This is the last photo of Kyung Jae Kim before his arrest and disappearance in September 2008.
This is the last photo of Kyung Jae Kim before his arrest and disappearance in September 2008.
Jun. 15, 2023 | Korea, North

Young Christian Missing for 14 Years in Prison Camp

[181] prayers in [12] nations have been posted for Kyung Jae Kim.

In September 2008, one day before 19-year-old Kyung Jae Kim planned to escape from North Korea, security forces raided his home and arrested him. The raid was part of an operation to gather Christians who had been carrying the gospel secretly into North Korea for many years. Kyung Jae Kim’s parents received reports indicating that their son had been sent to a prison camp. Kyung Jae Kim’s father has petitioned ceaselessly for the release of his son to no avail, even requesting aid from the U.N. and other international organizations. It is estimated that at least 30,000 Christian brothers and sisters are imprisoned in North Korea, suffering under inhumane conditions.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Korea, North and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Kyung Jae Kim

  • Mighty God, intercede for Kyung Lae Kim, & all those who call out to you in North Korea. His parents don't even know if he is still alive. Give them closure. I pray that Kyung Jae be released. That you would bring him to a place of peace, according to your mercy. Do not allow this cruel gov't have him anymore. I beg for judgement in North Korea. Amen.
    Shelly D - USA
  • Father, bring down the evil regime in North Korea. Strengthen the faith of your children there. Provide and protect them according to your will. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Father I ask you to open a door for kyung Kim's father to be able to speak,find,locate a orginzationor their government that will help him to rescue or recieve information bout his son.God can do it.
    Not for his father only but All fathers and mothersrelatives to have a door open to Jesus name..Amen..MJB..USA

