Though Egypt is 13% Christian, Muslim women who convert to Christianity there can face severe persecution.
Though Egypt is 13% Christian, Muslim women who convert to Christianity there can face severe persecution.
Sep. 05, 2024 | Egypt

Christian Woman Missing

[125] prayers in [4] nations have been posted for Egyptian Christian.

An Egyptian Christian convert from Islam has faced intense family pressure since becoming a follower of Christ. The woman’s father is an imam, an Islamic scholar, which made it difficult for her to be in public without scrutiny. In Egypt, Christian converts from Islam can experience harsh opposition from their families. Their Muslim families often feel an intense sense of shame or dishonor because they see their relatives’ new Christian faith as an affront to Islam. Christian converts are sometimes even killed in so-called “honor killings” by their close relatives. A front-line worker reported that this Christian woman has now gone missing, and he requested prayer for her based on Psalm 3, which says, “But you, O Lord, are a shield about me … Arise, O Lord! Save me, O my God!”

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Egypt and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Egyptian Christian

  • Powerful God, You know where this sister is...where Your daughter is. Take care of her as only You can. Strengthen her through Your Spirit to stand strong in the faith. Assure her of Your Presence with her and Your faithfulness to her.
    Bridget B - USA
  • Father, we ask urgently for your mighty hand of protection upon our sister in Christ in Egypt. As requested we pray that you would be a shield about her and arise and save her from all her enemies In Jesus name, amen.
    Matthew E - USA
  • Father, we pray for all Christians in Egypt that you would protect, comfort and give wisdom to them as they endure hardship. Show them your love and help them to continue in their witness of your love and salvation to others. In Jesus name.
    Rhonda F - USA
  • Our Father, watch over Your daughter who is missing. Put her arms around her, and provide for her. In Jesus' name, Amen
    Elizabeth S - USA
  • Jesus you know where your child is""they may be with you in heaven or still on earth. Lord if on earth may you set her free from her captors. In Jesus name amen.
    David H - USA
  • Jesus through your love and wisdom help them find this Christian sister. Help her through the power of the holy spirit to give her peace and those thath love her peace. You are not forgotten sister in christ. Jesus loves you and so do your brothers and sisters in christ. We ask this in jesus name. Thank you God.
    Craig M - USA
  • Abba, Father I lift up our dear sister to you in prayer. You know of her whereabouts, nothing is hidden from You. I pray You would place a hedge of protection around her and deliver her from anyone who seeks to do harm. May her family and others come to know Yahusha as HaMashiach and accept the gift of salvation I pray in Yahusha's name.
    Yahleah M - USA
  • My Lord, I can only imagine what has become of this woman, a recent convert from Islam. Please, my Lord, please look after her if she remains alive. Set her free and allow her to live her life in the joy of You.
    Denise G - Canada
  • Dear Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ I come to You on behalf of Your people who are being persecuted and abused and traumatized, please give them comfort!
    christine s - USA
  • Lord God, I pray that You would protect this dear woman and deliver her from her oppressors. May she, and her captors, see You as the one true and living God who is to be worshiped and praised. I pray that she would trust You and hold fast to the truths that You love her, You see her, and You know all she is going through.
    Danielle H - USA
  • Oh Father, this sheep may have shamed her earthly family, but she has brought glory to her Heavenly Father. If she still lives, please incline her heart to walk in Your ways, and continue to honor You whether by life or by death. If she has gone on to rest in Your green pasture, may the testimony she has left behind bring others into the fold.
    Toni D - USA
  • Jesus you know where this precious woman is and I pray whether it is being held and abused or in heaven with you that you would comfort her and her family of God.
    michele r - USA
  • Lord Jesus, You know exactly where she is, and I pray for her peace and safety even in the midst of persecution. I pray for her her stand strong and for her friends to stand strong in the Lord Almighty. Please be the shield around her. Speak to her with encouragement. Praise the Lord for You are more mighty than her captors!
    M R - USA
  • Lord, I pray for this precious soul and that she is found safe and sound. I pray that her family feels Your overwhelming presence and recognizes it for what it is. I pray for the safety of all Christians in the region and country of Egypt. May they soon begin to experience freedom of religion, breaking down the barriers of Satan. In Him, Amen
    Connie A - USA
