Sadou has been pressured to return to Islam, but he remains firm in his faith in Christ.
Sadou has been pressured to return to Islam, but he remains firm in his faith in Christ.
Aug. 22, 2024 | Burkina Faso

Fulani Muslim Turns to Christ

[123] prayers in [7] nations have been posted for Sadou.

The Fulani are a nomadic Muslim tribe who live in a vast region where the Sahara Desert meets the African savanna, called the Sahel. The total number of Fulani is unknown but believed to be between 20 and 40 million people. Militant Fulani Muslims have been involved in vicious attacks on Christians in many nations, including Nigeria and Burkina Faso. But some Fulani are turning to Christ, like Sadou in Burkina Faso. Sadou was raised from childhood to make and sell Islamic charms. One day he read a Christian brochure in his native Fulani language and asked a Christian for a Bible. “I was so curious as a Muslim,” he said. “What is this faith? And as I read it, I realized that Jesus is pure.” He eventually came to faith in Christ. A Muslim offered him $6,000 to return to Islam, but Sadou refused. He now attends a school designed to help Fulani Christians grow in their faith.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Burkina Faso and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Sadou

  • Dear Father, bless this man and strengthen his faith and shed light in his life and even those around him. Pour out your Grace unto him. We thank you for his blessed conversion. Send your love and pour it upon him. In Jesus name, amen.
    Sarah P - USA
  • Heavenly Father, you are so gracious and kind. Thanks for revealing your holiness to Sadou. I pray he will never settle for less than all of you. I pray you strengthen him to remain faithful to you no matter what the cost. May his love for you shine bright so that other Fulani's will come to follow Christ. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!
    Kevin W - USA
  • Dear Jesus,

