Christian men held in Nandini police station in Chhattisgarh, India until after 3 a.m. (Morning Star News)
Christian men held in Nandini police station in Chhattisgarh, India until after 3 a.m. (Morning Star News)
Dec. 09, 2021 | India

Hindu Nationalist Mob Assaults Christians; Police Arrest Believers Instead

[240] prayers in [18] nations have been posted for Attacked Christians.

On Oct. 17, about 500 Hindu nationalists beat and stoned more than 60 Christians and detained them, accusing them of forcefully converting Hindus to Christianity. When police arrived, they watched the attacks occur, but then detained the Christians instead of those in the mob, who even vandalized vehicles belonging to the believers. Some of the Christians were taken to jail but have since been released on bail. Pray that those who were detained remain firm in their faith despite the persecution they’ve endured, and pray for those injured in the attack to experience healing. Pray that the Holy Spirit will help all the believers forgive their attackers. Pray also for the Hindu nationalists to be convicted by the hatred in their hearts, and pray for them to hear the gospel and experience God’s forgiveness and love.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in India and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Attacked Christians

  • Dear Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ I come to You on behalf of Your people who are being persecuted and abused and traumatized, please give them comfort!
    christine s - USA
  • Father God I commit these Christians to your embrace and ask for your intervention shield them and direct their path, fill their heart with with love that they will forgive their attackers and the police despite their partiality I ask for their release. Speedily and to stop the molestation and let Christian be free to worship as other religions are
    Joyce D - United Kingdom
  • Father, you see all that your children endure. I pray for those who were involved here. Heal your children physically and spiritually. Help them forgive and love those who did this. Strengthen them, guide them, give them wisdom. I pray for those who did this that their eyes would be opened to the truth that you are the one true God. Move Holy Spirit...
    Polly C - USA
  • Father, in their persecution uphold their faith because they are your beloved. As our Lord healed the sick, may the attacked brothers and sisters be healed from their injuries. As Thy forgives our sin, in your Spirit please help them to forgive the attackers. In your justice and mercy, convict the hearts of the attackers and bring them to your love.
    Jonathan C - Hong Kong
  • Oh God, please protect these believers! Please bring many to faith through their courageous witness. Please convict this Hindu mob of their inner hatred, and the emptiness of that in which they trust, so that they will turn to you in repentance for forgiveness. Please open the police's eyes and give them courage to act on the truth.
    Margaret M - USA
  • Holy Father, bring physical, mental, and spiritual healing to these attacked believers. Give them the power to forgive and love their enemies. Let them go on living as your people, giving testimony to you. Move in the hearts of the attackers police to be ashamed of their own sin and to come to you in repentance. Be exalted, Lord Jesus.
    Rachel Albro H - USA
  • Jesus, hear the cries of Your precious people suffering under false accusations. Send Your Holy Spirit to comfort the brave Christians and convict the wicked men of their sin that they may turn to You and be saved. May the police repent of arresting the Christians and clearly see the truth about these violent Hindu men. Provide for the Christians.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Father, I pray for these believers in Jesus Christ for their healing, for their protection, for Your strengthening their faith to stand against this assault and evil intent of these Hindu followers. Convict their hearts to repent of their evil and set them free to worship and know You the one and only true living Savior! In Jesus' name
    Carolyn L - USA
  • Lord, I lift these persecuted brothers to you and ask that you protect and guide them during this difficult time. Free the ones who have been wrongfully imprisoned. Help them win people to you during their time of imprisonment. Thwart the work of the adversary as he attempts to prevent the move of the gospel. May the persecutors find new life in Christ
    Joyce A - USA
  • Lord, You know the hearts of these men and women and children under attack and only You can grant the measure of grace necessary to forgive their attackers. Lord, we ask for provision for these persecuted believers. We ask for Your Spirit to convict these Hindu extremists such that many of them come to faith in Jesus and openly show their repentance
    Forrest B - USA
  • Father God, I lift up my brothers and sisters in Chhattisgarh India and all parts of India who are being persecuted. Please strengthen their faith in You and comfort their hearts with Your supernatural peace that passes all understanding. Please heal all those who were injured in this specific attack. Please convict the Hindu nationalists to repent!
    Sarah H - USA
  • Father, I pray for the Hindu Nationalists who are motivated by hatred & bound by Hinduism to be set free from their bondage & darkness thru the Word of Jesus Christ. I ask that those who have suffered unjustly will be comforted, encouraged, & given peace that passes all understanding & that the hurt & imprisoned will shine with love & forgiveness.
    Tracey B - USA
  • Father God we pray for these brother and sisters to stay faithful and pray for their accusers. Amen
