Georgieta now lives in a safe area where she is receiving Christian teaching and training to become a garment maker.
Georgieta now lives in a safe area where she is receiving Christian teaching and training to become a garment maker.
Sep. 26, 2024 | Sierra Leone

Christian Woman Attacked by Family

[129] prayers in [10] nations have been posted for Georgieta.

Georgieta’s family worshiped demonic spirits in an area where human sacrifice is said to still occur. When Georgieta became a Christian, she refused to participate in her family’s occultic rituals, so her parents threw her out of the house. Homeless, Georgieta lived with a pastor and his family. Later, Georgieta’s father became sick, and her family planned to ritually sacrifice her, hoping it would heal her father. Georgieta escaped, but when her father later died of the illness, Georgieta’s mother blamed her for his death. She then attacked and tried to kill Georgieta. Afterward, Georgieta fled from her hometown. She now lives in a safe location where she is receiving biblical teaching and training to become a seamstress.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Sierra Leone and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Georgieta

  • Heavenly Father: Thank You for Your hand in Georgieta's life and protecting her from her family. I pray for their salvation. Thank You for providing a safe place for her to live & be taught Your Word and skills in becoming a seamstress. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Nancy R - USA
  • Kind and loving Father, we thank You for Georgieta and her strong faith in You. Thank You for protecting her and giving her the opportunity to learn a vocation. Please help her to grow in You, and bless those who are caring for her. Bring her family to a saving knowledge of Jesus. Amen.
    Susan H - USA
  • Lord, Please place a hedge of protection around this young lady who loves You. Please help her to be surrounded by her brothers and sisters in Christ.May her faith be encouraged and strengthened through the power of Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus name, Amen
    Donna A - USA
  • Dear Lord, I can't imagine the emotional pain Georgieta is experiencing. I pray for her healing and strength. I pray for her to build a new life in Your love. I pray for her mother and family who are blinded and controlled by satan. I pray You will break the chains of their false gods and set them free. I pray for their salvation. In Jesus' name, amen!
    Barry D - USA
  • Father, I pray Georgieta calls out to Jesus in her time of need. In her weariness and tiredness, may she find rest in the Savior. May she find the peace that passes all understanding by taking refuge in Yourself. May she abound in Your hope regardless of her circumstances. In Jesus name, Amen.
    Bruce B - USA
  • Doing judgment for the oppressed, Giving bread to the hungry.Jehovah is loosing the prisoners, Jehovah is opening (the eyes of) the blind, Jehovah is raising the bowed down, Jehovah is loving the righteous,Jehovah is preserving the strangers, The fatherless and widow He causeth to stand, And the way of the wicked He turneth upside down.Psalm 146:7-9YLT
    Rob N - USA
  • Father, I thank you, because these have delighted in you and known your name, you deliver them & set them on high. They call on you and you answer them. You're with them in distress. You deliver and honor them. With length of days you satisfy them and cause them to look upon your salvation. Psalm 91:14-16.
    Rob N - USA
  • Father, your word says "that if any two of you shall agree on earth as having anything that they shall ask it shall be done for them by my Father which is in heaven". So we agree that "no weapon formed against these shall prosper and every tongue that rises against him shall be shown to be in the wrong. This is his heritage as a servant of the Lord".
    Rob N - USA
  • We pray for Georgieta who is being persecuted for righteousness sake. We call her blessed and declare that no one will be able to harm her because she is a follower of what is good. We pray she will not be afraid-1Peter 3:13-17. No weapon formed against her shall prosper and every tongue that rises against her shall be shown to be in the wrong-Is 54.
    Rob N - USA
  • My good and gracious God, I pray for protection & provision for your faithful servant Georgieta. I pray for her physical, mental & spiritual healing. May your Spirit be with her always. I ask this in Jesus's name, Amen.
    Janice H - USA
  • Father be with Georgieta. Comfort her. Bless her. Keep her safe. In Jesus' name.

