sorrow which worketh repentance of sins. I pray in this way they are made ready to believe on thy word unto salvation by thy increase. I pray they bear fruits meet for repentance to thy glory. I pray in the name of the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, amen.
I pray even her family and many who worship these devils would be convicted of their consciences that they are sinners. I pray they would be led to thy word and search it as Bereans. I pray they realize thine is the only name given whereby mankind can be saved and have suffered, bled, and died for sin and art risen. I pray this causes in them Godly
Dear LORD, it makes my soul glad to know that not only is this sister saved from the power of sin and death but has been given a chance to live longer to be a witness to thy word. I pray she is sanctified daily in thy word according unto the King James Bible and ready always to give a reason for the hope that is within her with meekness and fear.
The "human sacrifice" (人身祭祀) that is being questioned based on Genesis 22 is something that God clearly prohibits. "You shall not give any of your descendants to pass through the fire to Moloch, nor shall you profane the name of your God; I am the Lord" (Lev. 18:21).
Heavenly Father God I ask that you look after this young woman Georgieta and keep her safe and strengthen her faith in the Lord Jesus Christ give her what she needs to continue her life in a safe and happy area bring her joy in the name of Jesus Christ.
Father, I lift up my sister, Georgieta, to You. Thank you for saving her from the abuse & harm her family tried to do to her. Thank You for faithful members of the Body helping her be able to have a safe place to live. Thank You for giving her great faith & courage. Please draw her mother into salvation with You. Bless & grow Georgieta. Be near her.
Father, you deeply love Georgieta. You know the challenges she has faced and still does face. Please protect and provide for her. Please heal past wounds and trauma. Grow her faith in Jesus so that she learns how to let him live through her. Thank you for the wonderful plan and purpose you have for Georgieta. Amen.
Lord I ask for protection for Georgieta and I pray for her to be able to heal and receive care for all that she has experienced. I pray for You to hold her close and speak life and truth to her. I pray for a community of women around her to encourage and exhort her and for her to grow to do the same for those she is around too in growing love
Father, thank You for saving Georgieta's soul and delivering her out of the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. Thank You that Georgieta is no longer held captive by demonic entities, but instead is Your child with the guarantee of a home in heaven in Your presence for all eternity. Thank You providing Georgieta with a safe location to live.
Dear Father God, In the Name of Jesus our Christ, please help Your people. Please protect them from the enemy, please provide all they need to reach Heaven. You are their Shield and Strength. Thank You for Your Mercy and Comfort.
In the saving name of Jesus, our Heavenly Father, Yahweh, God Who saves, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we adore You for faith of Geogieta. We ask for healing, for salvation, for hedge of protection and angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to her. Amen
In the saving name of Jesus, our Heavenly Father, Yahweh, God Who saves, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we adore You for faith of Geogieta. We ask for healing, for salvation, for hedge of protection and angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to her. Amen
Father, Your daughter needs You. Thank You for being there when father & mother forsake her. Please heal all emotional wounds. Comfort her & protect her. Let her latter be greater than her past. Put forgiveness in her heart for her family & bring deliverance to her household. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
Dear God, thank You for your loving protection of Georgieta through the people who have offered her a safe home. What a terrible suffering to have one's own parentsfamily attack you for your beliefs. God, please overcome Satan's hold on
Her parents beliefs, and bring them to Your truth.Amen, Mary L ,usa
Lord God Almighty, I praise You for saving Georgietta's life. I praise You for the workers You have sent to be a help to her. Work in her heart Lord Jesus & give her that perfect peace that Your Holy Spirit provides. Help her to find joy in You &become a follower. Help her to learn to sew & be able to care for herself. I praise You for all You do.
In the name of the resurrected Jesus, our heavenly Father, El Shaddai, God Almighty, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Georgieta. We ask for a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to her. Amen
Father, there are no words to describe and feel what this beautiful daughter of yours has endured. Heal her from the trauma her mother inflicted upon her and I pray that Georgieta will grow strong in her faith as she receives biblical teaching. May her mother realized the horror of her sin against her daughter and become a believer in You.
Father I thank you that my sister in Christ is now safe .May you continue to protect her from the evil one and the evil of this world , Enable her to become strong in the faith n grow in the grace n knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. Deliver her family n community n Sierra Leone from the demonic hold on them. In Jesus name I pray
Lord Jesus, thank You for my sister Georgieta. Increase her faith and draw her close to You. Help her to thrive and shine her light brightly for You Lord Jesus.
Jesus thank you so much for our sister in Christ. Give her forgiveness for her enemies. We pray for her family members thath they would expect Jesus Christ as there savior and lord. Please give her peace of mind and heart. We ask this in Jesus name. Thank you God.
In the giving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Jireh, God Who provides, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Georgieta. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, and angels direct from heaven to minister to her. Amen
Lord God, I pray for this sweet sister and ask that she would know Your healing, that she would be able to walk forward in freedom and joy despite this deep suffering. Please protect her and continue to grow her spiritually and in practical skills, and I do pray that one day her mother would also come to faith in You.
Thank you, Almighty God, for rescuing Georgieta from spiritual darkness! Thank you for keeping her safe from those who would take her life. I pray that her family would be delivered from the love of evil, as well. Please draw the people in Sierra Leone to faith in Jesus Christ through the gospel message. I pray that the gospel will be proclaimed. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father for these saints, and all those like them, I ask for Your special Heavenly power Your special Heavenly protection Your special Heavenly provision Your special Heavenly comfort
Almighty God, we praise you for sparing the life of Georgieta. You have a great plan for her. please increase her faith, direct her steps and grant her fullness of your peace. As she learns more about you, use her life to be a testimony of your faithfulness and may souls be drawn to love of Jesus. Be glorified O God. Pat US
We pray for Georgieta. We thank you for protecting her and we ask that you continue to keep her safe. Help her family to see that the false "god" they worship is wrong and turn their hearts to the truth of Jesus.
Dry Creek Baptist Church - AWANA boys
Help Georgieta in her new home feel safe and protected in Your arms. Have her grow and learn about You without fear. Assist her family in giving up their vendetta or any vengeful actions.
Father God thank You for protecting Your daughter Georgieta and for protecting her family from making a grave sin against You, if they had martyred her. Thank You God that She is alive and well, and that she is at a safe location, and thank You Lord God for sending Your Son Jesus and Your Holy Spirit into her life and heart. in Jesus' name, Amen.
O Father, help this young sister to rely evermore on the love and care of Christ. Make her strong and give her brothers and sisters that will encourage her. Give her an income that she would be able to support herself. Father, make her strong in Jesus. I pray thru Jesus. Amen.
Father, we praise you for rescuing Georgieta from the deep darkness she was in. We pray that these evil spirits would be driven out of Sierra Leone and that those people would be delivered from such a bondage. May Georgieta be given the protection and resources she needs to support herself and may she continue to grow in the knowledge of Christ, amen.