Hindu nationalists threaten Indian Christians in a variety of ways.
Hindu nationalists threaten Indian Christians in a variety of ways.
Oct. 10, 2024 | India

Couple Resists Persecution, Shares Gospel in Village

[97] prayers in [6] nations have been posted for Pastor Prem and family.

Since 2011, Pastor Prem and his wife, Amala, have served in an area of India where pastors and Christian organizations serve for a short time but then leave because of persecution. The area is the central hub in the district for the Hindu nationalist organization Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Prem and Amala now lead a church with about 35 believers. Prem has been beaten four times, faces constant pressure from the community and is continually watched. For his safety, he does not leave the house after 6 p.m. Their landlord has been pressured to evict them, but she refuses, having come to faith in Christ through their witness. Local RSS members have slandered Prem publicly and sometimes prevent other Christians from attending worship services. Still, Prem and Amala have come to love the people of the town and choose to stay to bring the gospel to them.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in India and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Pastor Prem and family

  • Dear Heavenly Father I amen these previous prayers. I pray that Your angels of protection be all around Prem & Amala as they continue to do your work & glorify Your Name in India! You can do all things. Turn the people against the oppression of the RSS. May Your favor be upon Your children here. Save them from Hinduism. In Jesus' Gracious Name amen.
    Johnathan K - USA
  • God, we pray for Pastor Prem, Amala, their landlord & the 35 believers. Thank You for the grace You gave them. Keep the safe & provided for. Cause their numbers to grow. Decrease the power of the RSS. Save the leader within who You've chosen as You chose Saul the persecutor. Open his eyes to the truth of Jesus Christ. May Your kingdom expand in India.
    Claire C - Barbados
  • Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for giving boldness, strength and courage to our dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Pastor Prem and his family. Open the eyes of his persecutors that they may see his faith in you is real and that they may understand you are the only way to salvation. Protect him and give him wisdom about how to serve you best and keep safe
    Margaret H - USA
  • Avi Ad! I thank You that You are Prem and Amala's constant source of security and You are abundantly providing them with safety and great wisdom as they learn to fear and reverence You. And they continue to become yielding vessels to receive and give Your love. In Yeshua's name
    Randal A - USA
  • I have added these brave Christians to my prayer list. Lord help me to pray for them well.
    Clint D - USA
  • Lord, I pray you provide protection and strength for Pastor Premier and his wife. In Jesus name. Amen
    Mark L - USA
  • Dear Lord, Please dear God, bless this couple's work for Christ. Protect them and their people according to Thy will. And give them grace and mercy in their persecutions. Let their light shine for Christ and light up the whole village! To show Your Perfect Love and Salvation. Help them every moment. In Jesus' Name, Amen
    Barbara G - Philippines
  • Heavenly Father, hear our prayer for Pastor Prem, Amala and the believers in this village. Though many of your servants have left this village because of the opposition by the RSS, Prem has remained true to your calling in his life. May the RSS and their supporters repent of their sins and seek Your forgiveness and mercy. In Jesus name. Amen!
    Bill P - USA
  • LORD: Thank You for such courageous witnesses in such a dark place. I ask for YOUR protection over Prem, his family, & all the believers there. Let them continue to be filled with YOUR Spirit. Walk in YOUR love day by day. Wisdom and strength. Demonish all the plans of the enemy against them. Many will turn to YOU through their lives in Jesus' Name.
    P F - USA
  • What a dear couple, Father, O bless them richly with love overflowing for those around them. Give them abundant grace, strength, peace, wisdom. Work in the hearts of the RSS around them so that they see their need for divine redemption that can only be given through Christ. Protect this couple from further harm, and bless their landlord too.
    Carolann P - Canada
  • Heavenly Father: Encourage Pastor Prem and his family as they stand strong for You in India where there is ongoing persecution. Give them the joy of Your presence and souls for Jesus. In His name, Amen.
    Nancy R - USA
  • Father God, I pray for Pastor Prem and his wife. Their desire to further Your kingdom is encouraging. I pray that Pastor Prem and his family remain safe. I also pray that those who persecute Pastor Prem will see their faith in Christ and a desire will start in them to learn about Jesus. I pray that that region of India will come to Christ. Amen.
    Spencer B - USA
  • Lord,
    Thank You for Pastor Prem and Amala and their diligence in serving Christ despite severe persecution. We pray that You would strengthen and empower them to complete the tasks You've set before them. May You be glorified through their efforts and help them lead their church of 35 fellow believers. May much fruit be born and many come to know Jesus