    Leslie O - USA
  • Father, I the power of your name, I ask that satan be crushed in attempts to harm this girl anymore. May she find healing and wholeness in you in all ways. May her family be release from the darkness of false religion and find you. Bless those helping in such areas of need. Bring salvation to many, come Lord Jesus, come!
    kathy C - USA
  • Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for saving our dear sister in Christ Georgieta from this darkness. Open the eyes of her mother and others in her home town to the truth of your salvation. Make her aware of your presence now as she is your precious child. Help her to find fellowship and to increase in her knowledge of you.
    Margaret H - USA
  • Lord, we lift up our sister Georgieta and pray for blessing in her life as she is trained in her faith and her vocation. We ask that You heal her emotional wounds from her rejection by her family and ask that they would be won over to Christ through seeing her integrity and character. We pray for others like her, that they too would be delivered.
    Tim S - USA
  • Dear Lord, I bring Georgieta before you and thank you for her life. Lord will you guide her, protect her, strengthen her and be the light to her, where she has only known darkness. Thank you for saving her out of this darkness. Continue to teach her, embolden her, equip her for the task ahead of her, as a servant of Jesus Christ
    Delicia W - New Zealand
  • Father I pray for Georgieta in Siera Leone who suffers much for Jesus. Thank You for saving her from her family inhabited by demons. I pray that You would supply all of her needs for a safe place to live and training for a good job. Bless the pastor who took her in when homeless. Place a hedge of angels around her and save her family from the devil.
    Alan G - USA
  • God of all creation, I pray for Georgieta and her family. Bring them the light in their lives that they may know you as the source of life. I pray that your powerful Spirit may enter their hearts that they may be convicted and believe in you.

    In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Wesley G - Kenya
  • Faher I lift up sister Georgieta that you would protect her from her family and help get establish so that she may take care of herself. Please provide all her needs that she may continue to follow Christ and hopefully in the future she can help others that are in similar situation. . May you also enlighten her family and bring them out of the occoult.
    Isaac M - USA
  • Your last sentence says she is receiving biblical training, so this means that she is a literate person. It is difficult to believe that this depth of demonology occurs on the western side of Africa. 1 Sam. 12:22 "the LORD will not forsake HIS people" is a personal promise to true CHRISTIANS. I pray for Georgieta's growth in CHRIST. AMEN!!
    Bobby C - USA
  • Our Father, we pray for our sister, Georgieta, as she navigates this new life apart from her family. Please keep her faith immovable and help her to grow in the knowledge of your Word and in a trusting relationship with you, even as she learns new skills to make clothing. Give her a Christian family where she can be loved and serve others.
    Brenda M - USA
  • Thank You, merciful Father, for revealing your love to Georgieta and for rescuing her from danger. Please continue to protect her and provide for her physical, spiritual and emotional needs. Hold her up, and keep her safe. Please direct her steps by Your word and redeem her from the oppression of man that she may keep your precepts
    Julie C - USA
  • Father God, be with Georgieta as she seeks You for her needs. Comfort her at the loss of her father and family. Give her compassion for her mother and family as they don't know what they are doing. Help Georgieta's witness produce many who receive Jesus Christ as their Savior. Bless her abundantly. In the Name of Jesus Christ. Amen
    Rebecca C - USA
  • Dear Savior and Lord, thank you for Saving Georgieta and placing her in a safe area where she is growing spiritually and learning a career that will help her future. Only a good GOD and Savior can make these things happen. I pray that her entire family will come to Salvation and delivered from satanical rituals. Draw them to You Lord. Thank You JESUS.
    Nancy W - USA
  • Dear Jesus, thank you for Georgieta. Thank you for her willingness to serve You, Jesus. Thank you for saving her life. Please guard and protect her. Send Your Holy Spirit to open the eyes of her family to turn away from the Enemy to serve Jesus. Protect the Christians who helped her.
    Patrecia J - USA
  • Father God, thank you for saving Georgieta and making her your child. She must feel complete rejection from her own parents. But may she know that you are her father and that you love her and that she will always be a child of God. Continue to guide her life. Give her skills to support herself. Use her and her testimony to draw others to christ. IJNA
    Kevin R - USA
  • Almighty God,

    May You help Georgieta rebuild her life and thrive in her new business.

    May You encounter the people of Sierra Leone and save them from satanic deception.

    In Your most Holy Son's Name, Yeshua,
    Esther A - Belgium
  • Dear Lord please bring peace and comfort to Georgieta and protect her in every way. grant her prosperity and love and sweet communion in her new life.
    annalou w - USA
  • Sister Georgieta, we pray for Gods guidance and protection in your new life, binding all witchcraft in Yeshua. I pray that your family will be set free from the spiritual enemy in Yeshua. May God bless all your days in Christ Jesus.
    john o - USA
  • LORD: Thank You for saving & protecting Georgieta through all the attacks. And providing all the needs day by day. I ask for healing and continue to grow in knowing YOU in the days ahead. And pray for the salvation of those in her family and hometown: Set them free from bondage, destroy all works of darkness as You have saved Georgieta. In Jesus' name
    P F - USA
  • Father thank you for your servant Georgieta. I pray you supply all her needs according to your riches in glory. Please watch over and protect her from the enemies of the cross of Christ Jesus. Strengthen her faith and give her the victory. In Jesus name I pray, amen.
    Danny S - USA
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