Bindu (left) with her children
Bindu (left) with her children
Nov. 23, 2023 | Nepal

Husband Abandons Christian Wife, Children

[168] prayers in [13] nations have been posted for Bindu.

Five years ago, Bindu and her three children put their faith in Christ, becoming the first Christians in their village. Bindu’s husband, Hari, is strongly Hindu and actively tried to stop them from going to church. On Christmas day 2021, while Bindu and the children were preparing to attend a Christmas celebration, he began to beat them, knocking one of his daughters unconscious and chasing them out of the home. Bindu and her daughters decided to return home, and the persecution and abuse continued. Hari tried many times to open a case for divorce and finally left the village. For the last year, Hari has been out of contact and has not supported his family. Bindu and her daughters are active members of the church and share their faith boldly, even though they do not have financial support and still face persecution.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Nepal and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Bindu

  • not return void and he would bear many fruits meet for repentance. I pray in the name of the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • generations to everlasting darkness in hell and eventually the lake of fire. I pray he realizes the price thou hast paid for sin and thou art risen. I pray this causes in him Godly sorrow which worketh repentance of sins. I pray in this way he would be made ready to believe on thy word unto salvation by thy increase. I pray thy word in this way would
    Devin C - USA
  • their witness is strong towards others and they even Bindu's husband would be convicted of his conscience that he has done many sins. I pray he would then be led to thy word and will search it as a Berean. I pray he would realize thou art the LORD and there is no other. I pray he and others would realize Hinduism is leading them as many past
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, I pray this sister and her daughters realize thy church is thy body of believers and not a building that you to go. May they be sanctified daily in thy word according unto the King James Bible wherever thy are through their bodily temples. I pray they grow in faith even in their longsuffering which has caused their bodies much harm. I pray
    Devin C - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for Bindu and her willingness to follow Christ despite intense persecution and abandonment by her husband. I pray that You would provide for all of her family's needs and that her faith would grow stronger every day. May You be glorified through her trials. May her husband repent and come to know Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.
    Lysander S - USA
  • Father please encourage Bindu as she reflects on the message of Easter. May she know that you will never abandon her. May she rejoice in suffering with Jesus.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Lord Jesus first I want to say thank you that the husband left because he was abusive to his family. I pray that he will repent and come to know you. I pray the family will stand strong in their faith be encouraged and have all their needs met. I pray the family be strong witnesses of the gospel and you protect them from harm. Give them peace. Amen
    Eric D - USA
  • Thank You for our sister Bindu and her unshakeable faith. Thank You that she has modeled this faith for her daughters and is undeterred from sharing her faith in her village. We ask for Your provision for this family, and that her brothers and sisters in Christ will demonstrate that their faith is genuine by caring for this"widow" and these "orphans."
    Toni D - USA
  • Lord, please continue to strengthen the faith of Bindu and her children, and provide for their every need. Encourage them and give them hope and joy. May many others come to faith because of their testimony, including Hari. Please break his heart and cause him to recognize the truth of your powerful love for him, and surrender his life to you Jesus.
    Jackie V - USA
  • Lord, I pray for Bindu and her children: protection from abuse, healing from trauma, financial provision, and the ability to praise You in the midst of trials. I pray they continue to grow in faith. I thank You for their boldness and courage. I pray they'd be encouraged in Scripture. Cast all your anxieties on Him, for He cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7IJNA
    Allison F - USA
  • Heavenly Father, I pray for Bindu and her children. Lord Jesus, bless them for their faithfulness and obedience to you. Bless the work that they're doing and sharing the gospel, and that we see fruits from it. Protect and provide for this family, Lord, In Jesus, precious name, the great love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit Amen.
    Alvin A - USA
  • Please bless Bindu and her children and strengthen their faith. Please protect them and thank You for their commitment to sharing their faith even amid trouble. May they be given encouragement to keep going, a stable source of income, a safe house, and kind Christian friends who will support them. I pray Hari comes to Christ. In Jesus' Name
    Allison F - USA
  • Father, thank You for delivering Bindu and her three children from Hari. Despite Hari's wicked behavior, we intercede for his soul and pray that he'll repent and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. That which is impossible with man is possible with You because you're not willing that anyone - including Hari - should be lost and perish in sin.
    Patrick V - USA
