    Tom H - USA
  • Father in Heaven, we ask for your Holy Spirit to protect these Christians in India specifically in Gujarat
    state. Provide for their needs as they stand against the forces of evil that wants to discourage and take lives, Strengthen them in their spirits to know that you are with them in these trails and will never forsake them. In Jesus name amen
    Denise B - USA
  • Father, I know we are not to fear but trust you. We need your help in this. I pray for the pastors and the believers here that they would remain faithful. I pray you give them a spirit of boldness, bless them with wisdom in knowing how to handle this. I pray for those who persecute, open their eyes, move according to your will. Move upon the police.
    Polly C - USA
  • I do ask that You would give these believers great wisdom and peace as they suffer. May they know how to respond to these threats, and may the pastors know how to disciple their members. I pray that Your gospel would shine forth brightly and that these churches would be able to meet, that even those persecuting them would come to know You.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Father, Your Word declares that there is liberty in the Lord. May our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in Gujarat State, India be granted the liberty to worship You openly and work freely to support themselves. May their light shine before the Hindu radicals and district authorities so that they may see their good works and glorify Jesus Christ.
    Patrick V - USA
  • In the saving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Jireh, God Who provides, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of believers and Pastors in Gujarat state. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection on them and angels directly from heaven to minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Praise You Father God! We thank you for the many pastors & churches in Gujarat that desire to fellowship & worship You. I ask that you will protect the pastors who have been arrested & that their needs will be met each day. I pray that your followers will be filled with your Holy Spirit. I pray that your righteous light soon overcomes radical darkness
    Tracey B - USA
  • Father, Please grant wisdom and guidance to the pastors and church members in this district. Strengthen their faith and may they have fellowship discreetly during this time. Please reach the radicals with your Word, truth and love. May the hearts of the radicals be turned to you and may they be saved. May the police turn to protect the Christians.
    Laurie P - USA
  • Heavenly Father, thank you for these precious believers. Please take this situation and turn it for good, as only You can do. Please soften the hearts of the enemy so they can know you as Lord and Savior. Please help these believers to be bold and courageous.
    In Jesus,
    Lis S - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for our Christian brothers and sisters in Gujarat state and for the brave pastors who lead congregations who face fierce opposition from Hindu radicals and are failed by the police. I pray that these churches would not have a spirit of fear, but know that You are God. I pray that these Christians will be able to worship and work freely.
    Lysander S - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father, You are the author&the finisher,;the Alpha&the Omega&You have allowed the current status of this issue.Please be with the Pastors&their congregations to know Your Will for them. We cry out to You for the radicals who are so willing to reject You. Please open their hearts to receive Your Word and be transformed like Saul to Paul!
    Donna H - USA
  • Lord, you know of the struggles of your people. Please give the Christians in Gujarat the strength to continue. Bless them with fellowship and build their faith in you. Please change the hearts of the radicals and draw them to your truth. Turn these churches' fear to joy and courage as they serve you. In Jesus's name I pray. Amen.
    Cassie K - USA
  • I cry out Lord for Your sons & daughters in Gujarat state! Jesus You said what we bind on earth will be bound in heaven & what we loosed on earth will be loosed in heaven - In the name of Jesus I bind the spirit of violence against 56 churches pastors & I loosed Your peace that flows like a river! Let them worship You God freely in the name of Jesus!
    Kisha M - USA
  • Dear Lord, I pray that Christians in Gujarat state would be able to worship freely and that they would remain bold in their faith. Let them not be fearful but trust in the power of God to convict the radicals and the police of their need for Jesus Christ. Protect believers from those who would harm them. In Jesus Name, Amen.
    Dara W - USA
  • Father i ask that you would give courage and strength of faith to your people being threatened in India bind the plans of Satan thru the Hindu radicals keep your people safe give them a place to gather and worship freely the church be strengthened thru your word n spirit with the love of Christ to be witnesses to those who mean them harm In Jesus name
    Dean B - USA
  • Father, protect and give wisdom to the Christians in Gujarat state in India. Show them your love and give them special ability to witness of your love and forgiveness. We pray the Christians would be able to worship and work freely and their persecutors hearts would be changed because of you. In Jesus name.
    Rhonda F - USA
  • Lord, you see this injustice, oppression & persecution of your people. I know this is true because of your word. Jesus told us to persist in prayer in Luke 18:1-8 and tells us "And will not God give justice to his elect, who cry to him day and night?" So I pray for justice for these in Gujarat state. May their deliverance bring more to Christ. Amen.
    Diana F - USA
  • Lord I speak comfort & strength over our dear family facing persecution. May they find a safe place to worship & be able to encourage & visit ea other. Blow the fear away in Jesus' Name. Do a work in the hearts of the persecutors, police, & all. May they leave the kingdom of darkness & come into Your marvelous light. Free those arrested in JN
    Lisa T - USA
  • Lord, we are not to be surprised that your gospel brings opposition. In faith we stand with these pastors, brothers, and sisters in the state of Gujarat. Grant them wisdom, faith, courage, and love. Bring unity so that together they will stand in bold witness to your surpassing excellence. Turn the hearts of government leaders there to righteousness.
    Jim T - USA
  • In the powerful, miracle working name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Christians and churches in Gujarat State. We ask for a miracle, a hedge of protection on them and angels directly from heaven to minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Please God intervene to provide for Your people here to live for you and worship and fellowship freely. Help them endure these trials with steadfast faith so that their character in Christ grows stronger.
    Carolann P - Canada
  • Father in Jesus Christ name we lift up the Church in Gujarat state, protect and grant them favour. We pray that the church will be able to meet freely again and those that are in jail will be released. We pray for the persecutors that your Holy Spirit will change their hearts and their blind eyes will be opened to truth in Christ name amen
    Diane E - Canada
  • Lord, I pray these pastors who have been arrested will spread the gospel in prison. And I pray You will raise up new pastors to take their place while they are imprisoned and that the church will grow in this area rather than fall apart. And send Your Spirit's power upon their enemies that their plans, rather than the church bodies, would fall apart.
    Beatrice W - USA
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