    Lysander S - USA
  • Father God, please be with Pastor Prem and Amala. Give them protection from attacks and help them to continue to be strong in their witness for you. Defeat the violence and intimidation of the Hindu Nationalists, and let them be touched by the good news that Pastor Prem is sharing. In Jesus name, Amen
    Jonathan G - USA
  • Thank you, Lord for the love that you have put in Prem and Amala for the people of this area. Holy Spirit, multiply the fruit! Let many souls come to know the blessing of Jesus Christ.
    Vi P - USA
  • Dear Lord, bless and protect this couple and their family as they boldly bring the Gospel to this extremely hostile area in the community. Help them to seek Your wisdom before they make any decisions. I pray those that persecute them will be drawn to Christ through their willingness to risk all for Christ. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Dara W - USA
  • Father, we are so thankful for this faithful couple who serve You despite severe persecution. Please let them continue to preach the gospel to their neighbors and protect them from harm. Bless all that they do for You. In Jesus name, amen.
    Susan H - USA
  • Pastor Prem, praying for a hedge of protection around you and your family, may the Lord guide your ministry to touch many lives. May your enemies see the love of Christ in you and your followers. We bind all witchcraft in Jesus name.
    john o - USA
  • Gracious Father,
    Please give Pastor Prem and his family a supernatural mighty outpouring of Your Holy Spirit in the midst of their persecutors. Give them your protection and provision. Soften their prosecutors hearts so that they can receive salvation in Christ. In Jesus name, amen.
    Scott P - USA
  • Beloved Lord God, thank You for the faithful work of Prem and Amala in the midst of a hostile situation. Encourage them mightily in the faithful work they are doing. May many more hear the Gospel through them and through those they have taught. Restrain the work of the evil one. Please mightily hold back any violent tendencies in the RSS adherents. IJN
    Jean S - Canada
  • Father I thank you n Prem n Amala for their witness in a place where the gospel is greatly needed n opposed .Please give them wisdom n guidance concerning this and when to leave n when to stay. I ask for theirs n their landords protection from RSS and that you bring defeat to RSS even from within that their members may also be saved. In Jesus name
    Dean B - USA
  • Father, thank you for the faithful commitment that Prem and Amala have to serve you despite the persecution and threats they live under. Protect them as they have chosen to stay and bring the gospel to the people of the town. May the love they display work in the hearts of these people to bring them to a saving knowledge of Christ.
    Betty D - USA
  • Praise You Father for Pastor Prem and Amala, please keep them strong in the faith, protect them, and greatly provide for them. Please stop this wicked persecution of your people in India, I pray that many more Christians will be added to their number and that they would be greatly encouraged in the Mighty Name of Jesus.
  • Gracious Heavenly Father, we lift up Pastor Prem and Amala as they faithfully serve You in the face of persecution. Protect them from harm and strengthen their resolve to share Your love with their community. Bless their ministry and may their church grow despite opposition. Surround them with Your peace and courage. In Jesus' name, Amen
    Robin W - USA
  • I praise you, Lord for Pastor Pam and Amala. Lord may their love grow and their faith be strong committed persecution please bring everyone you have called to salvation and encourage this congregation to be faithful to you. Meet their needs Lord and protect them in Jesus name amen.
    linda b - USA
  • Father, Your great love for people is being evidenced in the lives of Pastor Prem and his wife. May the unconditional love You shared with them and they share with others continue to be the guiding light to their purpose in this life. May their enemies hear and know of Your great love for them so they might stop the persecution. In Jesus name, Amen.
    Bruce B - USA
  • My good and gracious God, I pray you protect your faithful servants Pastor Prem, his family & my brothers & sisters in his congregation. I pray for the RSS, that they repent & accept Jesus into their lives. I ask this in Jesus's name, Amen.
    Janice H - USA
  • Heavenly Father,
    I thank you for the bold witness of this couple, and pray that you would continue to lay your protection over them. Grant them discernment in dangerous situations, and help them to continue to boldly evangelize even among this persecution. I pray that you would soften the hearts of those who persecute them. In Your Name,
    Sophia H - USA
  • God, we praise You for these 37, and ask for You to protect them. Let their witness, their faith, and their love shine in this dark place, banishing darkness and revealing truth. Let many come and believe. Continue to grow the love for neighbours, and love for You. Let worship continue, and make Yourself known through the love of Your people. Protect.
    Kesse R - USA
  • Lord Jesus, thank You for Prem and Amala. Let their lights shine brightly, drawing others to You lord Jesus.
    Andrew S - USA
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