Meetings like this encourage and equip persecuted Christians.
Meetings like this encourage and equip persecuted Christians.
Sep. 12, 2024 | Laos

Meetings Encourage Khmu Christians

[142] prayers in [7] nations have been posted for Khmu Christians.

In early 2024, 50 persecuted Khmu Christians from several villages participated in a gathering at a church where they could share their struggles and stories with other persecuted Christians; support and pray for one another; and receive encouragement from God’s Word. Front-line workers chose the location used because Christians at the host church have faced intense persecution in recent years, including the destruction of crops and forced payments for spirit sacrifices in the village. Many participants expressed their thankfulness for the gathering, which encouraged and refreshed them.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Laos and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Khmu Christians

  • pray in this way they would be made ready to believe on thy word unto salvation by thy increase. I pray in the name of the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, amen.
    Devin C - USA
  • this way and that many persecutors of thy body here will be convicted of their conscience that they are sinners. I pray they would then search thy word as Bereans and realize thou hast suffered, bled, and died for sin and art risen. I pray they would have Godly sorrow which worketh repentance of sins with broken and contrite hearts and spirits. I
    Devin C - USA
  • Dear LORD, I pray the believers here would realize the church is thy body of believers and not a building. May they be sanctified daily in thy word according unto the King James Bible and have thy comfort which surpasseth all understanding even when the local unbelievers forsake the assembly of the brethren. I pray their witness will be made strong in
    Devin C - USA
  • Our Father, please help Khumu Christians. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
    Maria D - Finland
  • Father, may the believers continue to trust Jesus no matter what happens. Remind them of their reward in suffering for doing what is right. May they draw very close to each other and Jesus and receive the support they need to endure. Thank you for working mightily in their lives. Amen.
    Vicki Y - USA
  • Father, thank You for providing an outlet for the Khmu Christians to gather together and be encouraged in the Lord Jesus. May this gathering have a long term impact on each attendee as they recall the testimonies of others who endure similar persecution. Bless the host church for hosting this event and encouraging other brothers and sisters in Christ.
    Patrick V - USA
  • Dear Father, thank You for the encouragement You have provided through the fellowship of these persecuted Christians. Please continue to be their stronghold and joy as they share with one another. In Jesus' name, amen.
    Lynne W - USA
  • In the giving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Jireh, God Who provides, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Khmu Christians. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, and angels direct from heaven to minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • In the faithful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, El Emunah, God Who is faithful, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Khmu Christians. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
    Gary F - USA
  • Dear family in Christ. I can't begin to understand what you're going through, but our Living God hears you and will welcome you with open arms. Keep looking up because Jesus is coming back soon. I will pray for you. Much love in Christ.
    Susan R - USA
  • Father help these brothers and sisters experience abundant life. May they live in joy and without fear.
    Rebecca H - New Zealand
  • Thank you Father for providing a safe place for these persecuted Christians to gather together to worship you and to encourage one another. In Jesus name, ,amen.
    Nancy H - USA
  • Thank You, loving Father, for providing these times of fellowship and healing for these suffering believers. Do not leave their souls destitute. Keep them from the snares that have been laid for them. Please comfort them and grant them physical, spiritual and emotional healing. Protect them from evil doers and glorify Your name in Laos
    Julie C - USA
  • In the redeeming name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, God Who redeems, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Khmu Christians. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • OLORD, "Hide not your face from your servants"¯ bless them continuously with your presence. They give thanks to you, who knows their need for fellowship. May your will be done in their lives, as it is in heaven. Glorify the powerful name of Jesus, our Lord, & Redeemer in Laos. Amen.
    Shelly D - USA
  • Where believers gather, there you are Lord in their midst saying"¯Fear not for I am with you.My peace I give unto you.Not as the world gives do I give unto you."¯ Great is the healing you impart to Khmu Christians.Strengthen their faith and heavily anoint their witness so their numbers grow as a wave of new believers receives Christ. Amen!
    Danae V - USA
  • Heavenly Father, I thank You for providing a place where persecuted Christians could share their stories. I pray this will help strengthen & encourage each persecuted believer. I pray these Christians would encourage and pray for one another. I also ask they would sense Your presence with them continually, and realize many are praying for them.
    Curtis M - USA
  • Dear Jesus,

