Being welcomed with Christ's love changed Krishna's heart.
Being welcomed with Christ's love changed Krishna's heart.
Aug. 08, 2024 | Nepal

Guesthouse Owners Share Christ's Love

[139] prayers in [10] nations have been posted for Mamata and Krishna.

20-year-old Mamata was the only Christian in her remote rural village. Her husband, Krishna, and other family members were strong Hindus, and they pressured her incessantly to leave the Christian faith. When she became pregnant, her pastor arranged for Mamata and Krishna to stay in a Christian guesthouse near the main district hospital when it came time for her to deliver the baby. During their two-week stay, the proprietors cared for Mamata and showed the love of God to her husband. When additional medical treatment was needed, these Christian workers continued to help Mamata and Krishna. Because of the help and love they received from this couple, Krishna and his mother placed their faith in Jesus Christ. A local pastor is providing fellowship to them in their village.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Nepal and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Mamata and Krishna

  • Thank you, Jesus, for this Christian guest house. Bless and provide for the owners. Protect MAmata and Krishna in their new faith.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Great is Your faithfulness, OLORD, God. You care for the needs of your children, like a hen does for her chicks. Your faithfulness is new every morning. Please continue the growing faith of this young family. May those who do not know you yet, be awakened to their need of Jesus, our Lord. Have mercy on their need, & guide them to you, the living water.
    Shelly D - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ I come to You on behalf of Your people who are being persecuted and abused and traumatized, please give them comfort!
    christine s - USA
  • In the loving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Shalom, God of peace. As brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Mamata and Krishna. We ask for peace, a hedge of protection, and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Dear Jesus,

    I thank you for bringing salvation to Mamata, her husband, Krishna, and his mother. I thank You Lord for letting Your Word spread like seeds in the wind in their village. In the name of Jesus Christ, help them grow their faith, in Jesus name, Amen.
    Christopher W - USA
  • Heavenly Father, thank you for Christians who cared for Mamata during her pregnancy, and thank you that she and Krishna have a healthy baby. I pray for the new believers, Krishna and his mother. May they grow in faith and have the opportunity for a Christian home. Please protect them from any who would discourage them.
    Rosalind T - USA
  • Father, thank you for Mamata, Krishna, and Krishna's mother. Strengthen them in their faith, help them walk victoriously and shine Your light brightly so that many more in their village come to faith in Christ. Fill them with the fruit and power of Your Holy Spirit so that the fragrance of Christ would be evident in their lives.
    Christi S - USA
  • Praise to you Fear Lord for the example of Jesus' love. May these new babes in Christ grow strong as their family does. In Jesus name amen.
    Peggy A - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for Mamata and her willingness to follow You despite pressure from her family. Thank You for the Christian guesthouse and the proprietors showing the love of God to her and her family. May Krishna and his mother grow closer to You each day as they seek You and live according to Your Word. May they stand strong in their faith.
    Lysander S - USA
  • The God Who is Love, the world will know we are Christ's by the Love he bestows through His children. Thank for the testimony of these hosts and that Krishna too has become a Christian. My the whole family see and believe. Amen!
    Joan B - USA
  • In the holy name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Yahweh, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Mamata and Krishna. We ask for hedge of protection, and angels direct from heaven encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Our Father, thank You for the kindness of Your children to Mamata, and that it had a positive affect on Krishna and his mother. May they all grow in wisdom and love for You and Jesus. In His name, Amen
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • Lord I praise You for the new members to the faith and for the brothers and sisters in Jesus. I pray for them to get spiritual guiding and for them to have all they need to keep growing and be blessed. I pray Lord for Your plan for their family to come about fully and for more aunts, uncles, brothers, sisters, and cousins to come to know salvation
    Joy H - USA
  • In the peaceful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Shalom, God of peace, as brothers and sisters in Christ we pray for peace for Mamata and Kishna. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Thank you, Father, that you are building your church and the gates of hell are not prevailing against it.
    Rob N - USA
  • Father, bless and encourage Mamata and Krishna as they grow in the nurture and admonition of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Strengthen Mamata and Krishna's marriage relationship as You conform them to the character of the Messiah. Empower then to love You with all of their heart, mind, soul, and strength and to love others as they love themselves.
    Patrick V - USA
  • Thank you Father for your people who you place to show Christ's love and caring. Please continue to help this family follow you all the days of their lives and may others come to know you through their testimony. In Jesus name, amen.
    Nancy H - USA
  • Father God, I thank you that you drew these precious people to Jesus Christ through the hospitality of the pastor and the proprietors of the guesthouse. I thank you that they loved the family so much that they chose to place their faith in You. Please continue to use all means possible to draw more people to faith in Jesus Christ in Nepal. Amen.
    Julia F - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for the Christians who welcomed Mamata and Krishna into their home and showed them Your love and kindness. We also thank You that because of their witness, Krishna and his mother came to faith in Christ. Please help them to now pay it forward and show the love of Christ to others to that many may accept Jesus as Lord
    Donna H - USA
  • Lord God, I praise You for drawing this couple and Krishna's mother to Yourself. Thank You for giving this little baby believing parents, and I pray that they would be unified in raising their child to love and follow You. May all of them continue to grow and mature in their faith and be the means of many others coming to salvation.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Father, keep Mamata and Krishna and his mother strong in their faith. Provide for them and may they be sustained through a strong nurturing fellowship. We pray for the salvation of their villagers. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Dennis B - USA
  • Father, thank you for orchestrating the salvation of Krishna and Mamata's mother in law, as only you can. Thank you for answering Mamata's prayers. Now please orchestrate a revival in their village, such that a dozen souls come to Jesus. And from there on, dozens more! Cause a great harvest of souls to spring forth;may their compassion attract manyAmen
    Danae V - USA
  • Glory to You Almighty God and Father for Your love and caring hand on this family
    Raymond L - USA
  • Lord, this is such a beautiful story. All praises to You! May Mamata and Krishna & his mother continue to be anchored in their faith & in Your Word. Blessings to the others who showed the love of God. May their baby be blessed, healthy, & grow to love you with all their heart. May many be drawn to You through this, in Jesus' beautiful name.
    Lisa T - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father I amen these previous prayers. I pray You will protect this guest house from the enemy who seeks to evict them. May You establish them firmly, the Rock of Salvation as foundation. Bless Krishna & his mother; may his testimony change the hearts of those in the village. I lift up my prayers for Nepal. In Jesus' Gracious Name amen.
    Johnathan K - USA
  • Jesus strength these believers give them peace in there hearts and minds. Protect them please. Bin jesus name we ask. Thank you God.
    Craig M - USA
  • Father I thank you for establishing the guest house n for the fruit it is bearing in peoples lives I pray that Mamata n Krishna will grow mature n strong in their faith in Jesus and that you would surround n protect the guest house from the evil one n the evil of this world I pray that the gospel would bear much fruit unto salvation with Nepals Hindus
    Dean B - USA
  • Father I thank you for establishing the guest house n for the fruit it is bearing in peoples lives I pray that Mamata n Krishna will grow mature n strong in their faith in Jesus and that you would surround n protect the guest house from the evil one n the evil of this world I pray that the gospel would bear much fruit unto salvation with Nepals Hindus
    Dean B - USA
  • Praise Jesus father for saving these believers in nepal, please strengthen Mamata, Krishna, and their families in their faith in the Mighty Name of Jesus
  • Avi Ad! I thank You that in Your son, Christ Jesus, all things work together for the good of those who love You and are called according to your purpose. May Mamata and Krishna always treasure their child as a gift from You. May their hearts be forever full of thanksgiving to You. In Yeshua's name
    Randal A - USA
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