Mamta Devi with her son
Mamta Devi with her son
Oct. 06, 2022 | India

Woman Shot by Brother-in-Law for Refusing to Renounce Faith

[245] prayers in [18] nations have been posted for Mata Devi.

Mamta Devi has faithfully followed Jesus for three years. Since her conversion, she has faced opposition from her family members and neighbors. She lives with her husband and his parents and brothers. On August 2, her brother-in law started arguing her about her faith, telling her to give up her faith in Jesus. She told him that she will not leave Jesus, no matter what may happen. Her brother-in-law fired a gun, intending to kill her, but she dodged so that the bullet only grazed her forehead. She was taken to the hospital to receive stitches for the wound.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in India and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Mata Devi

  • Oh Dear Jesus Christ, our High Priest, I ask You to pray for Your people! As documented in the book of John chapter 17, " I pray not that Thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that Thou shouldest keep them from the evil." Please Holy Spirit, strengthen Your people!
    christine s - USA
  • LORD, may Mata be strengthened & comforted by Your Holy Ghost and word in the A1611 Bible. May her longsuffering be a magnified witness so that many including her family would search Your word in this Bible. May they repent unto the remission of sins by Your increase and bring forth fruits meet for repentance. All glory to You LORD Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear sister in Christ, I pray in the name of Jesus that he will strengthen, comfort, and encourage you. Know that your reward will be great in heaven. I pray that he will change the heart of your persecutors. 2 Timothy 4:7- I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have kept the faith.
    Susan R - USA
  • I pray my sister in Christ get the help she need and I pray her faith grows strong in her walk with god all pray her family will have receive Christ in there hearts and pray God will provide her with shelter and a job. And with new godly friend and a place to live worship with others
    Randall J - USA
  • Thank You, Lord for sparing the life of Mamta Devi. May the strength of her testimony result in the conversion of her husband and his family. Enable her to demonstrate forgiveness toward those who have harmed her, and bring the power of conviction of sin upon them. Turn for good the evil that was directed toward her, for the salvation of this family.
    Toni D - USA
  • Lord Jesus, Mata Devi has proven her love for you. Protect her, and give her the joy of seeing her family come to love you, too. Meanwhile, let us who live in comfort and relative safety learn much from this sister about the difference between cheap grace and free grace.
    Errol C - USA
  • Father God, please be with and protect Mamta Devi in India from her family members and neighbours, particularly her brother-in-law who tried to shoot her for her faith. May all the family and neighbours receive dreams and visions of you so they may become believers and stop their persecution of Mamta Devi. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen.
    Linda R - Australia
  • Abba, I thank you so much for the faithful witness of your daughter. Please God have mercy on her abusers and allow them to come to the faith by the power of your Spirit. Protect Mamta and allow her to live in peace. I thank you for protecting her life. I thank you that Evil did not prosper! Please move on her behalf. In Jesus' name Amen
    Sharice G - USA
  • Lord, You have save this women several times over for purpose. May she simply dwell in you. Help her be wise, and show you in both word and deed. Bless her with everything she needs to faithfully witness. May her family be won over by your power and her faithfulness. Come Lord Jesus, come.
    kathy C - USA
  • Father God, I ask Your continued protection and healing over Mata Devi in India. May her children be strong for Jesus to shame the cowards who can only do violence without the Lord Jesus in their lives. Please give Matma great friends in Jesus and convict the ungodly of their sins and their own need for Jesus before they die.
    Kathy G - USA
  • Father, you love Mamta dearly. You know the trauma she has endured from the attack of her brother in law and the opposition from others. Please protect her. May she continue to trust Jesus fully. Give her strength and courage to continue to follow Jesus. Draw her family and community to a saving relationship with Jesus. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Dear Father, I pray for Mata to be strengthen and encouraged despite hostility she faces. Her love for Jesus, commitment to Him, and boldness inspire me to pursue Jesus in the same way. Please protect her and provide for her needs. May family members and neighbors come to know Christ through Mata. In Jesus' Name! Amen
    Jennifer T - USA
  • Lord,We thank You for Your miraculous protection of Mamta! Bless her for her strength and faithfulness in the midst of persecution. We pray that her family will be drawn to you through her witness. We also pray that Mamta will show forth your forgiveness, grace and mercy. Help her to remember she has a new family in Christ In Jesus Name Amen
    Amanda H - USA
