Tuan is an enthusiastic evangelist.
Tuan is an enthusiastic evangelist.
Sep. 26, 2024 | Vietnam

Former Witch Doctor Becomes Motorbike Evangelist

[90] prayers in [6] nations have been posted for Tuan.

Tuan has been a bold evangelist among the Hmong for more than two decades. Born into a family of fortune-tellers and witch doctors overseeing spirit worship in their village, Tuan began working among them at age 14. Living in that spiritual darkness, Tuan became addicted to drugs and alcohol until he came to faith in Christ. Soon after, he began to tell people about the Jesus who gave him not just physical life but also spiritual freedom. Pastor Tuan has been a prolific evangelist ever since, leading hundreds to Christ and praying to reach a growing number each year. Though he has been denied official government documents and a driver’s license because of his refusal to deny Christ, provincial police rarely stop him now because they are tired of arguing with him. Tuan received a motorbike last year and has driven thousands of miles already as he travels everywhere he can with the Good News.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Vietnam and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Tuan

  • Hallelujah! Father, you are worthy of all praise! Thank you for Tuan's salvation and his desire to live boldly for you. Thank you for his motorbike. May you protect him at all times, and bless his ministry. Provide for all his needs. Lead him to people who are spiritually hungry for truth. In Jesus Name, Amen.
    Selma O - USA
  • Lord Jesus, You are such an amazing God! Thank You so much for the boldness of Tuan and his faithfulness in preaching the Gospel. Bless and prosper his ministry, provide for him, and keep him safe from harm. Thank You for his motorbike to travel and favor with authorities. In Jesus name, amen.
    Susan H - USA
  • Praise God for Tuan! God has raised up a dedicated evangelist to proclaim Jesus Christ to the Hmong people. Protect Tuan and help him by providing for his needs. May he be encouraged daily as he travels telling others of the hope he has in Christ. Bless him and may he continue to have great favor to spread the truth of Christ. In the Name of Jesus
    Rebecca C - USA
  • Father God, thank you for Tuan! What a great example he is for all of us to have faith and persevere through any and all trials that may come our way. Give him strength and provide divine appointments to witness to those who need it most. Give him the resources he needs to travel far and wide. In Jesus name, Amen
    Jonathan G - USA
  • Dear Lord, I praise You for the salvation of Tuan from darkness and sin. I praise You that he is now a great light of the Gospel. I praise You for the hundreds that are coming to faith in Christ because of his tireless witness! I pray Your protection and blessings to be upon him. I pray he'll have much fruit for all his labor. In Jesus' name, amen!
    Barry D - USA
  • Father, thank You for Tuan's faith and his passion for sharing Your truth so others can know Jesus. May You continue to empower him to share Jesus with others. May You open doors for him to speak Your words of hope, love, forgiveness and redemption. In Jesus name, Amen.
    Bruce B - USA
  • Father I pray, "And in no way be alarmed or intimidated in anything by your opponents, for such constancy and fearlessness on your part is a clear sign a proof and a seal for them (opponents) of their impending destruction, but a clear sign for you of deliverance and salvation, and that too, from God "(Philippians 1:28).
    Rob N - USA
  • Father, I thank you, because these have delighted in you and known your name, you deliver them & set them on high. They call on you and you answer them. You're with them in distress. You deliver and honor them. With length of days you satisfy them and cause them to look upon your salvation. Psalm 91:14-16.
    Rob N - USA
  • Thank you, Father, that you are building your church in Vietnam and the gates of hell are not prevailing against it. In Jesus Christ's name. Amen.
    Rob N - USA
  • We pray for Tuan who is being persecuted for righteousness sake. We call him blessed and declare that no one will be able to harm him because he is a follower of what is good. We pray he will not be afraid-1Peter 3:13-17. No weapon formed against him shall prosper and every tongue that rises against him shall be shown to be in the wrong-Is 54.
    Rob N - USA
  • My good and gracious God, I pray you continue to use & protect Tuan. I pray his evangelism brings all of the Hmong people to repent & accept Jesus into their hearts. I ask this in Jesus's name, Amen.
    Janice H - USA
  • Dear Lord,
    I thank You for the ways You have provided for Pastor Tuan, and for how clearly Your guiding hand is seen in his testimony. I pray that You would continue to use his story and others like it for Your glory and to spread Your Word. Please continue to protect and provide for Pastor Tuan, and help him to keep trusting You. In Your Name,
    Sophia H - USA
  • Thank you Lord for so great a salvation for all. Bless this mans work greatly, shelter him from harm. May multitudes come to you in this country through the testimony of those you have saved. Thank you Jesus you are greater in all ways, our savior and friend. Come in greater ways, we need you Lord, Come.
    kathy C - USA
  • Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for saving Tuan from the darkness in his family and for giving him a passion to bring others to salvation. Guide him by your Spirit to those who haven't heard of you yet and help those who come to you to establish strong fellowships where they can encourage each other and learn more about your Scriptures.
    Margaret H - USA
  • Dear Lord, thank you for this bold man of God with urgency in his heart to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I pray Lord that You will continue to bless him with favour, boldness, wisdom as he goes about doing his work.
    Delicia W - New Zealand
  • Father, I pray for Tuan in Vietnam who is a bold witness for Jesus there. Only You can take the broken, lost messes of this world and make them new and useful for Your purpose. Thank You for saving him and equipping him to share the gospel, including this motorbike. Place a hedge of angels around him and work thru him to lead many to Christ in Vietnam
    Alan G - USA
  • Father my spirt has been lifted very high upon learning of Tuan's conversion and marvelous evangelism. It is truly insperational. I pray that you would continue to bless him and give him the wisdom to continue bringing the good news to all the people you want to bring into your kingdom. May your Holy Spirt continue to guide him in all things.
    Isaac M - USA
  • I live in America, where many churches are being filled with false believers. When a person becomes a true CHRTISTIAN, there is a dramatic change in his life. Rom. 8:2 tells us about this change. Like, Saul of Tarsus, who was changed to the apostle Paul. I thank GOD for Tuan's true change and his living it boldly. Praise GOD always!!
    Bobby C - USA
  • Father, we love to see the transformation you make in people! Thank you for the good work brother Tuan is doing. Please strengthen and equip him for the task to which you have called him. Give him the words to speak boldly and the knowledge of your Word that he needs to lead people to Christ and disciple them.
    Brenda M - USA
  • Thank You, loving Father, for revealing your love to Tuan. Please provide for his physical, spiritual and emotional needs. Continue to deal bountifully with him that he may live and keep your word. Teach him good judgment and knowledge. Let your mercies come to him. Cause evil doers to depart from him, be his hiding place and shield. Uphold him
    Julie C - USA
  • Praise You Jesus for rescuing Tuan. Thank You for his bold witness. Guard and protect him as he travels telling others about You. May Your Holy Spirit protect him and give him safety and guard him from attaches of the Enemy.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Avi Ad! I thank You that Your mighty hand is at work in Tuan's life and we the humble see Your handiwork and are joyful. I thank You that You will provide all Tuan needs to do Your will and many brothers and sisters will join the ranks of Your saints. In Yeshua's name
    Randal A - USA
  • Brother Tuan, we pray that favor continues for you, protection and direction for all that come in contact with you. Your work for the Kingdom has been a miracle in many ways, keeping the light of Christ very bright, peace and blessings in Jesus name.
    john o - USA
  • LORD: Thank You for Your saving grace and for making Tuan an evangelist to reach many. Your blessing to many. I ask for You to continue to keep him on the path YOU have for his life. Accomplish all that YOU desire in & through him. Strength, protection, provision, boldness, wisdom. anointing to empower him to reach many more. Fruitful in Jesus' name
    P F - USA
  • Thank You for Tuan's love for you and perseverance in seeking to bring others to Christ. Thank You for everyone who has come to know and love You through his witness. Please continue to lead Tuan to people whose hearts are hungry to know You; to know their sins forgiven and hope in Jesus for eternal life. Refresh and renew him in the work You give him
    Karen K - USA
  • God bless Tuan as he travels with the Good News.
    Barbara T - USA
  • Father, continue to bless Tuan and enable him to continue his mission to share the gospel. Watch over him in his travels and may many be blessed because of the words he is sharing for you. In Jesus' name, amen.
    Ilene A - USA
  • Thank you, Jesus, for delivering Tuan from evil. Please bless his ministry that it brings even more people to you. Thank you for Tuan's faithfulness, and please protect him. Thank You for the police not harassing him. Soften hearts in Vietnam toward you, Jesus, and toward Christians. May even government officials come to you. Amen.
    David L - USA
  • Thank You for Pastor Tuan and his ministry! Bless all those who have come to know You through his evangelism, may they mature in their faith and tell many others about You. We thank You that through his determination You have given him some freedom from harassment from authorities. May the joy of the Lord be his strength. Wrap him in Your love, Jesus!
    Sharon G - USA
  • Please Lord, encourage Tuan by your evident presence and constant provision. Keep his motorcycle in working order, thank you for the distancing of law enforcement from hindering his message and I pray Lord that much fruit would be harvested for eternity. Surrounded by your ministry angels throughout each day and night.
    Laurie H - USA
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