I pray this in the name of the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, amen.
thee. I pray their witness leads their persecutors to search thy word as Bereans in the King James Bible and to have Godly sorrow which worketh repentance of sins. I pray in this way they are made ready to believe on thy word unto salvation by thy increase. I pray they bear fruits meet for repentance to thy glory.
Dear LORD, I pray this brother will experience thy peace which surpasseth all understanding even as he prepares to be arrested. I pray in this way his witness is strong towards those unbelievers who have persecuted thy body here. The persecuted here realize that even if they are led as sheep to the slaughter, thou art LORD and salvation only comes from
Father God, glory, praise and honor is all Yours. There almighty ever knowing, ever present and ever powerful. Thank You for Pastor Keshab and for his obedience to the great commission. Bless him, his family and his congregation. Bless him with favor in his court case. In Jesus name, the love of God and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit Amen.
Thank You for Pastor Keshab and his willingness to boldly follow You despite intense state persecution. I pray that he and his allies will not grow weary of doing good and that You will strengthen them in their faith each day. I pray that justice will be done in his case and that he will not serve this unjust sentence. Barring that, be with him.
Father God, protect your servants who are imprisoned for sharing the Good News, esp P. Keshab, & provide for his family. May the prison guards have mercy on him & he be favored in their sight. May his witness bring salvation in this dark place. May your light shine thru him. Give him rest & peace as he serves you there. Rebuke those who hate you.
LORD: Fight for him and bring to nothing the works of darkness against Pastor Keshab. I ask for freedom. May YOUR goodwill in his life be accomplished. In Jesus' name.
In the saving name of Yeshua, our heavenly Father Yahweh, God Who saves, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Pastor Keshab. We ask for deliverance, hedge of protection, and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to him. Amen
Lord I pray for Your hand to be upon Pastor Keshab to guide him, encourage him, lead him and instill hope in Him. I pray for Your peace to be with him and for Your Spirit to guide him into truth. I pray Lord for you to guide his congregants to share with boldness and courage and also with wisdom as they honor You as their King and then their nation.
Lord Jesus, grant pastor Keshab Raj Acharya grace for any time in prison and embolden him to share the gospel with guards and fellow prisoners and raise up Your protective hedge around his life and provide for his wife and family during this time. Father, embolden those followers of Jesus who are seeing his testimony of faithfulness and suffering.
In the living name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Yahweh, God of living as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Pastor Keshab. We praise You that he is chosen instrument. We ask for hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to him. Amen
Heavenly Father, for today increase Pastor Keshab's faith to continue to trust and obey your calling for him. May he experience joy in this season of testing and remember that you almighty God are in control of all things. May his life for Jesus be a witness to those around him. Be glorified Jesus. in your mighty name I pray ps usa
Help Pastor with his ministry.
Precious Lord, please see these Your servants, please them openly that all may see You in them and want to become Christians. Make them brave and bold and give them the courage to continue the Work. In Jesus name, Amen. MARANATHA!
Holy Father, wherever Pastor Keshab is, may he stay strong in the Lord Jesus and may others around him come to know the Lord Jesus as well. Father, I pray Your safety and care of this brother. I pray thru Jesus now. Amen.
Pastor Keshab, Jaimasiya. May you be strengthened by Abba's presence to be His servant and witness in prison. I believe God is going to use you to minister in the prison to the guards and to other prisoners. May the saving message of love and forgiveness through Christ spread person to person. May God sustain your family while you are imprisoned.
In the Spirit name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Holy Spirit, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Pastor Keshab. We ask for a filing of Your Spirit, a hedge of protection, angels directly from heaven to encamp around and minister to him. Amen.
Father, under the guise of "religion" many see Nepal as this spiritual nirvana, but we know underneath is the heart of man and persecution of Your church. We pray for Pastor Keshab that he will be released and his congregation will continue to grow even through this.
Father may Pastor Keshab know your loving presence with him. May your justice and truth be done. Whatever happens enable Pastor Keshab to continue his ministry and lead others into the knowledge of you.
Dear God & Father, I pray for believers in Nepal: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong & united in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. I praise You for their faith! Specifically, give Pastor Keshab & other believers favor with authorities so they can do Your work. And may all Nepal be saved. Amen.
Father, thank you for Pastor Keshah's faith and courage to press on in the midst of persecution. May you strengthen him as he serves the prison sentence. Let him continue to witness for Christ with boldness. May your Spirit move in people he meets in prison so that they, too, will be born-again through faith in Christ to be their Lord & Savior. Amen.
Father, strengthen pastor Keshab as he faces the penalty for his crime of following Jesus' commands. Help him to remain strong in his faith and be a witness in whatever prison he is placed in. Father, thwart the efforts of our enemy in silencing your witness in Nepal and may your light overcome the darkness there.
Dear God & Father, I pray for believers in Nepal: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong & united in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. I praise You for their faith! Specifically, give Pastor Keshab & other believers favor with authorities so they can do Your work. May all Nepal be saved. Amen.
Lord, we lift up our brother Keshab and ask that You would uphold his cause when the governing authorities impose unjust punishment on him. We thank You for giving him success in his ministry, and we see that this has captured the attention of the enemy. We pray for justice and his release but we also ask that You would be glorified in the outcome.
Father, Your truth changes lives day after day. The government and laws meant to hold Your truths back will not stop the spread of people coming to You in faith. In the midst of the struggle, may Pastor Keshab experience Your favor. May he know Your presence to provide peace in the midst of the storm. In Jesus name, Amen.
Dear God & Father, I pray for believers in Nepal: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong & united in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. I praise You for their faith! Specifically, give Pastor Keshab & other believers favor with authorities. In this way, may all Nepal be saved. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Heavenly Father, I pray for Your protection over Pastor Keshab. Please provide all that he needs. I pray for encouragement and support from other Christians; may he never give up hope. Sustain his family while they are separated from him.
Please give Pastor Keshab strength, encouragement, peace, joy and perseverance Father God, in the midst of his persecution. Help him to know that he is loved and use his circumstances to bring others to salvation in Christ. Amen.
I pray this in the humility of never having faced such trials & persecution for my faith Father. Holy Spirit, please fill Pastor Keshab with the assurance that what looks hopeless, intended for evil, can always be used by You to achieve what is good. Keep Keshab's heart open to Your hope, plan, and goodness. Sustain him through this as only You can.
Father, How wonderful it is to see people who really love you and will serve you no matter the cost. It should show all who see it, how real you are. I pray you move on the behalf of Pastor Keshab. Father, be with him, watch over and protect him. Strengthen him and use him no matter where you send him. I pray for his family, I pray for each believer.