Christians in camps for displaced people often wait hours for water and worry about lack of food.
Christians in camps for displaced people often wait hours for water and worry about lack of food.
Aug. 15, 2024 | Sudan

Christian Families Separated, Struggling

[132] prayers in [7] nations have been posted for Sudanese Christians.

Roughly 12 million Sudanese have fled as a result of the civil war between two Islamist generals that has engulfed the country since April 2023. The displaced people include around 750,000 from predominately Christian tribes who have made a harrowing journey to reach the Nuba Mountains, an autonomous region in the south of the country. But the travel and ongoing fighting have separated families. “When the war broke out, we have many people, even my own daughter, that have been caught on [the other] side of Khartoum,” said Pastor Morris, a longtime church leader located in the Nuba Mountains. “We do not have any communication with her, and we don’t know what she is doing. We don’t have any idea.” Many who reached the relative safety of the Nuba Mountains struggle to survive due to lack of food and basic necessities. They hope the rainy season will provide relief and lead to a good harvest.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Sudan and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Sudanese Christians

  • Dear Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ I come to You on behalf of Your people who are being persecuted and abused and traumatized, please give them comfort!
    christine s - USA
  • In the saving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Nissi, Our Banner and God Who saves, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Sudanese Christians and refugees. We ask for deliverance, for provision, for a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Dear Jesus,

