Sister F receives encouragement from other front-line workers before beginning her prison sentence.
Sister F receives encouragement from other front-line workers before beginning her prison sentence.
May. 12, 2022 | Iran

Christian Worker Begins Two-Year Prison Sentence

[192] prayers in [18] nations have been posted for Sister F.

Sister F is a long-time Christian leader in Iran. Last year, one of her discipleship groups was raided by the police, and Sister F was beaten, tortured and placed in solitary confinement. She was then sentenced to a two-year prison term because of her faith in Christ. In the days before her prison sentence would begin, front-line workers met with Sister F online to encourage her and equip her with ministry tools to share the gospel while in prison. Pray for Sister F to experience peace and hope in Christ as she serves her prison term. Pray that many will trust Christ through her faithful witness.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Iran and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Sister F

  • Father God, Your people need Your intervention and power over the enemy. Please run to them with Your Mighty Arm!
    christine s - USA
  • And repentance unto the remission of sins by Your increase. I pray there have been many more believers brought into Your body in this prison and that they are bearing fruits meet for repentance. I pray Your glory would so shine in the darkness of Iran. I pray this to Your glory in Your holy and almighty name LORD Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, I pray that You have comforted this sister the whole time she has been in prison. I pray her patience, hope, wisdom, and faith have grown through every trial. I pray many have experienced her witness and been able to search the scriptures in the A1611 Bible to know You. I pray this has led to Godly sorrow, broken spirits, contrite hearts
    Devin C - USA
  • Gracious Father of Heaven and Earth. We Praise You and Glorify Your name. We pray for Sister F to experience peace and hope in Christ as she serves her prison term. We pray that many will trust Christ through her faithful witness. Thank you Lord for this precious sister. In Jesus Name, The Love of God and the Fellowship of the Hold Spirit Amen.
    Alvin A - USA
  • Heavenly Father, let Sister F feel your loving arms around her. Bring her emotional and physical healing and lessen her prison sentence. May the ministry tools given to her strengthen her faith. May her life become a witness to new life possible in Christ. Thank you Father for always hearing us. Amen.

    Mary H C - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father,
    We are claiming Your promises of peace and Your precious presence for our Sister F. She has so much ahead of her, but we know that in You and through You, we can have peace and joy in all things. May she feel the prayers and love from her family in Christ. Work through her to touch hearts fir Your kingdom.
    Madison F - USA
  • Lord Jesus may You be glorified! Lord, thank You for Your goodness. Please give Sister F courage and perseverance as she endures prison for You. Help her heal from the trauma and comfort her daily. Remind her that You will never leave her nor forsake her Heb.13:5 open doors for her to share the Gospel with inmates Bring Iran to You. In Jesus Name amen
    Allison F - USA
  • Father, what an inspiration these people are to me. I pray you strengthen my sister and help her remain strong. I pray you comfort her, anoint her, use her in prison to share hope. I pray for each one she speaks to, open their eyes, convict their hearts. comfort her family, deal with hearts, your will be done in my sister's life. Watch over her.
    Polly C - USA
  • Father God we pray for sister F to saty strong like paul and be a witness for God's word, Amen
    jeff h - USA
  • Querido Dios te pido por mi hermana para que se fortalecida en su fe y su fidelidad a si el Señor Jesucristo
    MIRIAM S - Argentina
  • May God bless you, keep you from harm & keep you focused on Christ's message of salvation to those that you encounter.

    I will pray for you everyday. Please have courage. You are not alone. Not at all. Jesus is right next to you. Right now & forever.
    Deanna V - USA
  • Lord, You know Sister F's every need, and I thank You that You are with her in prison. Please give her peace, joy, and boldness. Give her an awareness of our prayers. Help her to rejoice that she's been counted worthy to suffer for You. Protect her, please, and allow her to be released in good health. In Jesus' name, amen.
  • Lord god I pray for Sister F and that she will be safe in prison. Lord god I pray that the Iran Government will come to know you and trust you. In Jesus name amen.
    Crystal L - USA
  • Praying
    Anne Margaret H - USA
  • In the wise name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Jireh, God Who provides, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Sister F. We ask for release, for provision, for wisdom, hedge of protection, angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to her. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father God, I denounce in Jesus' name the demonic spirit that rules Iran and causes such violence toward even women and children in Christ. The love of Jesus causes hatred. We don't understand Lord, but know there is a day coming, Hallelujah! Please heal dear Sister F from her wounds and be fully present with her in every day in Jesus' name.
    Kathy G - USA
  • In the presence of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Shammah, God Who is There, as brothers and sisters is Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Sister F. We ask for overflowing hope, a hedge of protection, angels to encamp around and minister to her. Amen.
    Gary F - USA

