Bassam was attacked while walking down the street.
Bassam was attacked while walking down the street.
Sep. 12, 2024 | Arabian Peninsula

Christian Attacked on Street

[163] prayers in [8] nations have been posted for Bassam.

Bassam has been attacked by people angered that he left Islam, but their outrage doesn’t deter him from sharing his faith. “He is not afraid to tell people that his life has been changed by Christ, and that has put a target on his back,” said a front-line worker. Bassam was walking through a dim alley when he felt compelled to move toward a main street with more light. Just as he reached the main road, two men wearing black masks attacked him with a wooden rod, swinging it at his head. Bassam blocked the strike, but the rod broke his arm. “He believes the attack was a part of the cost of being a Christ follower,” said the front-line worker. “He is thankful that the Lord spoke to him. If he had stayed in the alley, he might have been seriously hurt or even killed.” The worker added that Bassam requests prayer for his protection and that he will be an effective witness for Christ.

Write your own prayer for Bassam

  • Holy Father, Please protect Bassam and keep him safe from any harm. Help him to feel Your Presence with him at all times. Please give him courage and strength as He walks with You, We pray this in Jesus name, Amen
    Donna A - USA
  • Thank you O God for converting Bassam. As he goes among family and friends, may his living testimony be a magnet to draw others to Jesus. May your peace be his strength and your grace grant him the power to overcome the evil that surrounds him. Be glorified O Jesus as he shares your message with the world. In your powerful name we pray Pat US
    Patricia S - USA
  • I pray a covering of protection over Bassam in Jesus name. That there would be an army of angels around him wherever he goes. That he would be invisible to those that would want to hurt him. I pray that angels would encamp around him and that he would feel a supernatural confidence in Jesus. That many would come to Jesus through his testimony!
    Rocio P - USA
  • Lord Jesus I pray that you protect Bassam from any more attacks and keep him safe. I pray you make him a effective witness of your gospel message and that many people will come to Christ through his testimony. I pray this I the name of the Father the Son the Holy Spirit in Jesus name I pray amen.
    Eric D - USA
  • Father, Bassam is not the first believer nor will he be the last to be attacked because they are followers of Christ. Jesus told us the world will hate us because it hated Him. He also said to take heart because He has overcome the world. Bassam is living that truth. He is going to live his faith and seeking Your protection. In Jesus name, Amen.
    Bruce B - USA
  • Heavenly Father: Thank You for Bassam's faithfulness in standing strong for You. Encourage his heart . Draw others to the Savior because of his witness. Keep him safe and always radiating the love of Jesus. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Nancy R - USA
  • I do ask You for protection of Bassam. He trusts in You that You will never forsake him. Make that trust truer and more solid to him each day. You will not give him more than You have allotted and will make a way of escape. Help him to hold onto You and Your promises.
    Pam M - USA
  • Father Lord,
    Please be with our brother Bassam. Give him your protection, strength, wisdom and courage. Use his witness to bring others to salvation in Christ. Help him to feel your love. In Jesus name, amen.
    Scott P - USA
  • Our Father, please protect every Christian in Arabian Peninsula. Please help Bassam and meet his needs. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
    Maria D - Finland
  • Lord Jesus, thank You for this precious brother. Despite the pain and persecution he has endured his prayer...his cry is to continue to remain an effective witness for You. He is concerned for the spreading of Your Word. Grant his request and protect him as he continues to share boldly and unashamedly about the hope and good news found only in You.
    Bridget B - USA
  • Father, I praise You for Bassam and his powerful witnessing. I pray mighty warrior angels all around him, especially when he is out alone. I pray that You will soften the hearts of those he is witnessing to. Give the lost dreams and visions of You, Jesus. Thank You, Holy Spirit, for walking with Bassam. Continue to give Bassam Your wisdom. Amen.
    Brenda C - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for Bassam and his willingness to follow You even at the cost of enemies trying to kill him. I pray that his faith in You would grow each day and that You would heal him from his injuries. May he stand strong, knowing that following You is worth any cost. Please protect him from the powers of darkness. May he glorify You in all he does.
    Lysander S - USA
  • My good and gracious God, we of the body of Christ thank you for protecting our faithful brother Bassam. I pray that he continues to boldly share Jesus & that you continue to protect him. I pray his persecutors see all that you are & do, through him, & repent & ask Jesus into their lives. I ask this in Jesus's name, Amen.
    Janice H - USA
  • Father I stand in prayer for Bassam and others like him who are abused and suffer for their faith. Show Yourself strong on their behalf and bless them with your grace in the midst of pain and persecution. Encourage Bassam to endure these hardships and remind Him of Your love and the prayers of the saints on his behalf.
    Edward T - USA
  • God, we praise You for Bassam's saved soul, for his steadfast faith. Continue to grow his faith, and let it shine in his words and actions, turning others to look at the God he trusts so much, for You are trustworthy. Please protect him, keep evildoers and their harm far from him. Let his witness draw person after person into the truth and give him joy
    Kesse R - USA
  • Help our brother Bassam heal and find justice for himself and his attackers.
    Debbie V - USA
  • Father God,

