Kila survived both a kidnapping and a murderous attack by Islamic terrorists.
Kila survived both a kidnapping and a murderous attack by Islamic terrorists.
Oct. 10, 2024 | Indonesia

Attack Survivor Finds Faith Is Stronger

[94] prayers in [4] nations have been posted for Kila.

Kila, who is in his late twenties, survived an East Indonesia Mujahideen (MIT) terrorist attack on a small group of Kalimago villagers in 2022. His friend, Marten Solon, was killed in the attack. Kila shared about the experience and how God used it to motivate him when he was a nominal Christian to live his life for God rather than himself. Kila is still experiencing some ongoing health complications due to the trauma of the attack. Pray for this brother in Christ to experience complete healing and to continue to grow in his love and commitment to the Lord.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Indonesia and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Kila

  • Dear Heavenly Father I amen these previous prayers. Honor the memory of his friend & glorify Your Name through that testimony. Make Kila strong in faith doing the work that You have given him to do. Bless his calling I pray. I pray for Indonesia all the prayers I lifted up in the past that You would consider them again. In Jesus' Faithful Name amen.
    Johnathan K - USA
  • Jesus, You kept Kila which means You have a purpose for him. Comfort his soul. May Your peace attend him. Guide his steps. He's a great man of God. Bless his heart. Show him Your will for this life. Grant him healing. Bless his future wife. In Jesus' Name.
    Claire C - Barbados
  • Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for convicting Kila and using this tragic event to bring him closer to you. We pray that he will continue to heal, both physically and emotionally. Guide him by your Spirit to others he can encourage and draw them to you as they see his love and forgiveness and confidence in eternal life with you.
    Margaret H - USA
  • I have added Kila to my prayer list.
    Clint D - USA
  • Lord, are then and protect Kila. In Jesus name. Amen
    Mark L - USA
  • Dear Father God, Be with Kila to completely recover from the wounds caused by the attackers and help him to continue to grow in his faith. May those who attacked Kila and killed his friend be convicted by the Holy Spirit to repent of their sins and commit their lives to Jesus Christ, Who can forgive them for their awful crimes. Amen
    Bill P - USA
  • LORD: Thank You for protecting Kila through the attack and for his faith in YOU through it all. I pray for YOUR presence to comfort him day by day. I ask for protection, provision, and healing. His faith and love for Jesus and Your word continue to grow and prevail in the days ahead... in Jesus' name
    P F - USA
  • God thank you that you use trials & suffering to shake us out of our neglect & apathy. Thank you for shaking Kila out of his superficial life & is now truly devoted to you. Please heal his memories if this attack. Provide trauma counselling. Help him see your hand in his life even though it's still hard. Spur him on to whole hearted devotion.
    Carolann P - Canada
  • Father God, I pray for Kila that he will continue to heal and grow. I pray that he will be completely healed so that he can devote his life to Christ and bring glory to Jesus. I also pray that Kila will use the evil he's seen to bring others to Christ. I also pray that those who attacked the village will come to know Jesus and repent.
    Spencer B - USA
  • Avi Ad! I thank You that Kila has grown in stature and wisdom as he treads steadily along Your pathways. Strengthen his entire being with Your Holy Spirit, so that he is an overcomer In all of the trials ahead of him. I request that his whole body lines up with Your Holy Word. In Yeshua's name
    Randal A - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for Kila and his willingness to follow You in the face of lethal persecution. We pray that You would fully heal him from the attack and that he would continue to grow in his love and commitment to You. You are so good and worthy of praise. May the Holy Spirit fill us and enable us to be Your hands and feet in the world.
    Lysander S - USA
  • Dear God our Father thank you for the faith of Kila in the face of such danger. Thank you that his life has been spared and I pray you will heal him of the effects of this trauma and May it lead to a great witness for Jesus your beloved Son. In his name Amen.
    Peggy A - USA
  • Dear Lord, I lift up Kila. Draw him closer to You through this trauma that he has been through. Heal him completely of all physical and emotional trauma and increase his faith. Let this experience be a strong testimony that will cause others to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Dara W - USA
  • Lord Jesus, touch Kila with your healing touch. Holy Spirit, be his trauma counselor and give him a peace that passes understanding. Give him a fresh plan for his life, one with a ministry where he can lead many people to you. Train him up in the way he should go. Bless him for his faithfulness!
