Sep. 19, 2024 | Nigeria

Kidnapped Pastor's Life in Danger

[6] prayers in [2] nations have been posted for Pastor Paul.

Nigerian church leaders request urgent prayer for Pastor Paul Musa. In March 2023, Pastor Paul and his wife, Ruth, were abducted from their home in northern Nigeria’s Borno State by militants belonging to Boko Haram, a radical Islamist group. The kidnappers posted video of Pastor Musa in late June 2024 and threatened to kill him if their demands were not met. Church leaders worry that the Islamists may have already killed Ruth. For more than a decade, radical Islamist groups like Boko Haram have ravaged parts of northern Nigeria, kidnapping and killing Christians as well as destroying countless numbers of homes and many churches.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Nigeria and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Pastor Paul

  • Lord God, Please bring Pastor Paul Musa and his wife Ruth back to their family. We hold up all those kidnapped. Bring them back home safe. We pray this verse around all Boko Haram persecutors Isaiah 9:2 The people who walk in darkness have seen a great light...on them a light has shone. Give them visions and dreams of You, Jesus!
    Roberta V - USA
  • Dear God, Please protect Pastor Paul and Ruth. Please protect them from harm and rescue them. Please soften the hearts of their kidnappers and bring them out from this terrible situation. Please rise up against cruelty, and may Your light and strength prevail and protect them. Thank You. In Jesus's name, Amen.
    Rae M - USA
  • Oh Father God we pray break the power of Boko Haram in Nigeria that they may not be able to continue their evil deeds. Send confusion into their communication and chaos into their ranks.
    We pray for the release of Pastor Paul by your mighty hand. Protect him from harm and fill him with hope and the assurance of your presence.
    IJN, Amen.
    Lois Y - USA
  • We commit Pastor Paul Musa and Ruth, his wife into your mighty hand; release them by Your outstretched hand if they are still alive and release all those that have been captured by this Islamist group, Boko Haram. Dear Lord, put them to flight and save our people from their trodding attacks, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ, Amen.
    Madu G - Nigeria
  • Dear Lord,

    We request urgent prayer for Pastor Paul Musa and his wife who were abducted from their home and have not been seen since. We fear that they may not be alive, but we stay faithful in their return. We also pray for the communities that have lost homes and churches due to radical islamists. May they see the light of Christ.

    Chris R - USA
  • Beloved Father: Please put an end to the warfare waged by Boko Haram against our brothers & sisters in Nigeria. Please release Pastor Paul & his wife Ruth if they are still alive. Please soften the hearts of these radical Islamists that they may repent & turn to Jesus before Your just wrath is poured upon them for their atrocities. In Jesus' Name. Amen
    Mario C - USA