    I lift up Basal in my prayers. Thank you for his courage and love for you. I ask that you would bring complete mental, physical, and emotional healing to him. May he know Your presence and joy.
    In Jesus Name
    Aaron M - Japan
  • Dear Lord, Thank You for protecting Bassam. Make him a bold witness for Christ and protect him as he continues to follow Your will for his life. In Jesus name, Amen.
    Dara W - USA
  • Holy Spirit, thank You for leading and protecting Bassam's life. I plead the blood of Jesus on Bassam. No weapon formed against him will prosper, and every tongue that rises up against him, he shall condemn, for this is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, their righteousness is of Me, says the LORD. Give him boldness and utterance in Jesus' name
    Elsie B - Canada
  • Father God, thank you for your servant Bassam and that you have protected him from more serious injury or even death. We pray that whatever happens, he will remain faithful even unto death for the sake of Christ. Soften hearts to hear the Gospel message in the Arabian Peninsula for Christ's sake, amen.
    Matthew E - USA
  • Father thank You for Bassam, I ask that You bless and keep Bassam as he shares the love of Christ with others. Thank You for the change Uou have made in his life. I ask that You to continue to make him in the image of Your son. May he have the leading of Your Holy Spirit and power to witness the gospel and love You have for the lost. Keep him safe
    Roger H - USA
  • Lord, I first pray for healing for Bassam's broken arm. I next pray for his continued courage to continue sharing the gospel even in the face of persecution. I pray for soft and receptive hearts from the Muslims who are now acting as enemies of the gospel. I thank You for Your faithfulness toward Bassan.
    Mike D - USA
  • Thank You Father for Bassam's bold faith. I pray for his healing and that his enemies will hear of Christ and believe. I pray for his safety as he proclaims the word to other muslims. Lord, may his ministry continue to be fruitful. I pray thru Christ. Amen.
    joey S - USA
  • Thank You Father for Bassam's bold faith. I pray for his healing and that his enemies will hear of Christ and believe. I pray for his safety as he proclaims the word to other muslims. Lord, may his ministry continue to be fruitful. I pray thru Christ. Amen.
    joey S - USA
  • Father God, Thank You for the faith and courage You have given Bassam. Thank You for warning him as You did. Please protect him from any further violence and help him to be an effective, fruitful witness for You. Please give comfort and truth to his loved ones that they may turn to You as well. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Rena B - USA
  • I am proud of Bassam's boldness in sharing how CHRIST has changed his life. I pray he will stay in well lighted and public places because cowards hide in dark places. His best protection comes from a growing faith in CHRIST because he now has the HOLY SPIRIT indwelling him. Psalm 23:4-5 is a good verse to know. In JESUS name , I pray for him!!
    Bobby C - USA
  • Father God, thank You for protecting Bassam and that he was obedient to Your Holy Spirit. Please protect him in his daily walk and when he is sharing Your Word to people who are in so much need of Your love. May Your Holy Spirit put Bassam in the right spots where there are hearts calling out to You.
    Cara P - South Africa
  • Dear HEavenly Father, we ask for protection for Bassam & all of the people who are witnessing for You in countries where Christianity is forbidden or attacked. Please help them to turn the lives of those non-believers to You & have them accept You as their Lord and Savior. Please help us to work as they do overseas here in the US to bring souls to You!
    Donna H - USA
  • Dear HEavenly Father, we ask for protection for Bassam & all of the people who are witnessing for You in countries where Christianity is forbidden or attacked. Please help them to turn the lives of those non-believers to You & have them accept You as their Lord and Savior. Please help us to work as they do overseas here in the US to bring souls to You!
    Donna H - USA
  • Father, protect Bassam as he ministers the word to the lost in the Arabia. Show him your love and bless him for his efforts and for his strong faith in you. Meet his needs and give him courage to continue his witness for you. In Jesus name.
    Rhonda F - USA
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