    I thank You that You're Word is spreading throughout Sudan. Dear Lord, please watch over the citizens of Sudan. Please look upon Pastor Morris' daughter; I plead the Blood of Jesus for her protection and strength. Send Your army of angels to be her escort home. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
    Christopher W - USA
  • In the loving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Jireh. God Who provides. As brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Sudanese believers. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father please send the rains for a good harvest. Keep your children of Sudan safe. May they look at the maintains and know their help comes from the Lord. May those separated be reunited we beg of you. In Jesus name May this country change their hearts and be converted. Amen
    Peggy A - USA
  • Father, we feel so completely helpless as we read this account. Our hearts cry out for the families. Please give peace to our brothers and sisters. And would you please provide news for them of their beloved family members, since you can see them all? Above all, we ask that your gospel will be spread through this trial.
    Brenda M - USA
  • Dear family in Christ, may the Lord bless you and keep you in His hand. I pray for you and hope will endure to the end since Jesus our Savior is coming soon. Proclaim Christ at all costs. That's the only thing that matters.
    Susan R - USA
  • O Lord God Our Provider, I pray for my Sudanese brothers and sisters in Christ who caught in the political strife of their country. Grant them provisions and peace of mind regarding their family members. I pray this daughter would be found safe and united with her family. Amen.
    Joan B - USA
  • In the holy name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Yahweh, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of exiled Sudanese Christians. We ask for hedge of protection, and angels direct from heaven encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Lord I pray for the Christians in Sudan, especially the ones who have gone to the Nuba mountains for refuge. Please cause it to rain there so they could have a harvest in their field and that they would be able to have plenty to eat. Move us in the west to give to them so that they can begin to build again. Bring families together. in Jesus name amen.
    Nancy G - USA
  • Abba, I cry out to You for my beloved brethren there in Sudan. I ask for a hedge of protection around them and pray You would provide all their needs according to Your riches in glory by Yahusha HaMashiach our Adonai. Bless my dear brethren for their faithfulness despite such harsh and evil persecution. In Yahusha's Name I pray. Thank You Abba Father!
    Yahleah M - USA
  • Our Father, still the hearts and fears of the family members that are separated. Bring them together soon! May their witness for You be powerful, and bring others to You. Comfort them while they are apart! In Jesus' name, Amen
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • Father, these displaced people are living in dire circumstances. I pray that they will receive relief and a good harvest. I pray for Pastor Morris who was separated from his daughter. Give him comfort and I pray for a miracle that she can be reunited with him and her family.
    Betty D - USA
  • Lord, may families be united, and grant them food, water, relief and an abundant harvest. May You also bring in a large harvest of souls and unite them in service and fellowship of You. Bring peace to Sudan and thwart the plans of evil, so that Sudanese may worship You freely in Spirit and in Truth. May Your truth, justice and righteousness reign.
    Beth P - USA
  • Lord I ask for a harvest for these workers that is abundant and full and more than they could ask or imagine. I pray for healing and respite and safety for those that have fled. I pray the land would give what they need based on Your command and Your direction. I pray they would not give up hope but would keep praying, worshipping and seeking You .
    Joy H - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father I amen these previous prayers. I pray Jehovah-Jireh Your abundant provision would fall upon them. Give them the season of harvest that they need. They have suffered for your cause. I pray their testimony of Your provision is Your glory for those being saved there. Protect them from the enemy I pray. In Jesus' Gracious Name amen.
    Johnathan K - USA
  • Father God please bring relief to my brothers and sisters in Sudan. Bring Your peace. Bring Your provision. Lord please send rains in season so they can grow food and flourish.
    Andrew S - USA
  • Father, as the displaced people of Sudan, including our brothers and sisters in Christ, endure hardship resulting from the civil war, cause them to draw near to Jesus, the only hope both now and forever. Encourage, edify, and comfort Your people as they continue to suffer separation and loss. Provide for their spiritual, emotional, and physical needs.
    Patrick V - USA
  • Father God, I ask that you will bring relief to the suffering of the Sudanese Christians who are escaping to the mountains to seek safety. Please provide food and water in abundance for them. Please reunite families together. Please provide rain and an abundant harvest. Please glorify the name of Jesus Christ to those who don't know you yet. Amen.
    Julia F - USA
  • Almighty, please lay Your protective hands on fellow Sudanese Christians. Bless them with the reuniting of their families and other loved ones. I pray that they get some relief from persecution and that they are able to make a living in the Nuba Mountains. I pray for softened hearts of those who wish them harm, Lord. In Your Son, Amen
    Connie A - USA
  • Jesus please provide sustenance for these Sudanese Christians who have fled the violence. Please comfort their hearts as they are separated from loved ones. Please watch over your children still in violent situations. Please let your peace feel their hearts in spite of this difficulty
    michele r - USA
  • Father please let restoration come to the families that have been separated from each other. May they know Your love and care you have for them. Keep them and bless them and may they find peace You. Guide them into a deeper walk and faith into all the promises they have in Yesuah. May their hearts find rest in Your love. Amen ðŸ
    Roger H - USA
    Macrina V - USA
  • Dear Father God I cry out to You for these people who are constantly threatened by the evil ones because of their faith in Christ!! Please give them refuge, be their shelter, and their hiding place, be their deliverer and their strong tower!
    christine s - USA
  • In the peaceful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Shalom, God of peace, as brothers and sisters in Christ we pray for peace for Sudanese Christians. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Father I pray, "And in no way be alarmed or intimidated in anything by your opponents, for such constancy and fearlessness on your part is a clear sign a proof and a seal for them of their impending destruction, but a clear sign for you of deliverance and salvation, and that too, from God "(Philippians 1:28). Please reconnect them with their daughter.
    Rob N - USA
  • Father, I thank you, because these have delighted in you and known your name, you deliver them & set them on high. They call on you and you answer them. You're with them in distress. You deliver and honor them. With length of days you satisfy them and cause them to look upon your salvation. Psalm 91:14-16.
    Rob N - USA
  • Father, we choose to remember (by praying for) prisoners as if chained with them, since we are also in the body (Heb. 13:3). We pray for those who are being persecuted for righteousness sake. We call them blessed and declare that no one will be able to harm them because they are followers of what is good. We pray they will not afraid (1 Peter 3:13-17)
    Rob N - USA
  • Heavenly Father, I pray for Christians in Sudan who are caught in this civil war and have been displaced. Please provide relief for those who have lost their homes and means of living. I pray for Pastor Morris' daughter who has been separated from her family. By a miracle, may she be reunited with her father.
    Rosalind T - USA
  • I will continue to pray for the Christians in Sudan nightly.
    Clint D - USA
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