Women in an Uzbek marketplace.
Women in an Uzbek marketplace.
Sep. 12, 2024 | Uzbekistan

Husband Abuses Wife, Daughters for Following Christ

[151] prayers in [9] nations have been posted for Omina.

Omina was raised a Muslim, but when she started visiting a local church, she began to experience God’s love and care in a way she had never known before. She and her two daughters eventually became followers of Christ. But when her Muslim husband learned of their newfound faith, he threatened them and tried to force them to return to Islam. After they refused, he mocked them, beat them and withheld food from them. He even threatened to kill them if they did not renounce Christ. Finally, he kicked them out of the house. Omina sought help from the police, but authorities in the area are also Muslims and supported her husband instead.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Uzbekistan and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Omina

  • Heavenly Father: I pray for your sustaining grace for Omina & her daughter. Encourage their hearts & help them to show forth the love of Christ to those whom You bring their way. I also pray for the salvation of her husband. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Nancy R - USA
  • I pray for the protection of Omina and her daughters that you will prevent them from any further harm and provide for their physical and emotional and spiritual needs. I pray the husband will repent and find Jesus and that Omina and her 2 daughter's testimonies will bring many to faith in Christ. I The name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit
    Eric D - USA
  • Father, Omina's decision to be a follower of Christ has cost her much and given the opportunity to renounce Jesus she chose Him again. As one of Your children, You promise never to leave or forsake her. When You promise You deliver. May she experience Your goodness and blessings as she navigates her faith in You. In Jesus name, Amen.
    Bruce B - USA
  • Help Omina and her daughters find love and shelter while they are waiting. Perform a miracle in the hearts of those surrounding them. Banish the evil prejudices in their village against their faith. Help them grow in the light of the knowledge of God in the face of Jesus Christ.
    Pam M - USA
  • Father Lord,
    Bless our beautiful sister Omina and her daughters. Protect and provide for them. Please give them Your strength, encouragement, love, peace and joy. Bring other Christians to encourage her. Soften the heart of her husband and bring him and other Muslims in the area to salvation in Christ. In Jesus name, amen.
    Scott P - USA
  • Our Father, please help Omina and her daughters. Meet their needs. Please send a call of faith to Omina's husband ang give him the Power to accept You as his Personal Savior. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
    Maria D - Finland
  • Faithful Father, continue to pour your love and care on Omina and her daughters. Let them continue to experience You in tangible ways through Your Spirit within and Your community of brothers and sisters joining together to support and provide for them. Let Your love penetrate and soften the heart of this husband and father so that he may be restored.
    Bridget B - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for Omina and her two daughters and their willingness to follow You despite being rejected and abused by her husband. I pray that You would strengthen them in their faith and provide for all of their needs. May onlookers clearly see Your hand at work in their lives. May her husband come to know Christ as Savior and reconcile with family
    Lysander S - USA
  • My good and gracious God, I pray that you provide for the needs of Omina & her daughters as they seek your love & truth. I pray her husband sees their strength & faithfulness to God & repents his sins & accepts Jesus into his life. I pray for salvation for all the unbelievers in Uzbekistan. I boldly ask this in Jesus's name, Amen.
    Janice H - USA
  • Father, You are father to Omina and her two daughters. Provide for them, money, a home, work, shelter, and love. Let their lives overflow with Your love, and let that heal the wounds they have recieved. Thank You that they did not turn from the truth; continue to write it on their hearts. Please save Omina's husband, and do not let the authorities harm
    Kesse R - USA
  • Heavenly Father,
    I pray for Omina and her daughters, that you would protect them and support them in these trying times. I pray that you would help them to lean on each other and fellow Christ followers. I pray, if it is your Will, that you would soften Omina's husband's heart to you, and I thank you for getting them away for now. In Your Name,
    Sophia H - USA
  • Help Omina and her daughter endure their sufferings and heal their physical wounds as well as their mental and emotional wounds.
    Debbie V - USA
  • Father God,