  • Father, I thank you for sparing Mata Devi's life for her son's sake. I pray you speak to her husband's heart if he doesn't know you, open his eyes to the truth. I pray you move upon him to take his wife and find a home elsewhere. Speak to her in in-laws' hearts. Lord, move in this situation. Watch over her,
    give her wisdom, you must do something Lord
    Polly C - USA
  • Father, thank You that Mata was able to react quickly when her brother-in-law attempted to shoot her in the head. Thank You that Mata's wound was relatively minor and didn't result in serious injury or death. Protect Mata from further attacks by her brother-in-law and warn her ahead of time if he still intends to cause harm. Bless Mata in Jesus' name.
    Patrick V - USA
  • In the kingship of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Elohim, Jehovah Jireh, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Mata Devi family that they know You are on Your throne. We ask for provision, for hedge of protection, and angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • O God, thank you for your mercy in sparing Mata Devi's life. May her faith in you be increased, knowing that you desire her to be a witness for Jesus. By the love that she shares, may the hearts of her family members be softened to come to know Jesus. Grant her continued grace to be strong in Jesus and love those who oppose her. In Jesus Pat USA
    Patricia S - USA
  • Lord God, we ask for You to protect Mata Devi and grant her grace in dealing with violent relatives that would even threaten her very life. Continue to embolden her to stand for Jesus no matter what and give her a supernatural love for her persecutors and grace and peace to stand firm against the schemes of darkness opposed to her witness, amen.
    Forrest B - USA
  • Heavenly Father, thank you for the strong faith You have given to Mata Devi. I pray for your healing hands upon her, and that many would come to faith because of this situation. Please help her to reverence You only and not fear the oppression of man. Help her to forgive.
    In Jesus,
    Lis S - USA
  • Lord I praise You for saving Mata Devi and I praise You for her strong faith. I pray her brother-in-law would repent of his hatred and come face to face with Your mercy and justice. I pray he would be unable to rest until he has acknowledged Your goodness and Your mercy.
    Joy H - USA
  • In the powerful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Omnipotent God, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Mata Devi that she stands firm and rejoices in the Lord. We ask for a hedge of protection, and angels directly from heaven to surround and minister to her. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father please give Mata courage to keep following you. May she be assured of your love and constant presence and that you have good plans for her future.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Our Father, continue to watch and protect Your daughter, Mata Devi. May her faithfulness to You convict her husband and his family of their need for Jesus as their Savior. In His name, Amen
    Eli S - USA
  • Father, thank you for the faith and courage of Your beautiful daughter Mata. Thank you that she has been able to stand strong for Jesus under very difficult circumstances. Please provide for her every need as she continues to live for you. I pray that her entire family will come to know you because of her testimony and witness of Your mercy and grace.
    Laurie W - USA
  • Thank You for Mata's strong faith in You. May she continue to grow and mature in her faith as she suffers and have Your courage to withstand persecution. I pray that her life and love for You would produce great spiritual fruit in the lives of those who hate You, that her brother-in-law would be brought to repentance.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank you for Mamta Devi and her willingness to follow you even facing the murderous opposition of her own family. I pray that You would be with her, grow closer to her each day, that she may raise her children in You, and that her family would come to know Jesus. Please protect her and reconcile her with her family, You do amazing things.
    Lysander S - USA
  • Lord, thank you that Mamta has come to know you and please use her to bring more people to know you. Please help her forgive her brother and let him come to know you. Please give Mamta and her family divine protection. Amen
    Debby K - USA
  • Oh Lord please bless, protect and give courage to this sister. In Jesus name I pray AMEN! MARANATHA!!!
    Della H - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father, we lift up Mata & her son to You. She has followed You & we are asking that You help to keep her safe while she continues to follow You. Please help her husband to find faith in You as well as her in laws & her brother-in-law as well. We ask that You open their eyes & so that they too may come to know You & give their lives to You
    Donna H - USA
  • Holy Father, I thank You for Mamta and for her willingness to stand for Jesus to the death. Protect and keep her and may her faith become known in the village and may others see that she loves the Lord Jesus at all cost. Keep her safe, I ask this thru Jesus. Amen.
    joey S - USA
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