    Vi P - USA
  • Gracious Father, thank You for sparing Kila's life after he was kidnapped. We pray for his physical and emotional healing and ask that You disciple him as he learns better how to serve You. Encourage him in love and committment to You so that others will come to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. In His name, amen.
    Susan H - USA
  • Brother Kila may the Lord bless and protect you daily, I pray that your medical conditions are healed in Jesus name. May the Lord guide you to your next destination, I pray that you will touch many lives in Jesus name.
    john o - USA
  • Please strengthen and heal Kila Lord Father. Help him to grow ever closer to you. Please protect and provide for him. Use him to bring others to salvation in Christ when they see Your Holy Spirit working in him. In Jesus name, amen.
    Scott P - USA
  • Lord I give thanks to you that Kila was spared and that out of tragedy good has come in that his faith n commitment to Christ have increased. I pray for his healing and that his faith n relationship to Jesus will continue to increase n be strengthened. May you bring defeat to Mit even from within that some of them may be saved In Jesus name I pray
    Dean B - USA
  • Father, I lift up Kila to your throne of grace. May he receive both physical and mental healing from the horror of the attack that took his friend's life. May he continue to grow in his love and commitment to the Lord.
    Betty D - USA
  • Please Lord continue to grow Kila in his faith, please heal him from his wounds of trauma. Please stop these wicked attacks against your people, I pray that many more would be added to their number, that they would be greatly provided for, and stand strong in their faith in the mighty name of Jesus, Amen
  • Gracious Heavenly Father, we lift Kila to You, asking for Your healing touch on his body and spirit. Comfort him as he continues to process the trauma of the attack and strengthen his faith as he grows in his commitment to You. May his life be a testimony of Your grace and love. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Robin W - USA
  • Father God, please strengthen Kila and help him to be a minister to anyone he meets. Give him the resources to succeed and the words to share the gospel with others. Help him to be a beacon of hope in his community for all those who might seek you. Let them see the light of Christ through all Kila does. In Jesus name. Amen
    Jonathan G - USA
  • My good and gracious God, I pray Kila knows you are his GPS: Guidance, Protection & Strength. I pray you heal him fully & use his strength in you to convert his persecutors. I ask this in Jesus's name, Amen.
    Janice H - USA
  • Father, You are the God who can be trusted and the One who will never fail us. May Kila continue to pursue and strengthen his relationship with You by reading, studying and living by Your word. May Your Spirit reach into his life and overwhelm him with Your presence and power. May You bring healing to his body. In Jesus name, Amen.
    Bruce B - USA
  • Praise You, Lord, for sparing Kila's life because You are not finished using him. He realizes that. May his complete healing be accomplished through You. Help him to grow even more in You and to be bolder in sharing Your love so that many will come to know You. May You be glorified! Amen
    Donna R - USA
  • Heavenly Father,
    I thank you for the protection you laid upon Kila during this attack, and I pray that he would know that your purpose for him in this life is not yet fulfilled. I pray that you would continue to help him grow in his faith, and that you would comfort him in his mourning. Give him mentors, protection, and healing. In Your Name,
    Sophia H - USA
  • Lord Jesus, thank You for my brother Kila. Lord heal him and strengthen his faith. May he experience complete healing and let his love for You and those around him grow. May the fruit of Your Holy Spirit be seen in him.
    Andrew S - USA
  • God, we bring You Kila. You know him, You loved him before the foundations of the world were put in place, and You have called him back to Yourself. Please protect him, not only from further attacks, but from the pain of his past. Heal his heart, his mind, and his body. Let him see how You are greater than evil, and give him boldness and protection.
    Kesse R - USA
  • Lord, I pray for Kila. I pray that You would help him to continue to grow in his love a nd commitment to You. Please ease the suffering of the Christians in Indonesia. Help the persecutors to come to know You as Savior.
    Cheryl B - USA
  • Jesus, we do pray for our brother Kila. Bring complete healing to Kila's body and mind and heart. Baptize with your Spirit of life. In the joy of your Spirit, may Kila will continue to grow in his love and commitment to you. Shine, Jesus, shine!
    Jim T - USA
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