Anu, along with her husband, obediently took the risky step of being baptized.
Anu, along with her husband, obediently took the risky step of being baptized.
Feb. 02, 2023 | Nepal

New Converts Driven from Their Homes

[247] prayers in [15] nations have been posted for Anu Dani and Prakash.

Anu Dani earned money by predicting people’s future as a seer. When her young daughter grew very ill and no other efforts healed her, she took the girl to a Christian church. The pastor prayed, her daughter was healed and Anu immediately put her faith in Christ, turning away from her occult practices. Anu’s husband, Prakash, suffered from mental illness and tried to kill the pastor, but was eventually healed by prayer and then became a believer. When Prakash’s family found out about their conversion, the couple were forced out of the family home. The young family stayed temporarily in the church building but want to build a small home where they can continue to follow Jesus. Anu and Prakash were both baptized in August.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Nepal and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Anu Dani and Prakash

  • Lord, give succor to Any and Prakash. Thank thee for delivering them from evil.
    Margaret D - USA
  • repentance of sins unto the remission of sins by thine increase O LORD. I pray many believe on thy word in the A1611 Bible. I pray this to thy glory in thy holy and almighty name LORD Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • the feet and light unto the path of believers. I pray thy perfect love has cast out all fear in their lives and will lead them in according to thy will and purpose. I pray for provision according to thy will and purpose in their lives to have shelter and goods. I pray they would give You the glory for all they receive. May Nepal be a place with much
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, I pray this family have been strong in the LORD and the power of his might putting on the whole armour of God. I pray their witness to others has been great and have even laid gospel seeds in the hearts of their unsaved persecuting family. I pray this has caused many who they know to search thy word in the A1611 Bible which is a lamp unto
    Devin C - USA
  • Father, please provide for Your children. Thank You for all You've done in them. Please continue Your work in them and through them. In Jesus Name, amen
    Debbie M - USA
  • I hope and pray in Christ Jesus' name for a daily abundance of blessings, especially your Holy Spirit, wisdom, healing, restoration, love, grace, compassion, mercy, protection, deliverance, resiliance, and so much more. I hope and pray that things are going well and improving everyday. These snakes and scorpions are crushed in Jesus' name, amen.
    Gabriel S - USA
  • ABBA FATHER, I pray that YOUR peace reigns inside Anu Dani and Prakash, in Nepal, that is beyond all man's understanding, that only comes from knowing YOU, JESUS, and that we, as YOUR born again, HOLY SPIRIT filled children, that when we die, we will be with YOU in heaven, for all eternity! YOU are the PRINCE OF PEACE, JESUS! Bathe them in YOUR Love!
    Michael V - USA
  • Dear Jesus, thank you for rescuing Anu Dani and Prakash from darkness and serving the Enemy. Thank you for their decision to turn to You Jesus. Be their strong defense now as they are being persecuted for turning to the True Light and Life. Provide for them. Give them a future and a hope here as well as eternally.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for Anu Dani and Prakash adn their willingness to follow You despite persecution from their own family, including the loss of their home. I pray that they would grow closer to You each day. Thank You for healing their daughter and Prakash from their illnesses. May their lives glorify You, bearing much fruit in the harvest.
    Lysander S - USA
  • Oh Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus Christ, these people are in turmoil, and they need Your help, and they need Your presence, they need Your comfort!
    christine s - USA
  • Jehovah Rapha, we praise You, the God Who heals, for healing Anu's daughter and leading her to saving faith in You. We also praise You for healing Prakash and granting him saving faith also. We pray they will continue strong in their faith and will be able to build a home for themselves. Thank You that You are the God Who calls us to Yourself.
    Gail M - USA
  • Lord please help Dani and Prakash stay strong and witness to your goodness.
    michele r - USA
  • Lord Jesus, thank you for delivering and saving Anu Dani and Prakash. Increase the spread of the gospel in Nepal ten thousand fold, with thousands of Nepalis having their hearts softened to the Gospel of Christ unto salvation. Raise up evangelists and church leaders. Protect them and new converts from persecution. Provide for their every need. Amen.
    Danae V - USA
