Duyen shared about her husband's joyful faith.
Duyen shared about her husband's joyful faith.
Oct. 17, 2024 | Vietnam

Christian Man Dies After Street Attack

[7] prayers in [2] nations have been posted for Duyen and family.

Duyen, 33, and her husband, Hieu, were drawn to Christ both by the healing they received and the love and care they were shown by the body of Christ. They were mocked, threatened and even attacked several times because of their faith in Christ. Their land was taken on the grounds that land grants were only for those loyal to the government, but Christians were not loyal. After an appeal, their land was returned. Finally, when traveling with another man in 2022, Hieu was attacked by three men. His companion ran for help and provided first aid before carrying Hieu home. Duyen called the church to pray and got help taking Hieu to the hospital. He was treated and released but a few days later died in his sleep from internal bleeding. The local body of Christ has continued to uphold this family, but they are still grieving and struggling. Pray for Duyen and her children to find comfort and healing in Christ.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Vietnam and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Duyen and family

  • Jesus. You know better than we do. Comfort this sister and her children. Bring good from this. How? We don't know. But You know. You know. Bless this family and this church. In Jesus' Name. Amen
    Claire C - Barbados
  • Oh Lord, please wrap Your loving arms around Duyen and her children. Please give them peace and comfort. Supply all their needs and bless them in every way. Please bring them into a spacious place and let their faith grow.
    Roberta V - USA
  • Dear Lord Jesus, we thank you that Hieu is with you and that the local church is coming to the side of our dear sister in Christ, Duyen and her family. Make her aware of your presence comforting and strengthening her and show her how you bring good from trouble. Open the hearts of others in the community to accept the truth of your salvation.
    Margaret H - USA
  • Dear God, Please help Duyen and her family to heal from this traumatic experience. I pray that You may bless them and bring them peace and hope. Please continue to support them, and I pray that they may be wholly well. Please protect other families in this region too. Thank You. In Jesus's name, Amen.
    Rae M - USA
  • Dear Father we do thank you that Duyen and Hieu remained faithful through persecution and that their land was restored on appeal. We grieve with Duyen over the senseless death of her husband. You are the God of all comfort; surround her with your presence and enfold her in your loving arms. Grant her emotional healing we pray.
    IJN, Amen.
    Lois Y - USA
  • Dear Lord,

    We praise Your name for giving Duyen strength during her persecution and husband's death. We are thankful that the local body of Christ has continued to uphold this family, but they are still grieving and struggling. As stated above; we pray for Duyen and her children to find comfort and healing in Christ.

    Chris R - USA
  • Beloved Father: Thank You for the steadfast faith of our brother who stayed true to You despite martyrdom. Please provide for Duyen & her children according to Your riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Please strengthen her faith & build up the community of believers. Please soften the hearts of the murderers that they would repent. In Jesus' Name. Amen.
    Mario C - USA