    I thank You that many Fulani are coming to Christ. I also want to thank You for Sadou accepting You as Lord and Savior, and will never go back no matter how much money has been offered to him. May many more Fulani come to Christ, in Jesus' Name, Amen.
    Christopher W - USA
  • In the loving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Shalom, God of peace, as brothers and sisters in Christ we pray for peace and safety of Sadou We ask for hedge of protection, and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them and him. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Heavenly father God I thank you for the Muslims who are coming to Christ for touching their hearts with strong faith that they continue to stand up to Persecution God give them wisdom knowledge and understanding of the Lord Jesus Christ that they may continue to grow in their faith and protection as they stand before other Muslims in witness .
    Pam W - USA
  • Father, thank You for Sadou's testimony and the manner in which You continue to lead and guide him by Your Word and the Holy Spirit. Thank You for empowering Sadou to resist the temptation to return to Islam. Continue to strengthen Sadou in the inner man and grant Him the wisdom, discernment, insight, knowledge and awareness to faithfully follow Jesus.
    Patrick V - USA
  • Amen, Father. This is so heart warming. May this Fulani share boldly and may many others stuck in Islam come to know Jesus as their pure wonderful savior. In Jesus name, amen.
    Nancy H - USA
  • Thank you, Father that Sadou discovered a Christian brochure in his own language. What a miracle. As he continued to seek to learn about you, he came to trust Jesus as his Savior and Lord. I pray that as he attends school to grow in his Christian faith, that he will be come a strong witness and lead others to Christ.
    Betty D - USA
  • Lord, thank You for Sadou's steadfast faith in You. Use him in the lives of the people around him and where there are so much terror and attacks, make him a light of love and peace to those who need You so much.
    Cara P - South Africa
  • I Lord all praise to You for what you are doing among those who hate Christians. Keep Sadou safe from the evil one and those being used by him. Increase his faith, knowledge and joy hope and peace. Through Christ amen
    Peggy A - USA
  • Thank you Father, for you show great kindness to all people, from every tribe and nation. Thank you specifically for your kindness to this man, and I ask you for your presence to be felt in his situation, your comfort and peace, and your wisdom according to his needs. Please save more and more from his community to be in Christ. In Jesus name, Amen.
    Mary F - USA
  • Thank You for saving Sadou. May he grow in Christ. Please protect him Father from the temptation to return to his former life. May he be faithful to You. I ask thru Christ. Amen.
    joey S - USA
  • Father, thank you that many Fulani are turning to Christ for life and peace. May many more turn away from violence and lies and see the purity of the Gospel just as Sadou has. I pray a special protection upon him as he seeks to learn about the faith. In Jesus' name, amen.
    Matthew E - USA
  • Father God, I thank you that Sadou has come to faith in Jesus Christ and received the free gift of salvation through Him. I pray that many more Fulani will hear the gospel and realize that Jesus is the Savior and the only way to the Father is through Him. I pray that you will draw them to yourself and continue to have materials available for them.Amen.
    Julia F - USA
  • Lord, how beautiful You are to draw Your dear son to You. May he be grounded in Your Word in this school, & if it's Your will, even teach there someday. TY that money did not lure him. May he never look back IJN. May many be drawn to You through him. Surround him w believers. May many more Fulanis come to You Father in Jesus' Name.
    Lisa T - USA
  • Dear brother in Christ, may the Lord bless you and keep you in His hand. I pray for you and hope will endure to the end since Jesus our Savior is coming soon. Proclaim Christ at all costs. That's the only thing that matters.
    Susan R - USA
  • God, we praise You for Sadou's soul, for his steadfast faith, and for the curiosity that led him to the truth. Please help him to remain steadfast in the truth, and give him words to speak to other Fulani's in ways they can hear. Let Your word go out through his mouth. Protect him, and let the love of Your people turn even their enemies to the truth.
    Kesse R - USA
  • Father,
    We praise you that You are God. The heavens declare your handiwork. We thank you that this man and the others at his school have come to faith in You. Please protect and guide. Give Your strength and wisdom.
    In Jesus name
    Mary U - USA
  • Oh You the One Pure God, How wonderful it is to hear of Fulani coming to Christ in Burkina Faso. Strengthen this ministry so more are saved in Christ. Blind the eyes of the militants to Christian gatherings but rather open their eyes to see Christ and be saved. Amen.
    Joan B - USA
  • In the holy name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Yahweh, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Sadou. We ask for hedge of protection, and angels direct from heaven encamp around and minister to him Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Gracious Heavenly Father, thank you for the witness of Sadou. May he continue to be encouraged and strengthened in the Christian faith. May his witness bring others who are Fulani to the realization that your Son Jesus is the only way to true eternal life and forgiveness of sins. I pray this in Jesus' Holy name, Amen y Amen!
    Chaplain Dale I - USA
  • We praise you and give you thanks for Sadou's conversion father. Protect him now from the evil one, and equip him for every good work, and may his testimony be used in your hands to bring many other Fulani to Christ. Amen.
    Tania E - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father I amen these previous prayers. Glory be unto You, who reaches to the darkest places & shines the Light to destroy the darkness! You are Jehovah-nissi & Your banner over them is Love! I cont. to pray for the Fulani Muslims. Remove the veil from their blinded Muslim eyes. Cont. to save them from this! In Jesus' Faithful Name amen.
    Johnathan K - USA
  • Heavenly Father: We praise You for drawing Sadou to Yourself and for his love for Jesus! Encourage & enlighten him as he studies Your Word. Use him to lead many others to salvation. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Nancy R - USA
  • Father I thank you for delivering Sadou from darkness n death unto light n salvation i pray he grows strong in the grace n knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ May you continue to extend your grace n mercy to the Fulani people that they also may be delivered un to salvation may you provide the witnesses n your word for this to happen In Jesus name
    Dean B - USA
  • It is so affirming to read of the power of Your word and the gospel. I pray that more and more Muslims will desire to open a Bible to read of the one true God, and our Savior and God Jesus Christ, and Your Holy Spirit. Give them understanding as they read, and send many "Philips" to explain what they read.
    In Jesus name.
    Mike D - USA
  • I have added Sadou to my prayer list.
    Clint D - USA
  • Praise you father God for this brothers newfound faith, please continue to grow him in his knowledge and love for you and keep him safe. I pray for many other Fulani Muslims to come to saving faith in Christ and the Mighty Name of Jesus Amen
  • O God, this so wonderful. Nothing is too hard for You. May my brother Sadou prosper as his soul prospers, and all his family as well come to faith in Jesus, the Name above every name. Please bring many more Fulani to faith in Christ, including the violent men. In Jesus' Name. Thank You. Amen.
    Christienne D - USA
  • Father God, we lift up Sadou and others that are ministering to the Muslims around them. Give them protection, strength and the ability to tell the good news of your son Jesus. Bless them and keep them on the path to witness to others they encounter. Protect him and keep him energized to do your work. In Jesus name, Amen
    Jonathan G - USA
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