Pray for Blawan Kumar and his family.
Pray for Blawan Kumar and his family.
Jul. 04, 2024 | Nepal

Family Evicted, Beaten for Faithful Witness

[133] prayers in [11] nations have been posted for Blawan Kumar.

Jailed as a murderer, Blawan Kumar Paswan had no hope. Then, a Christian in his prison shared the gospel with him. Blawan placed his trust in Jesus Christ and was baptized. A jailer observed the changes in Blawan’s life and recommended early release after he had served 10 years. Blawan returned to his village and dedicated his life to sharing the gospel, but persecution followed. His uncle evicted his family and took their possessions. On December 1, 2023, a group of drunken men beat Blawan and his wife, Bina. They accused the couple of spoiling their culture by preaching about Jesus. Local believers have donated clothes and groceries, and front-line workers have offered to relocate the family, but Blawan refused. “If I leave this place, how can I witness Jesus to these people again, and what will happen to other new believers?” he said. “My family and I are not going to leave this place. They can weaken my body but not my faith.”

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Nepal and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Blawan Kumar

  • Father God, thank you for the amazing work you've done in Blawan's heart and life! Continue to empower and embolden him to live out his faith in such a radical way. Protect him, his wife, and his family. Keep them continually encouraged in the face of persecution. Draw his persecutors to Christ. May they someday join Blawan as Christian brothers. IJNA
    Kevin R - USA
  • Lord,

    Thank you for this couple's courage. Please bless and protect them. May many others come to know you through their testimony.
    Paola M - USA
  • Dear God & Father, I pray for believers in Nepal: Protect, provide for, comfort, strengthen, encourage & guide them. May they stay strong & united in faith, hope & love, committed to Christ. I praise You for their faith! Specifically, sustain Blawan Kumar & his family. Bring his uncle, attackers & village to repentance. May all Nepal be saved. Amen.
    Lisa D - USA
  • Dear Father in Heaven, I thank you for the powerful witness of brother Blawan. Please strengthen him and his family. Bless them to remain in their city as Your beacon of light in the darkness. Put a wall of fire around them and shield them from all evil. Give them the victory! In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
    Teresa P - Korea, South
  • Dear Heavenly Father,
    I pray for Blawan and his family. Please strengthen them through any and every hardship. Encourage them in your Word and help them to be a light to all others around them. Be with them as they share your beautiful truth. And I pray that those around them open their minds to your Word and that it may soften their hearts. Amen!
    Layla P - USA
  • Lord thank you for Blawan and his family. Strengthen their faith,provide and preserve them.. Help them to find a safe place to stay as they keep the gospel going in Jesus name, amen
    Uchechi E - USA
  • Brother Blawan, we lift up you and your family to the most high god. May the Lord provide a hedge of protection over all of you. May the lord guide your ministry in helping others in need in Jesus name.
    john o - USA
  • Father, What an example of courage and faith Blawan's life has been. As he continues to spread the good news, may a harvest of new believers be gathered into your Kingdom. Please protect him and his wife as they remain in a hostile environment.
    Betty D - USA
  • Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for revealing yourself to Blawan and for giving him the courage to stand for you and continue to share his faith. Please heal Blawan and his wife, Bina, both physically and emotionally after they have been rejected. Give him your wisdom of how to proceed and please keep him safe as he leads more of his community to you.
    Margaret H - USA
  • Lord in their weakness, You are strong. We thank You for the faith of Blawan & pray for open doors to the hearts of people in his village. Thank You for providing for their needs thru neighbors. Convict of sin, & bring repentance & new life to this entire village. You are strong when we are weak & You make our way clear for the Gospel to go forth. amen
    Sandra L - USA
  • Thank You for Blawan's commitment to sharing the gospel. Honor his faith and protect his family. Show them if it is time to move on. Continue teaching them to number their days and make the most out of every moment. I ask You for a great harvest of souls using this family.
    Pam M - USA
  • Lord Jesus thank You for my awesome brother Blawan. Strengthen his faith and give him wisdom to continue showing Your love and preaching the gospel in his village. Build Your church and may the gates of hell not prevail against it.
    Andrew S - USA
  • God, I pray that You protect Blawan and his wife, Bina. Please give them the inner strength to stay strong with Your Word, and to proclaim it confidently wherever they are. Please provide food, clothing, and shelter to them at all times. And protection with blessings please. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN!!!
    Scott P - USA
  • Lord, thank you for your grace, mercy, and empowerment over Blawan's life. Thank you for His witness.
    Father, protect his family and make his path straight so that he can share the Gospel with many. Draw his village to him that many will be saved.
    In Jesus' name, amen.
    Maria L - USA
  • You are the God who turns prisoners into saints. Work in the hearts of Blawan's neighbours, his family, his friends. Soften those hearts to the truth, and send more workers to join Blawan. Please heal him and Bina. Strengthen their faith, take away their fear, and give them joy, songs of praise. Let their courage turn others to You.Thank You for saving
    Kesse R - USA
  • Father, I want to lift up my dear brother & his family to You. Would YOu minister to them strength, encouragement, grace & all they need at this time. Keep fear far from them & may they always be reminded that they are under the shadow of YOur wing. Draw those that are searching for You, and may Blawan & his wife lead them to YOu through Holy Spirit!
    Lisa T - USA
  • Father, I thank you for such brave, courageous men of God like Kumar and his family. Keep them safe so they can continue sharing the gospel and preparing people for heaven. Watch over them, Jesus, and provide their daily needs. Give them hope, peace and unusual strength for the daily journey. In Jesus Name.
  • Padre celestial. Es admirable ver y oir una fe como la este hermano Blawan. Te lo encomiendo para pueda ser usado y muchas almas venga a Cristo, este hermano es de gran utilidad en esa area. Que el Espiritu Santo lo proteja y pueda evangelizar y muchos puedan ser salvo. Amen.
    mario m - USA
  • Padre celestial. Es admirable ver y oir una fe como la este hermano Blawan. Te lo encomiendo para pueda ser usado y muchas almas venga a Cristo, este hermano es de gran utilidad en esa area. Que el Espiritu Santo lo proteja y pueda evangelizar y muchos puedan ser salvo. Amen.
    mario m - USA
  • Padre celestial. Es admirable ver y oir una fe como la este hermano Blawan. Te lo encomiendo para pueda ser usado y muchas almas venga a Cristo, este hermano es de gran utilidad en esa area. Que el Espiritu Santo lo proteja y pueda evangelizar y muchos puedan ser salvo. Amen.
    mario m - USA
  • ABBA FATHER, I pray for protection for Blawan and his family! I also pray that YOU will provide for them! I pray that YOU will use him to reach members of his village for CHRIST! I pray for the entire country of Nepal to become HOLY SPIRIT filled, Bible believing, born again believers and followers of JESUS. May it all start with Blawan, in JESUS name!
    Michael V - USA
  • My prayer is that the Lord Jesus will protect and give boldness to share the gospel and then leave the results up to the Holy Spirit.