    I lift up Amina to you, and her two daughters. I ask that you would provide for their physical needs, and beyond that bring a new family around them from among Your people. Please bless them in every way as they serve You.
    In Jesus Name
    Aaron M - Japan
  • Dear Lord, strengthen Omina in the faith and let the comfort and love of God surround her and her daughters. Provide every need and make her and her daughters bold witnesses for Christ. I pray her husband would also come to know the Lord. In Jesus name, Amen.
    Dara W - USA
  • Singing, "Looking unto Jesusthe Author and Finisher of our faith.For the joy set before Him He endured the cross." Cast all your cares upon Jesus Omina and daughters, for He cares for you. Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and He will direct your paths." Forgive. Love.
    Elsie B - Canada
  • Gracious heavenly Father, we pray that you would sustain and care for Omina and her daughters. May you draw her husband to Christ by your Spirit so that he would repent of his sins and care properly for his family. Grant Omina the strength and resources she needs to care for her daughters at this time. Sustain their faith, In Jesus' name, amen.
    Matthew E - USA
  • Heavenly Father, I pray for Omina and her two daughters, that You will guard over their hearts and minds and give them grace in this time of need. Provide for and protect them in the weeks ahead. Draw them closer to You and give them peace. I pray that her husband will come to know Jesus through their witness. All for Your glory and their good. Amen
    Dewayne N - USA
  • It is difficult to conceive of the kind of hatred many of these our brothers and sisters endure from the enemies of the cross. I marvel at their faithfulness, and know this is a gift from You. I pray for Your continued faithfulness toward them and all those around the world who are suffering for the faith.
    Mike D - USA
  • Father God, Thank You for the faith and courage You have given Omina and her daughters, Please protect them from further abuse. Help them to find a good way to support themselves and a safe, affordable place to live. May they find help, comfort, and fellowship with other Christians in this area. Bring true faith to this husband. In Jesus' name,Amen
    Rena B - USA
  • Holy Father, thank You for calling Omina and her daughters to Christ. Lord, strengthen them in this trial. Soften the father's heart. I pray You will provide for the needs of Omina and the daughters. Lord, keep them safe and may they continue to find fellowship that would support and encourage them. I pray in Christ's name. Amen.
    joey S - USA
  • Dear Lord, we lift up Omina, her daughters and all of the other women who are experiencing abuse because of their faith in Jesus. It is normally harder for women to find employment, but please help these women to find a trade and thrive at it. We ask that You bring their persecutors closer to You and halp them to also find salvation in Your son, Jesus!
    Donna H - USA
  • Avi D! You are exalted above all heaven and earth and You alone can change hearts to receive salvation. May Omina's husband experience unrest, futility and desolation in his soul to where he will seek relief in the God of his wife, Christ Jesus. And may the family grow in grace and love coming from You. In Yeshua's name
    Randal A - USA
  • Avi D! You are exalted above all heaven and earth and You alone can change hearts to receive salvation. May Omina's husband experience unrest, futility and desolation in his soul to where he will seek relief in the God of his wife, Christ Jesus. And may the family grow in grace and love coming from You. In Yeshua's name
    Randal A - USA
  • Lord, You are the Protector of Your children. Please guide Omina and her daughters to fellow Christians so that they can be loved and helped. I pray for the believers in Uzbekistan, for boldness to be witnesses of Your love and to share Your Word of freedom to those around them.
    Cara P - South Africa
  • Father, we thank you for Omina and her powerful witness of your love and salvation. We pray that she would be encouraged, protected and faithful as she navigates her walk with you. We also pray her husband would come to know you as Lord and Savior. In Jesus name.
    Rhonda F - USA
  • Father, please be husband and father to Omina and her daughters and do it in such a way that all can see how blessed they are, how loved and how much peace they have. May these blinded Muslims see their darkness and hate and lack of hope. Cause Your gospel to go out with power and rescue from the hand of the enemy many Muslims. In Jesus' Name.
    Janie B - USA
  • Heavenly Father, I pray for Omina, a faithful follower of Jesus Christ in Uzbekistan. Also her daughters who have suffered abuse from her husband. May her husband and the community officials be convicted by the Holy Spirit and repent of this sin and convert to become followers of Jesus. Please restore Omina's family in You. Amen
    Bill P - USA
  • Dear lord, I pray that you be with Omina and her daughters as they face r3ejection by their family and the inaction of the authorities. May they find support in the fellowship with other Christians and may their witness soften the husband and father in his attitude toward them and sway him toward embracing Christ himself. Amen.
    Tom H - USA
  • Father I lift Omina and her daughters up to You. I request that You would send fellow Christ-followers in her path that could help them. Place your hedge of protection around them, and may they feel safety in Your arms of love. Praise You, Lord Jesus.
    Donna R - USA
  • Lord thank you for these ladies that have lost everything for you. I pray that they have shelter and support and you are supplying all of their needs as only you can do. God I pray that you give them wisdom and understanding as they draw closer to you in these trial and tribulations. Bless and keep them in you love Lord. Amen
    Bret B - USA
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