  • Father may this family continue to rejoice in all that Jesus has done for them, and in the privilege of suffering for him. Help them to trust you for all their needs.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Father thank You for Anu and Prakash. Please protect and provide for them and give them wisdom as to what they should do and where they should go. Please be with this young family and help them. In the Name of Yeshua, Amen.
    Kia W - USA
  • In the loving name of Shepherd Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Raah, our Shepherd, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Anu Dani and Prakash, that they honor Your name. We ask for a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to surround and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Precious Lord, bless these, Your people with strength, energy and boldness. Protect them as they serve You and may they be found faithful. Amen MARANATHA!
    Della H - USA
  • Dear Lord, all the glory, honor, and praise be to you for Anu Dani and Prakash's faith in you! May they be bright lights in this dark world. Please give them courage, strength, joy and peace as they faithfully live their lives for you. Please provide for and protect them. May their trust in you and love for you increase everyday. Amen.
    Kalli T - USA
  • In the omnipresence of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Shammah, the Lord is there, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Anu Dani, Prakash and family. We praise You that You stand along side. We ask for Your presence, for a hedge of protection and angels from heaven to surround and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father I thank you for the faith of Anu Dani and Prakash, I pray that you will provide for these dear ones so that they can build a home.Silver and gold belong to you and there is nothing too hard for you. Show yourself strong on their behalf as a witness that those who trust in you can never be ashamed.
    Lydia F - Kenya
  • Father, how awesome how You drew Your dear daughter & son! May they never look back & be grounded in You as well as their cdn. We lift up the other family members that You draw them w Your love & mercy. May the witness of this family strengthen the faith of many who place their faith in YOu. Blessings to the family who took them in, In Jesus Name
    Lisa T - USA
  • Oh Father, how wonderful to see the Spirit move and change lives. You are still sitting on your throne and show mercy to all that call upon you. I thank you for healing this daughter and her father. I lift this family up to you and ask you to look out for them and supply all their needs. I pray for their family that they will see the truth of your love
    Polly C - USA
  • Oh Father, how wonderful to see the Spirit move and change lives. You are still sitting on your throne and show mercy to all that call upon you. I thank you for healing this daughter and her father. I lift this family up to you and ask you to look out for them and supply all their needs. I pray for their family that they will see the truth of your love
    Polly C - USA
  • In the loving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, Counselor, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of this Anu Dani and Prakash. We ask for comfort, for peace, for a hedge of protection and angels direct from heaven to minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Dear Lord Jesus please continue to help Anu and Prakash with their faith journey. Guide their paths, and help them to advance your kingdom in Nepal. Please bless them with a home and help others to see you in their lives.
    David B - USA
  • Father, we thank you for these souls that you pulled from darkness into your glorious light. Lord, we know you suffered in this way by not having a place to lay your head. May your grace be sufficient in the lives of these believers as they endure this trial. We pray you would grant a place in which they can lay their heads. Amen
    Cheryl C - USA
  • Dear Lord Jesus, I life up And and Prakash to You. Thank you for drawing them into your kingdom so that they may be saved. I pray that they would sense your Holy Spirit presence so strongly in their lives right now. Lord you say you will not leave your children homeless or without food so please provide for their physical needs. In your mighty name.
    Jacquie H - USA
  • Dear Father Thank you for save Anu Dani's family and heal their sickness . Lord please protect them from the power of darkness to light and from the power of satan to God . Lord please provide them with the right accommodation to continue to serving the lord . In Jesus name I pray Amen .
    Mahil G - India
  • Lord bless these new believers (Anu Dani and Prakash) that have already began to suffer for Your name. Let them know in their minds and hearts that You are with them and that they are not alone. Also, if it be Your will, provide them a home where they can live and worship You. In Jesusc name, Amen.
    Sandy P - USA
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