worketh repentance of sins. I pray with a broken and contrite heart he is made ready to believe on thy word unto salvation by thy increase. I pray he bears fruits meet for repentance and witnesses to many in Nepal who are amazed at the change in him. I pray in the name of the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, amen.
Dear LORD, I pray this monk is led to thy word according unto the King James Bible being convicted of his conscience that he is a sinner. I pray he searches it as a Berean and realizes thou art LORD of lords and his Hindu gods won't save him but will lead him to hell. I pray he realizes the price thou hast paid for sin and have Godly sorrow which
Our Father, let Pastor Mukhiya live and work wirh You. Please meet his needs. Please send calls of faith to all hindu monks and save them. Give them power to accept You as their personal Savior. Please guide them to salvation. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Father, you love my dear brother so much. May the gospel seeds that have been sown in people take root and grow and eventually bear fruit. Please protect him from evil. May he be led by the Spirit and let Jesus live through him always. Thank you for how you are working in and through Mukhiya. Amen.
Thank You for Pastor Mukhiya and his bold faith. Praise You Father. For this monk, Lord, make him a testimony of the grace of God that can change the heart of sinners and enemies of Christ as You did with Paul. May Mukhiya continue Your work in Nepal. Praise and thank You that You are using him there in Nepal. Amen.
Dear Lord, I pray for this monk, that his heart will be touched by Your love and offer of salvation. I pray that the seed that was planted by Pastor Mahesh's witness will thrive and grow into a saved life for Christ. In Jesus' name, amen.
Thanks Lord for the faith of Pstr Mukhiya who preaches to Hindus despite opposition. We pray for the salvation of the Hindu monk who rebuked him for witnessing to him. May I be remind to spread the gospel more in my area of influence. Amen.
In the faithful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, El Emunah, God Who is faithful, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Pastor Mukhiya. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to him. Amen
Dear brother
in Christ. I can't begin to understand what you're going through, but our Living God hears you and will welcome you with open arms. Keep looking up because Jesus is coming back soon. I will pray for you. Much love in Christ.
Father please give this monk life in Jesus. Encourage Pastor Mukhiya in his work in faith.
Thank You for Pastor Mukhiya and his willingness to boldly share the Gospel with others, even if he might face violent opposition. May we all be so bold and on fire for the Good News that we are obedient to Your leading. We pray for the salvation of this monk; may his life be a great testimony of Your power and sovereignty.
Father please strengthen Pastor Mahesh as he shares the gospel in Nepal. I pray for this monk Lord, soften his heart to hear your voice and give his life to you. In Jesus name, amen.
In the redeeming name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, God Who redeems, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Pastor Mukhiya. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to him. Amen.
Dear Jesus,
I thank You for protecting and defend Pastor Mahesh Mukhiya of Nepal from harm. I also thank You for changing the hearts of the villagers. In the name of Jesus Christ, Lord let no weapon stand against him prosper. Please save this monk from his village. In Jesus' name, Amen.
Lord God I thank for Pastor Mukhiyas faith n witness for the gospel in Nepal may you strengthen guide n direct him in his witness and may it bear much fruit for your Kingdom surround n protect him from the evil one as he faithfully serves you , have mercy on the Hindu monk that he may also come to faith in Christ n be your servant In Jesus name
In the resurrected name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, El Khai, God of living, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Pator Mukhiya and other Nepali Christians. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen.
Heavenly Father, I thank you for Pastor Mukhiya's boldness to witness to a known adversary of Christianity. Thank you that the villagers appeared to support him when confronted with verbal abuse. I pray that the Hindu monk will have a change of heart toward Christianity, and that many will come to faith in Christ through Pastor Mukhiya's testimony.
I thank you Jesus for pastor Mukhiya for his boldness that you continue to protect him and make him a effective witness and that many will come to salvation through his testimony. I pray that the angry monk who got upset with him will repent and stop persecuting Christian's and come to faith in Christ.I pray this in Jesus name amen.
Father, thank You for the faith the guides and carries Pastor Mukhiya in his daily life. May he continue to seek guidance from above as ministers among people who oppose Jesus. May he grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and experience Your power at work in his life. May he have wisdom with whom and when to share Jesus. Amen.
Father God,
I thank and praise you for my brother Pastor Mahesh Mukhiya and his courage and desire to share the gospel. Please give him deep wisdom and grace in the face of spiritual opposition, and strategy from heaven.
In Jesus Name
Father, thank you for pastor Mukhiya's boldness in sharing the Gospel even with those who strongly oppose the message. We pray that you would protect him and give him continued courage and strength to witness to your grace in Jesus. Please open the heart of the monk who has heard the Gospel. In Jesus' name, amen.
Your phrase "that he was a respected member of the village" says a great deal about Pastor Mukhiya. This is in Napal, which has a low % of CHRISTIANS. I praise GOD for him praying before he spoke. This indicates spiritual wisdom, which comes from studying and much prayer. May ALMIGHTY GOD continue to lead and use this Pastor!!
Father, we ask that you would give wisdom, protection and strength to Pastor Mukhiya during this difficult time in his life. Help him to be bold and proclaim3 the gospel to others. We also ask that you would draw the monk to you for salvation. In Jesus name.
Our Father, thank You for rescuing Pastor Mukhiya from the mob. May he continue to minister to others. Protect him from those who would cause him harm. Place a hedge around Your children and protect them from the monk who is bent on mischief. May he come to know Jesus as his savior. In Jesus' name, Amen
Thank you for the boldness of f my brother""may the seeds he planted grow into salvation! In Jesus name amen.
Lord, thank you for Pastor Mukhiya and his desire to boldly witness for you. He has counted the cost and his willing to share your love. Please grant him protection as he stands on his faith in your power as the eternal rock. May he know that he is an encouragement to me, who seeks that type of boldness. May many people in Nepal coe to you. Amen
Abba, Father I give praise and thanks to You for the hedge of protection placed around dear Pastor Mukhiya. I ask for a continual hedge of protection around him and for a Damascus Road Experience for the monk the gospel was shared to. May his ears be opened to hear and heart to receive I pray in Yahusha's name. Thank You Adonai in advance.
Father God, you know the hearts of man. I pray for this monk who has heard the gospel, that you will convict him of his need for a Savior. I pray that he will not be able to ignore the truth of his sinfulness. I ask that you continue to protect Pastor Mahesh and other Christians in Nepal who are bold to share the gospel truth with others. Amen.
Lord Jesus Christ, please protect Pastor Mahesh as he boldly and lovingly shares his faith with others. I pray for conversion for the Hindu monk. May he be warmed by the humility and love of this Pastor and change his ways.
Dear Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ I come to You on behalf of Your people who are being persecuted and abused and traumatized, please give them comfort!