    Tom M - USA
  • Heavenly Father,
    Please watch over and bless my brother in Christ Blawan, and his family. Keep him safe, help his wounds to heal, supply his daily needs, and help him to spread the gospel. Lead millions to Christ by using him. Please be with him Lord Jesus. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.
    Carmelo C - USA
  • Lord Jesus, thank You for the steadfastness of Blawan and Bina who chose to endure persecution rather than renounce their faith. Open the eyes of the villagers to see Your great love, and encourage Blawan and Bina to continue their faithful witness. Thank You, Lord. In Jesus name, amen.
    Susan H - USA
  • Jesus my Savior, Praise Your Holy Holy Holy Name!! I lift up Blawan and his wife, Bina to You for Your protection, provision, favor, encouragement, endurance that could only come from You Lord, alongside their Christian faith. I pray that their ministry will flourish and many will come to know You as Savior!! Amen.
    Nancy W - USA
  • Praise you, Lord, for such a courageous faith! Encourage Bina and Blawan Kumar Paswan. Continue to provide for their needs. Stir up curiosity in fellow villagers about this couple who prefer to endure abuse for the sake of love.
    Jim T - USA
  • Father God I come to you in Jesus name and I pray for Blawan Kumar and his wife and family. Supply all of their needs spiritually, physically, financially and emotionally. Grant them perseverance in their faith in Jesus & make them courageous. Grant them according to the riches of Your glory to be strengthened with might by Your Spirit & know your love
    Jerry W - USA
  • Blatant, you and yours are taken to the Throne of God this morning. Praying courage and clarity of direction for you and your family. Praying His abundant grace on your health, provision, and open doors. III John 2
    Paula L - USA
  • Father, we pray for open hearts and minds to receive the Gospel. May Blawan be blest with courage and wisdom for the labour ahead. In Jesus' name. Amen!
    Rick T - Malaysia
  • Dear Lord Jesus, I lift up this dear brother in Christ, Blawan Kumar to You and ask that You would continue to strengthen and encourage him. Give him wisdom to know what You would have him to do. Continue to provide for his and his family's needs as You have faithfully done. May his life continue to be a faithful witness of Your love and faithfulness.
    patty r - USA
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