  • In the saving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Yeshua, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we worship You that Bindu and family believe in Your salvation. We ask for boldness, a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • In the gracious name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Alpha and Omega, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You that Bindu and family serve You. We ask for a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Our Father, continue to bless Bindu, and her precious children, as they face hardship from Hari leaving them. May his heart be softened and come to know Jesus as Savior. Surround Bindu, and her children, with others who love You, and who will encourage her, and help her find a way to support her family.
    In Jesus' name, Amen
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • Father, like Saul on the road to Damascus, cause Hari to have a life changing encounter with you through anointed Christian witness. Turn his life around completely. Deliver him from evil spirits. Break him in ways that need breaking. Open his eyes and heart to Jesus. Give him a mentor who teaches your Word. In your timing, return him to Bindu,family.
    Danae V - USA
  • O Lord, how wonderful it is to hear of such bold and strong faith! May you provide for Bindu and her family for all their needs, spiritually and physically. Perhaps in your mercy you might even work in her husband, Hari's heart to release him from the captivity of Hindu false beliefs. May others in their village also come to faith in Jesus. Amen.
    Diana F - USA
  • FATHER GOD, DEAR HOLY SPIRIT AND our SAVIOR JESUS we pray for Hari's eyes and ❤️ to open through the cleansing blood of JESUS repent , Please provide for our sister Bundi and the children. Protect and send YOUR WONDERFUL Angels.
    Carolyn A - USA
  • Father, thank you for loving Bindu and her children. Thank you for giving them the courage and strength to continue to follow and trust Jesus in spite of the difficulties that they face. Draw Hari to Jesus. Continue to provide for and protect Bindu and her family. Thank you for working in and through their lives. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Eternal Father, bless Bindu and her children and strengthen them in their faith. Let them trust in You with all their hearts and provide for them according to Your riches and glory. Let them continue to be bold in their witness and be a testimony to Your love and grace. Let them pray for Hari that he might come to the truth and believe in Christ. Amen
    Andre K - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father I amen these previous prayers. I pray that You would provide for the needs of this family Jehovah jireh! Blessed are they, we know the reward is great in heaven! They are mocked, struck, & reviled for Your sake but they remain strong. No weapon fashion against them shall prosper! Save this wayward man. In Jesus' Faithful Name amen.
    Marian P - USA
  • In the wonderful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Elohim, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You that Bindu and family know and believe You are great and marvelous. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, and angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father I amen these previous prayers. I pray that You would provide for the needs of this family Jehovah jireh! Blessed are they, we know the reward is great in heaven! They are mocked, struck, & reviled for Your sake but they remain strong. No weapon fashion against them shall prosper! Save this wayward man. In Jesus' Faithful Name amen.
    Johnathan K - USA
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for Bindu & her 3 believing children: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong & united in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. I praise You for their faith! Bring Hari, the husband, to repentance & faith. May he be reconciled to You & his family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

    Lisa D - USA
  • Dear Father, praise your holy name. Provide for your children Bindu & her children. Give them protection as they follow your will. Give them courage & bold faith in you. Bring other faithful friends to help them grow & mature in faith. Lead them to a place where they learn skills for the future, & have peace. In Jesus Name, amen.
    Shelly D - USA
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for Bindu & her 3 believing children: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong & united in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. I praise You for their faith! Bring Hari, the husband, to repentance & faith. May he be reconciled to You & his family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
    Lisa D - USA
  • My merciful GOD. I ask for your strength and financial help to be with this family. I ask for them to have warm clothes and ample food because winter is coming. I ask that they have a BIBLE to solidify their faith. I ask for boldness from the church in it's proclamation of the Gospel. Praise JESUS CHRIST always
    Bobby C - USA
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for Bindu & her 3 believing children: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong & united in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. I praise You for their faith! Bring Hari, the husband, to repentance & faith. May he be reconciled to You & his family. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
    Lisa D - USA
  • Father, may this family stand firm in Christ. And may You meet the spiritual and material needs this family has. Lord, You are able to do all things, so I pray You will help this family that loves Your Name. Amen.
    joey S - USA
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