    jeff h - USA
  • Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on your faithful.
    Peter K - USA
  • In the powerful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, El Shaddai, God Almighty, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we bless You for faithfulness of Indian attacked Christians. We ask for a hedge of protection be upon them and angels directly from heaven to minister to and encamp around them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Father, we ask that You will minister Your love and grace to our brothers and sisters who were injured and unjustly treated in this situation. Grant them the ability to forgive those who have trespassed against them, and that this would turn out to the salvation of those who hate You and them. Bring physical and emotional healing to our Indian family.
    Toni D - USA
  • Father, may our Indian brothers and sisters in Christ be steadfast and resolute in their commitment to Jesus as they face harassment, violence and persecution from unregenerate men. May these lost souls who are living in darkness be convicted of their hatred and come to the realization that it's a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
    Patrick V - USA
  • Dear Father
    We pray with all our hearts for our attacked brothers and sisters in Christ who have endured this deep persecution and injustice. Lord, be with them! Give them strength and courage as they stand for You. Give them healing and peace; give them You joy that they are counted worth to suffer for Your name's sake.
    In our Lord Jesus Christ,
    Madison F - USA
  • Lord let my dear brothers & sisters know they are in the palm of Your hand right now, wherever they are. Speak hope, courage & grace to them. grant the forgiveness to all. Lift them up & bring conviction to all those in need of You. May they turn away from evil & to You in Jesus Name! May my family go to a new place in their faith, & bring healing.
    Lisa T - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for your faithful servants in India and their willingness to follow You despite the persecution they face. I pray that they remain steadfast in their faith and are empowered to forgive their trespassers. May You heal them. I also pray for their attackers to be convicted and to be amazed by the supernatural witness of these believers.
    Lysander S - USA
  • Lord I pray for the brothers injured in the mob attacks for their bodies to heal and recover and be made well. I pray for their witness and for them to have strength and courage to remain faithful and godly amidst being treated so terribly. I pray for Your hand to bring comfort and hope to them as they wait. I pray for wives and children to be okay
    Joy H - USA
  • Father, I pray that you would heal those wounded restoring them to full health. Help them stand strong in their faith, let them be a shining light to those around them and to help bring the attackers to the knowledge of the saving grace of our savior Jesus Christ. Amen.
    Jason H - USA
  • Jehovah Jireh thank you for the sustaining faith of your persecuted church in India. Give them power in your Holy Spirit to be singing praises even from behind prison doors, just as Peter did, as a testimony to the love and forgiveness of God. In the precious name of Jesus, Amen
    Tammie J - USA
  • In the holy name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Jireh, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Indian attacked Christians. We ask that for provision, that they see Your face, a hedge of protection on them and angels directly from heaven to minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father God, I lift up these brothers in Christ and ask that you would help them to hold firm in their faith. Please show them the way of forgiveness toward their persecutors. I pray that the Hindus will hear the gospel and respond in faith to Jesus Christ. Please draw many in India to the gospel of Jesus Christ and show the power of the gospel to them.
    Julia F - USA
  • Father, please be with those who were attacked and give them physical, spiritual and mental healing. Please enable them to forgive those who attacked them. Please work in the hearts of the attackers that their hearts might by turned and drawn to Christ. Please also work in the hearts of the police who stood by. Bring conviction and salvation.
    Vicki W - USA
  • My Precious Lord, please give Your Grace, Patience, Courage and Faithfulness to these brothers and sisters and bless them openly for their testimony. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!
    Della H - USA
  • O Father God, blessed is your name! Thank you for the faith you have given these Indian Christians. Now, I pray you strengthen them to persevere and respond to the persecution with the grace and forgiveness of Jesus. Bring healing to broken bodies and hurting hearts coming through the attack. May their persecutors hear the gospel and be saved. Amen.
    Diana F - USA
  • Please Lord, we commit our persecuted brethren in India into your hand that you will strengthens their courage to persevere in the face of these persecutions they are going through, to endured to the end. Also Lord let those persecuting them have an encounter with you, as Saul of Tarsus had an encounter with you in Jesus name
    Sean H - USA
  • Lord, please strengthen and encourage our brothers and sisters in India to stand strong in you. Give them respite and rest when they need it, and perseverance to endure despite the opposition. Remind them the struggle is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavens. Equip them with all they need to endure.
    Jackie V - USA
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