    I thank You for the Front-line Workers and the faith of the Khmu Christians. In the name of Jesus Christ, Lord bind the enemy that is trying to destroy their faith. I plead the blood of Jesus for strength, enragement, and protection as they grow in their faith in You. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Christopher W - USA
  • Oh Father, wrap your arms around your children who are suffering persecution and heart ache. The enemy wants to destroy, but you have promised your children can overcome through the blood of Jesus. Strengthen, give wisdom and boldness, comfort and guide. Lord, speak to the hearts of those they share the truth. Protect and provide for your children.
    Polly C - USA
  • heavenly Lord. Your children are under great stress and find themselves persecuted for Your Name. Lord, continue to encourage them in their faith. Open up for them spaces to breathe and to find hope in You. Do not abandon them. Do not turn your face from them ever. Show them the light of Your favor. Lord and for their oppressors we pray Your mer
    Joshua U - USA
  • Avi Ad! There is so much joy for those who see God's handiwork. May the joy from our Khmu overflow to many folks who salvation in Christ Jesus and those who will. May all of their roots go ever deeper into the soil of God's love as they become more and more like Christ Jesus. In Yeshua's name
    Randal A - USA
  • Father, may Laotians come to faith in You and become a nation of Christians. Thank You for redeeming and encouraging the Khmu, and please protect them from further harassment and harm. May their lives be a witness to those living in darkness, calling them into the Light of Your salvation. Help them to remain strong in faith, purpose and commitment.
    Beth P - USA
  • Father, may the Khmu be encouraged that you're working amongst them. For those who seek spirits, may the Holy Spirit of God speak louder and rebuke all the other evil ones. May those who are in your name be strong, persevere and testify that Jesus Christ is LORD, amen!
    Rick T - Malaysia
  • Dear Heavenly Father I amen these previous prayers. I thank You they were able to show the love of Christ to each other. I pray those who saw would be impacted by it; change the hearts of these wayward villagers & also the village leaders. You are Mighty to save & I lift up my prayers for Laos once again for mass revival! In Jesus' Mighty Name amen.
    Johnathan K - USA
  • Father God, thank you that these Khmu Christians were able to support one another in their faith in Jesus Christ. I pray that many more people in Laos will be drawn to faith in Christ. I pray that the gospel will be shared with many and they will receive it with joy. I pray that the enemy will no longer have a foothold in this country. Amen.
    Julia F - USA
  • Thank you, thank you, Father. Please keep these brothers and sisters refreshed and following your words. Grant them discernment, effectiveness, and peace in their terrible circumstances.
    Emily G - USA
  • Father God I pray that You will protect the Khmu people in Laos, their new location will remain hidden and unknown by the villages and they will be to gather together in worship of Christ Jesus with no worries. And Lord I pray that the whole village will be saved Lord God, and please bring back to Khmu Christians what was lost. In Jesus' name Amen.
    Mariah Ki'erra D - USA
  • Father I thank you for providing a place n opportunity for your people in Laos to gather n fellowship n encourage n pray for one another meeting such a great need there I pray this will continue ongoing and strengthen and unify the body of Christ there and increase in number may you surround n protect these gatherings from the evil one In Jesus name
    Dean B - USA
  • In the resurrected name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, El Khai, God of living, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Khmu Christians. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen.
    Gary F - USA
  • Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for providing this means of encouragement for our dear brothers and sisters in Laos. Give them endurance and lead them by your Spirit what to do and what to say to the people in their villages. Give them an assurance of our prayers and help them to endure.
    Margaret H - USA
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