    Marla B - USA
  • Dear Jesus, we pray for the miraculous release of Kyung Jae Kim. Please open the prison doors as You did for Peter so many years ago. Please comfort and encourage Kyung Jae Kim's parents. Jesus, give strength to Kyung Jae Kim.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Oh Lord Jesus Christ, so many people are in trouble and turmoil around the globe! Please ask The Father to close down this age quicker, please help and heal and protect and deliver all of Your people!
    christine s - USA
  • You are a God of freedom, a God Who cares when His people suffer. Please create a way for this man and others imprisoned in North Korea to be freed. Thank You fir caring. Listen to their prayers, their cries for relief and justice, hope and salvation for their country. Bless those who dare to take the Gospel into countries like this. In Jesus Name
    Allison F - USA
  • If it is at all possible, God, please get this man out of prison! Like Paul and Silas sang praises to you when they were in jail, please put a new song in his mouth, so that he may sing of your love, even in such a terrible place. Please show your mighty power through him to guards, prisoners, & NKorean leaders. Maybe some will repent & free him. IJN
    Allison F - USA
  • Father please sustain Kyung Jae and his family. May they know your presence and joy.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • We remember our brothers and sisters imprisoned for their faith in NK, who are represented by Kyung Jae Kim. Those who are nameless to us are known to You, and we bless them for their commitment to You. Sustain them through their trials. Comfort them. May they bring Your glory. As they live lives of deprivation and torture. May they find rest in You.
    Toni D - USA
  • Lord I pray for these Christians to be released and set free. I pray for their needs to be met and for unspeakable, unimaginable, and indescribable joy for them so that You may receive glory and so their captors would see Your glory. Father I pray for You to intercede and set them free. I pray for their families to turn to You and seek You.
    Joy H - USA
  • Lord I pray for these Christians to be released and set free. I pray for their needs to be met and for unspeakable, unimaginable, and indescribable joy for them so that You may receive glory and so their captors would see Your glory. Father I pray for You to intercede and set them free. I pray for their families to turn to You and seek You.
    Joy H - USA
  • King God I pray for Kyung Jae Kim, he needs help. surely You are with him and will see him through this trial. Please move the UN and the international community to get him out if they can. Please do not let his sacrifice be in vain. Please accept it as an offering the You. Please provide a way of escape si he is able to endure. In Jesus Name amen
    Allison F - USA
  • O Father, may You be His comfort and encouragement in prison. How all the brothers and sisters in North Korea need You. May they be upheld often by the body of Christ around the world . i pray this now thru Jesus. Amen.
    joey S - USA
  • Jesus name, God I dispatch Michael & his warrior angels with their flaming swords & flaming wild horses with fire bombs, to go back & forth, in & out thru out the entire world to tare down & destroy satan & every demon & every kingdom & stronghold that he has set up & burn every evil thing to ashes so nothing is left for them to try & rebuild...
    Aimey M - USA
  • Father, I lift up my brother Kyung Jae Kim to You. Please be near & protect him. Be his peace & protection. Soften the hearts of those living in darkness in NK. Use Kyung Jae as a light for Your glory. Please comfort his family as they face fear, anxiety, and discouragement over his whereabouts. Thank You that You are the sovereign & omnipresent God.
    April D - USA
  • Father, many times we have no idea of the suffering of our brothers and sisters in the world. But You know, are aware and care more than we know. May Kyung Jae Kim and others in his situation know Your strength, power and hope as they live daily under brutal circumstances because of their faith in Jesus. In Jesus name, Amen.
    Bruce B - USA
  • In the name of Jesus, the Great Shepherd, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Rohi, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You that You care for Your sheep - Kyung Jae Kim and family. We ask for care, for a hedge of protection, and visible angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father, you know the whereabouts of Kyung Jae Kim; you see him now. Please be near him and so many others who suffer with him. Give them courage in the face of torture, peace in place of fear. Provide for them in miraculous ways and remind them of your constant presence. Give hope and comfort to those who love them and shatter the darkness of N Korea.
    Jackie V - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for Kyung Jae Kim and his willingness to follow You while living under the most repressive regime in the world. It is sobering to think that he and I are the same age and that he has spent nearly half his life in a prison camp. Please strengthen him and provide for all of his needs. Please give his family comfort and peace.
    Lysander S - USA
  • Oh Father, I ask Your divine conviction on the hearts of all authorities in their merciless persecution of Christians carrying the gospel to their lost countrymen. Nothing is impossible for You. Please hold Kyung Jae Kim's father in Your loving care as he continues to seek his son's release from the prison camp. May Your Word succeed! Amen.
    Lynne W - USA
  • Father, you see this young man and the thousands of others imprisoned. You see their suffering and feel their pain. Lord, please, wrap your arms around them, strengthen them, please, bring them relief. I pray if this young man is still alive, get word to his family and comfort them. Move on their behalf. If you have called him home, let them feel peace
    Polly C - USA
  • Lord I lift up Kyung and pray for his quick release. Protect him and strengthen him. Bless his faithfulness. In Christ I pray. Amen!
    Colleen S - USA
  • Dear family in Christ- I pray for your continued spiritual victory. Please remember that God has a plan and he is always faithful. Stay strong, our Saviour is coming back soon. Keep fighting the good fight. Your reward will be great in heaven.
    Susan R - USA
  • Oh God of Heaven & Earth with whom nothing is impossible, I earnestly pray that You intervene in this matter concerning Kyung. Father, show mercy to him & his family by getting to the root of this problem & resolving it. Make a way of escape for Kyung & his likes & bring them home to their families for a heart-warning celebration in Jesus Name amen!
    Maureen E - USA
  • Lord, There is no place that you are not there. Yet in the harshest of prisons, we cry out for your mercies. Change the hearts of the leadership in this wicked country. Bind satan and bring release and change. Only you know where this man is and the heart cry of his family. Come Jesus, oh how we need you, come soon Lord.
    kathy C - USA
  • In the powerful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah, God Who speaks, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Kyung Jae Kim and family. We ask for provision, for a hedge of protection and angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father I amen these previous prayers. I pray that the whereabouts of this man would be known. I pray You would set him free as You set Peter free & none were the wiser. He has suffered greatly for Your cause. I pray You wrap him in Your Peace that surpasses all understanding. In Jesus' Name we break the darkness over North Korea. IJNA.
    Johnathan K - USA
  • Oh Lord, whatever Kyung Jae Kim is experiencing is horrible. Please be with him. Please free him. May Your Kingdom come and Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Be with Jae Kim and send one of Your servants or Your angels as the Father sent an angel to comfort You after You were tempted. You sent Jae Kim into this ministry. Give him peaceIJNA
    Allison F - USA
  • God, only you know where this dear boy is. I pray that he knows your loving hand and feels your comfort. Give him protection and give his parents peace. Bring him home.
    Deanne M - USA
  • Que pesadelo que isto deve ser para o meu irmao, ai eu peco te que ele ainda esteja vivo, e os seus pais, protege-os porque na Coreia do Norte eles castigam os pais pelo crime dos filhos, perdoa os assassinos e ladroes, o governo e guarda os teus filhos e filhas norte coreanas, em nome de Jesus amen
    Duarte S - Portugal
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