  • In the saving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Nissi, Our Banner, our Sheild and God Who saves, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of this young Christian woman. We ask for deliverance, a shield, for a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to her. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Have mercy on your daughter, Almighty Father. Protect her body, mind, & spirit. Give her safe haven away from those who hate her faith. May she find those who love you too. May her family find you, & turn to your mercy & love. You want none to be slaves to satan. Awaken the sleeping hearts for Jesus sake, Amen.
    Shelly D - USA
  • Jesus, rescue this precious daughter of yours. Encourage and strengthen her. May those who persecute her repent and turn to you.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Dear Heavenly Father, we thank You for the Christian woman who had gone against Isalm and her family in order to accept You as her Lord and Savior! We thank You for continuing to be with her be it here or in heaven. Help her witness to ring loudly to her family showing that You had given Your life for us and we are willing to give our lives for You!
    Donna H - USA
  • Avi Ad! I thank You that You are watching over our sister wherever she goes and You will bring her to the place where her roots will extend deeply into the soil of Your love. Be her comfort and good shepherd, bringing her unto Your green pastures. In Yeshua's name
    Randal A - USA
  • Dear Father in heaven. I pray for this blessed woman, that you strengthen her and bless her wherever she is. Be with her in this time. Please show her your love and compassion. I pray for peace in her heart. May you surround her every moment. In Christ name we ask it. Amen.
    Sarah P - USA
  • Holy Father, be with this missing Christian Egyptian. Be her shield and her refuge. Protect her from fear. Let your glory shine in her life and in her death. Let her draw others to you. Be the lifter of her head and be the family that goes beyond what she has earthly.
    Rachel Albro H - USA
  • Heavenly Father: I pray for this dear believer who wants to follow the Savior. Even though she is missing, You know where she is. Encourage her heart. Sustain her by Your grace. Somehow lead other believers into her life so that she might have fellowship. May she have access to Your Word. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Nancy R - USA
  • Heavenly Father you are so close to your children. Your desire is that we never forget this truth. I pray that this Christian Egyptian woman will experience your presence wherever she is. I pray you will protect her from all hurt, harm, our danger. If she is in captivity, I pray she will reflect on you and remain faithful no matter what. Amen!
    Kevin W - USA
  • God, be a shield about this woman. Arise, save her, let her know Your love as a father, as a brother, when her own family pressures her away from the truth. Let her faith stand fast, let it be unbreakable, as unbreakable as Your promises to us. Inspire the church who knows her, and help them to pray. Bring her back to them, Father, if it is good. Amen.
    Kesse R - USA
  • Dear Lord, I pray for our missing sister. You know where she is and I pray for her protection. I pray she will be found well and be able to live her life in freedom as a witness for You. I pray her family will be broken and convicted. I pray they will come to accept Christ before it's too late. I pray the Gospel will continue to spread. In Jesus name!
    Barry D - USA
  • Dear sovereign Lord, Please protect this woman in Egypt from harm. May her family members who persecute her repent from their sin and come to faith in You Lord Jesus. May she remain faithful to You and be found to be spiritually and physically sound. In Jesus name. Amen
    Bill P - USA
  • Egyptian Christians, live and not die and declare the works of the Lord. I plead the blood of Jesus upon them. Lead them Lord by Your spirit. May they all trust in the Lord with all their hearts and lean not on their own understanding. In all their ways, may they acknowledge You and You will direct their paths. I declare Jehovah shalom, Lord our peace.
    Elsie B - Canada
  • Gracious Heavenly Father, we pray for our missing sister in Christ who faces danger for her faith. Be her shield and protector as Psalm 3 says, guiding her to safety. Grant her courage, peace, and the assurance of Your presence. May Your will be done in her life, and may she feel Your love and strength. Arise, O Lord, and save her. In Jesus' name, Amen
    Robin W - USA
  • Lord, I lift up this Egyptian Christian woman to You because You are her shield. She is missing, but I pray that You are using her to further Your kingdom. Work in the lives of her family that they will come to know You. Jesus, NE glorified! Amen
    Donna R - USA
  • Heavenly Father, You know what has happened to this Muslim convert who has gone missing. My prayer is that she is unharmed, and will be released soon. If so, I pray for her steadfast faithfulness despite the threats & intimidation. I pray the Egyptian government would stop turning a blind eye to the crimes routinely perpetuated against the Christians.
    Curtis M - USA
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