Pray for Christians in Bhutan who lose their citizenship and official status.
Pray for Christians in Bhutan who lose their citizenship and official status.
Sep. 19, 2024 | Bhutan

Family Separated Due to Government Restrictions

[6] prayers in [2] nations have been posted for Christians in Bhutan.

A family involved in gospel outreach in the isolated and restricted nation of Bhutan has been separated as the government has refused them proper documentation because of their faith. In addition, the government has not allowed any of the family members to leave lockdown since the coronavirus pandemic began in 2019. They request prayer that the Lord would intercede in their difficult situation.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Bhutan and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Christians in Bhutan

  • Lord God, We know that prayer works and You hear our prayers for this family in Bhutan who is experiencing persecution in the form of separation and lockdown. Please open doors for this family, God! Let them quickly procure the necessary documentation to move about freely to do Your work!
    Roberta V - USA
  • Dear God, Please intercede in this situation. Please reunite this family by Your power and heal and comfort them even as they remain separated. I pray for justice for this family, and I pray for their reunification and joy. Thank You. In Jesus's name, Amen.
    Rae M - USA
  • Father God, please move in the hearts of these Bhutan officials so they will grant this Christian family their proper documentation. We pray, too, that the family will be released from lockdown.
    Grant them hope and courage as they wait on you.
    In Jesus name, Amen.
    Lois Y - USA
  • I pray this day for this family that have been prevented from meeting together. For the scripture says, "what God has joined together, let not man (or government, family, community etc) put asunder." The government will lift this lockdown and this particular family and every other that have been prevented from coming together will come together, Amen.
    Madu G - Nigeria
  • Dear Lord,

    We pray for this family that has been restricted access to their freedom. This illegal usage of non-documentation is a lie and must be stopped. They have been oppressed in a lock-down state, and we pray for their release. Please intercede on behalf of this family, and many others, who are going through the same ordeal.

    Chris R - USA
  • Precious Father: We lift this family to You in the Name of Jesus, asking for an end of their imprisonment with the removal of their lockdown status. Please soften the hearts of government officials that they would relent & grant the needed documentation. Please provide for their needs according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Thank You. Amen.
    Mario C - USA