Hindu extremists sometimes accuse Christians of slaughtering cows, which are sacred in Hindu culture.
Hindu extremists sometimes accuse Christians of slaughtering cows, which are sacred in Hindu culture.
Oct. 03, 2024 | Nepal

Threatened Pastor Continues Ministry

[7] prayers in [2] nations have been posted for Pastor Yadav.

After a Christmas worship service in December 2023, Pastor Raj Kumar Yadav received a phone call from an unknown person. At first, the caller asked seemingly innocent questions about the celebratory service, and the pastor answered in general terms. Then the person asked how many people were fed cow meat during the meal. The question raised concerns in the pastor’s mind, since Hindus consider cows sacred and have sometimes made trouble by claiming that Christians have slaughtered and eaten cows. The caller then identified himself as the leader of a Hindu extremist group and told the pastor he would kill him within a week. Pastor Raj said that he is not fearful but is taking precautions.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Nepal and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Pastor Yadav

  • Thank You, Jesus for the life of Pastor Raj Kumar Yadav. Help him, strengthen him with Your graces to preach the gospel with boldness and power in the Holy Ghost. Nobody will harm him; through him and his disciples, unbelievers will come to the saving grace of Jesus, Amen.
    Madu G - Nigeria
  • Thank You, Jesus for the life of Pastor Raj Kumar Yadav. Help him, strengthen him with Your graces to preach the gospel with boldness and power in the Holy Ghost. Nobody will harm him; through him and his disciples, unbelievers will come to the saving grace of Jesus, Amen.
    Madu G - Nigeria
  • Father in the Name of Jesus Christ I thank you for Pastor Yadav preaching your gospel. Lord I ask that you protect encourage and give him wisdom as Pastor Yadav continue preaching the gospel. Let all those who want to harm him give their lives to you. In Jesus Christ Name Amen
    Myrna W - USA
  • Father God, I lift up my brother in Christ Pastor Raj Kumar in Nepal. Please protect him and his family from any harm and fill him with Your peace and joy to continue his ministry. Please give Pastor Kumar wisdom in his dealings with his community and may he lead many to Jesus Amen.
    Sarah H - USA
  • DearLORD, encircle your child, Pastor Yadav & his congregation with your protection. May these extremists have no power over your children in Nepal. We lift our brothers & sisters up in prayer, & support them as our family of God. Bless & keep them in your care. Amen.
    Shelly D - USA
  • Father Lord,
    Please be strong with Pastor Yadav. Give him your protection, strength, joy and peace. Please use him to minister to other Christians and to bring others to a saving grace in our Lord and Savior Jesus. In his precious name, amen.
    Scott P - USA
  • Dear God, Please watch over and protect Pastor Yadav. I pray that You may soften the hearts of those who want to harm him, and I pray that he may find peace and support during this time. Please bless all these Christians who are in danger, and protect them. Be their shield and strength. Thank You. In Jesus's name, Amen.
    Rae M - USA