for sin and art risen. I pray they have Godly sorrow which worketh repentance of sins. I pray in this way they would be made ready to believe on thy word unto salvation by thy increase. I pray they bear fruits meet for repentance to thy glory and the joy of believers. I pray in the name of the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, amen.
unto the King James Bible. I pray it would overcome the strongholds which Satan has worked so long to set up leading so many astray. I pray many would search it as Bereans in a way they understand to realize they are sinners and that thine is the only name given whereby they can be saved from sin. I pray they realize thou hast suffered, bled, and died
Dear LORD, I thank thee that this stronghold of Satan which has been steeped in darkness for generations has been broken down by thy word. I pray this lad who ran away became a believer in thy body and the same for all these villagers that they would all be saved from hell and then the lake of fire. I pray thy word would go forth from here according
You are so awesome. It is so uplifting to hear that after a Christian brother came to the village and most people came to know Christ and destroyed their sacrifice tree. May You continue to demonstrate Your Power and sovereignty by returning Brima's son home. We pray expectantly in Jesus's holy name. May You be glorified.
Father I pray that you would answer the desire of Brima's heart and bring her son back to the Village so he can see what you have done to change them and he can be changed too.
Father, thank you for those serving this area, for salvation and change. May Brima have answers to her prayers, that she might see her son again. Prepare his heart for salvation, help him to trust You. Continue the work you have done, mighty to save, change this entire nation by the power of your blood. Come Lord Jesus, come.
Lord I pray for Brima and I ask for her son to come home. I pray for him to be encouraged by the change in the village and give God glory or choose to follow God if he has not yet. I pray Lord for Your and favor to remain in the village and for the villagers to keep hoping and trusting in You. I ask Lord for Your plans to prosper in this village.
Lord God, I praise You for saving so many in this village and that they are turning from death to life. I do pray that You would bring this boy back, and that his life would also be transformed by the gospel that has revolutionized his home. Please strengthen Brima to live with hope as she waits, and may she be steadfast in prayer.
Our Father please protect Brima's son from all evil. Keep him safe and guide him. In You he can find his calling. Please meet his needs. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
In the name of the Shepherd, Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Rohi, Great Shepherd, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for shepherding Brima and son. We ask for son return home, hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Dear sister in Christ- I pray for your continued strength and growth in Christ. I also prayer those hateful to the gospel will have their eyes opened by Christ. Stand firm. I pray your son will return. We know Jesus is coming soon. All the tears and sorrow will be worth it when we meet our Saviour.
Father, You Are so good, "For The Lord is good, His Mercy is everlasting and His Truth endureth to all generations." (psalm 100)
Please do good to Your people who are suffering for Christ's Name and sake.
Please protect them, encourage them, sustain them, You have promised, and Your Word is Good.
Yes, Lord! I pray her son would return home and come to know you! Grow this village in the grace and knowledge of Christ. Thank you for your merciful work here, Father! Continue your work that believers would grow and be taught everything you have commanded. May your church be built up in Christ. In Jesus, name, amen.
In the loving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, God of love, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for fellowship of Brima and son. We ask for a hedge of protection, angels direct from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Father, you deeply love your dear daughter, Brima. She also loves her son and wants to see him again. Will you please draw him back to the village and his mother. Thank you that the love of Christ has transformed so many in the village. May they continue to grow and mature in Christ. Thank you. Amen.
We in America live in a GOD blessed society where education is encouraged and expected. Illiteracy is almost nonexistent. Yet, there are parts of the world today in which illiteracy is demanded, so those who rule can control the population. The power of JESUS to change groups and masses is astonishing, miraculous, and wonderful. Praise ALMIGHTY GOD!!!
We in America live in a GOD blessed society where education is encouraged and expected. Illiteracy is almost nonexistent. Yet, there are parts of the world today in which illiteracy is demanded, so those who rule can control the population. The power of JESUS to change groups and masses is astonishing, miraculous, and wonderful. Praise ALMIGHTY GOD!!!
We in America live in a GOD blessed society where education is encouraged and expected. Illiteracy is almost nonexistent. Yet, there are parts of the world today in which illiteracy is demanded, so those who rule can control the population. The power of JESUS to change groups and masses is astonishing, miraculous, and wonderful. Praise ALMIGHTY GOD!!!
We in America live in a GOD blessed society where education is encouraged and expected. Illiteracy is almost nonexistent. Yet, there are parts of the world today in which illiteracy is demanded, so those who rule can control the population. The power of JESUS to change groups and masses is astonishing, miraculous, and wonderful. Praise ALMIGHTY GOD!!!
Father, I pray that you would guide Brima's son back to her village and reveal to him how you have graciously redeemed this community which was steeped in darkness and occult practices. We praise your mighty Name in bringing about such a transformation in this place. In Jesus' name, amen.
Our Father, thank You for the changes in Brima's village. Please bring her son home to her, and may the village continue to love and honor You. In Jesus' name, Amen
In the powerful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, El Shaddai, God Almighty, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Brima and son. We ask for finding son, provision, a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Father, I lift up Brima and the village to you. I give you praise for the Christian worker who was bold enough to step in and testify to your goodness! It created a ripple effect. I pray that you would reunite Brima and her son - and that together they can give you glory.
Father God, thank you for bringing the gospel and salvation to this village in Sierra Leone. Thank you that the people have chosen to serve Jesus Christ, the Son of God, rather that the evil one. I pray for Brima and the other villagers to continue in their love for Jesus. I pray that she will be united with her son and tell him about her faith. Amen.
Wow Lord, what a miracle! Thank you! Please lead Brima's son home so he can see such a wonderful transformation. Help this village stay focused on you and not give the enemy a foothold any longer. May their testimony spread all over Sierra Leone and other villages surrender to Jesus too. In Jesus name, amen.
Lord God thank you for your deliverance of Brimas village thru the gospel may the body of Christ there continue to grow in unity n faith and in the knowledge of your word . May you do the same for the people n country of Sierra Leone having mercy on them, please bring Brimas son home and bring salvation to him also In Jesus name I pray !
Lord God thank you for your deliverance of Brimas village thru the gospel may the body of Christ there continue to grow in unity n faith and in the knowledge of your word . May you do the same for the people n country of Sierra Leone having mercy on them, please bring Brimas son home and bring salvation to him also In Jesus name I pray !
Lord God thank you for your deliverance of Brimas village thru the gospel may the body of Christ there continue to grow in unity n faith and in the knowledge of your word . May you do the same for the people n country of Sierra Leone having mercy on them, please bring Brimas son home and bring salvation to him also In Jesus name I pray !
Father, we pray that Your Holy Spirit will make Brima aware of the godly changes in the village where he grew up and reunite him with his mother, who longs to see her son again. During the interim, grant Brima the peace that surpasses all human understanding. May Brima continue to call upon You, and look to You for the provision that only You can give.
Father, out of the horror came the Light. "In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men." We can praise You because You have brought life where there was death. Now we ask You to deliver Brima's son to her so she can love on him and see the great things You have done in their village. In Jesus name, Amen.