Brima hopes to reunite with her son who fled witchcraft and occult rituals.
Brima hopes to reunite with her son who fled witchcraft and occult rituals.
Oct. 17, 2024 | Sierra Leone

Mother Seeks Son Who Fled Human Sacrifice

[8] prayers in [2] nations have been posted for Brima.

Brima’s village had been steeped in occult practices for generations. It even had a tree where children were sacrificed to local gods. These deaths would go uninvestigated because villagers reported only that the missing children were “swallowed by the jungle.” Brima’s son learned of the wicked practice and fled before anything could happen to him. Later, a Christian evangelist came to the village, and most people in the village came to know Christ. They cut down the tree and built a church near where it once stood. Now Brima wants to see her son and show him how she and the village have changed. She approached a front-line worker after a church service and asked, “Would you pray that my son will return home?”

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Sierra Leone and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Brima

  • Restorer of souls. That's who You are. God of hope. That's who You are. Hear this woman's plea. Answer her prayer. And we celebrate with her in faith, the return of her son. Thank You for the salvation of such a village. Nothing is impossible with You. Amen.
    Claire C - Barbados
  • Father God, I am glad to hear that this village has repented from evil and has built a church. I pray that everyone in this village does come to Christ. I pray for Brima that she will be able to find her son and return him to the village. I also pray that her son will come to Christ and be apart of the village again. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.
    Spencer B - USA
  • Lord God, please answer Brima's prayer and give her the desires of her heart for her son. Please soften his heart to come to You.
    Roberta V - USA
  • Dear Lord Jesus, we praise you for your mighty work that you have done in this village in Sierra Leone. We pray for strength and courage for the church and that they will grow in their knowledge of you and bring your truth to more villages. We especially pray for Brima's son that he would return to his mother and learn of salvation.
    Margaret H - USA
  • Dear God, I pray that Brima's son will return home and be with Brima upon seeing the changes in this villags. I pray that he is well, and that he and his mother will be reunited soon. Please bless this family, and keep Brima and her son and their community within Your hold. Thank You. In Jesus's name, Amen.
    Rae M - USA
  • Dear Lord,

    We praise Your ability to change hearts. As stated; a Christian evangelist came to the village, and most came to know Christ. They cut down an occultist tree and built a church near where it once stood. Brima wants to see her son, who left the village, and show him how she and the village have changed. We pray for his return.

    Chris R - USA
  • Oh Father we praise you that the detestable practice of child sacrifice has been eradicated in this village. We thank you that Brima's son was able to flee to safety and we pray that Brima may be able to contact him to let him know that it is now safe to come home. May he too come to salvation in Jesus.
    IJN, Amen.
    Lois Y - USA
  • Most Holy Father: Praise be unto You for the victory against Satan in this village. Thank You for the faith of this evangelist who brought the light of Christ to those in darkness. Please unite Brima with her son. Protect the church & help the people to grow in faith & the knowledge of the Word. We pray in the blessed Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
    Mario C - USA