  • In Jesus Name we pray for our brothers & sisters around the world that are being persecuted for their faith in Jesus our Lord and as You Lord remember we are made of the dust and can do no thing without you John 15:5 strengthen each one with the power of Your Holy Spirit to overcome and continue in the faith & may no weapon formed against them prospe
    barry p - USA
  • Lord Jesus, please strenghthen your daughter. Let her sense Your comfort and presence. Save the souls of people she come in contact with. Break the stronghold of the devil in Iran, Lord. Our hearts break for people who believe the lie. Open their minds and let them see Your light Help her to come out of prison. Bless Your Word in underground church
    Tertia D - South Africa
  • Merciful Father, fill sister f with the knowledge of Your will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding. Provide for her physical, mental, and spiritual needs while in prison and enable her to be fruitful in every good work as she increases in the knowledge of God. Strengthen her with all might for all patience and long-suffering with joy
    Julie C - USA
  • DearLord, May Sister F have a mighty witness for you while in prison. Protect her from the evil one while she is there. May her guards look with favor on her plight. I pray her sentence will be revoked or lessened. Provide for her needs body, mind, and spirit. Strengthen her for battle, & encourage her with the Holy Spirit. In Jesus Name, Amen.
    SM D - USA
  • Dear Jesus, thank you for Sister F. Please heal her from the torture she has received. Please comfort her in her isolation. Soften the hearts of her jailers and those around her to be open to you, Jesus. Send Your Holy Spirit yo strengthen and encourage her. Please miraculously allow her sentence to be reduced and allow her to be free.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Heavenly Father, I beg you please continue to help Sister F in everything to deeply know she is not forgotten and find comfort knowing you; meeting you soon in the clouds when you return for your church. Blessing and honor and glory and power Be to Him who sits on the throne And to the Lamb, forever and ever Rev. 5:13 Hallelujah, Praise Christ Jesus.
    Timothy B - USA
  • Father, thank You for the faithful witness of Sister F to her beloved Iranian people. Bless Sister F for taking up her cross and daily following our Lord regardless of the spiritual and physical abuse inflicted on her by the Iranian officials. May Sister F experience overwhelming peace and hope and lead many in prison to salvation through Jesus Christ.
    Patrick V - USA
  • Father God. I beg that you come to the hep of your dear daughter speedily touch. The. Heart. Of the Authority. With empathy and let mercy be shown to this. Brave. Servant. Of thine. In Jesus. Name. Desperate doubts. and fear and grant courage. To B. Strong and Keep. Up The work. As Saul the Apostle did In prison let her light shine
    Joyce D - United Kingdom
  • Dear Lord, see what Your child Sister F is going through. May she find Your presence, Your peace and Your protection. May she be a faithful witness, not suffering in vain but for Your purpose. In the name of Jesus please do not let guards lay another hurtful hand upon her. Amen
    Peggy A - USA
  • Dear Sister F,
    I have crippled hands & have trouble typing but I am praying for God's will to be done in your live & for all your needs to be met by our Loving Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. May you feel His tender, caring hands upholding you every day of your ordeal in a human prison. Thank you for standing up for Him! Love, Mary, your Sister in Faith
    Mary K S - USA
  • Thank you God for sister F, we believe you for the impossible concerning the sentence, you open the prison gate, Lord let your will be done. In all these, strengthen, encourage, empower and grant her boldness. please make her a light anywhere she goes and let Christ be fully formed in every soul that will hear her in Jesus name
    funke a - Nigeria
  • Father God, I pray for Sister F as she prepares for her two year prison sentence. Be with her, keep her safe within your protection, that with God all things are possible and help her remain strong. We ask this in Jesus's Holy name. Amen
    Judith B - USA
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