Local Christians collected rice for Lod's grieving family.
Local Christians collected rice for Lod's grieving family.
Oct. 24, 2024 | Laos

Village Denies Funeral Customs to Christian Family

[83] prayers in [7] nations have been posted for Laos Christians.

In spring 2024, Lod, a Khmu villager, placed his faith in Jesus Christ at the age of 90. On June 20, he passed away. Typically, every villager would make a small donation of money and rice to the grieving family. However, because Lod was a Christian, the head of the village refused to collect donations to assist Lod’s family and did not allow any villagers to attend Lod’s funeral. Only the 10 Christians families in the community supported Lod’s family. They invited a Christian leader from another town to conduct the funeral service, but village leaders refused to allow any Christians to enter the village until the Christians sought assistance from provincial authorities.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Laos and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Laos Christians

  • Lord, I thank you for the faithfulness of Christians in Laos despite persecution. Provide for their needs. Multiply the food, so they never run out and even have enough to share. Help them to return prejudice with kindness, gentleness, and giving. Let them bless those around them and bring many to Christ.
    Vi P - USA
  • Thank You for Lod's homecoming and the 10 brave Christians who supported his family. I pray Your Presence will bless this family in lieu of community support. Please use his passing to lead others to You. In Jesus Name, amen
    Debbie M - USA
  • Father, thank You for saving Lod at the age of 90. Praise and bless Your holy name! Father, may the family receive consolation and comfort from the Christian families in the village. May they come together and build up and encourage one another. Holy Father, see them thru this loss of a family member. I pray this in Christ's name. Amen.
    joey S - USA
  • Father, thank you that the love of a few can change the hearts of many. May the Holy Spirit in your children in Laos be a witness to draw many into a saving relationship with your son. Minister comfort to the grieving and glorify your name. In the precious name of Jesus, amen.
    Tammie J - USA
  • Eternal Father, strengthen the Laos Christians. Open their hearts and minds and let them be witnesses to those around them. Draw the villagers to the truth and let them show respect to everyone. Convict them of their unrighteousness, make them to see the light of Your love. Provide for the family of Lod. Let them pray for their village leaders. Amen
    Andre K - USA
  • Satan controls all the world, by world I mean Not Christians, so he attacks those who are CHRISTIANS. He does this by using the people of his world to cause much tribulation to CHRISTIANS, especially young or immature ones. 1 Peter 1:7 talks about these trials. It is paramount that every new CHRISTIAN receive a BIBLE plus help understanding it.
    Bobby C - USA
  • Father, what joy that this man believed in you at the age of 90! Work out everything for the good of his grieving family. I pray that the gospel will spread more and more in Laos, that many hearts will become open to the truth of salvation, especially village leaders all over the country. Amen.
    Selma O - USA
  • Father, we put up so many walls=""to keep you out. We reject every gesture of love and kindness. You are bigger than our walls. Seep through our human barriers to bring hope and joy to our brothers in sisters in Laos. Lead these Khmu administrators to have broken hearts. Your Kingdom come to Laos as it is in Heaven.
    Jim T - USA
  • Father, remind your saints that you are with them always! Increase their faith, and strengthen them to continue the work. Open the hearts of those who resist the Gospel message so that they will be prepared for the coming of the Lord.
    Supply every need in the Name that is above every name - Jesus!

    Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers. Amen
    JoAnne J - USA
  • Father, show up in such a way that it is evident that only You could have done it, provide for this family to overflowing the assistance they need so it shames those who have withheld it. May they see their wickedness, their unkindness, their own bankruptcy, so they can see how their own ways net them nothing. Then may they come to You, in Jesus' Name.
    Janie B - USA
  • Father, I ask you to move in this family's situation. We know you are able to provide the needs for your children. We do not look to man but put our faith in you. I pray you move on the behalf of this family. Help them to trust you. I pray others in the village will come to know the truth through Lod and his family. So glad to know he accepted you. IJN
    Polly C - USA
  • Father, I ask you to move in this family's situation. We know you are able to provide the needs for your children. We do not look to man but put our faith in you. I pray you move on the behalf of this family. Help them to trust you. I pray others in the village will come to know the truth through Lod and his family. So glad to know he accepted you. IJN
    Polly C - USA
  • Father God, thank you that Lod placed his faith in Christ, even in the last few months of his life. Encourage & support his family and the other Christians in his village. Use Lod's passing and these circumstances to remind them of the wonderful reception that awaits them at their heavenly homecoming. Use Lod's testimony to draw others to you. IJNA
    Kevin R - USA
  • Help Lod find a place of him to get a Christian burial.
    Debbie V - USA
  • LORD, thank You for the faithfulness of Lod and all this Christian families. Provide for them all of their needs in such a way that the villagers can see You. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Maria R - USA
  • Hevenly Father, the great Iam, you are the very breath and beat of the hearts of these 10 families, may they continue to make a stand for their beliefs, give them strength and endurance that only you can give them. Praying to break and bind any witchcraft used against them in Jesus name. Peace and blessings brothers and sisters.
    john o - USA
  • Father, the history of Your children has taught us the fires of persecution bring out great faith & lives that glorify You. Lord Jesus, be the courage and faith that my brothers and sisters in Laos may at times lack. Keep their eyes fixed on You. I ask for their protection & relief from persecution Father but mostly that Your Name would be magnified.
    Jason R - USA
  • Father, I pray that you will supply the need for Lod's family and protect them from further persecution. May the 10 Christians family be united in faith and continue to meet the needs of all brothers ans sisters in their community.
    Isaac M - USA
  • Thank You, God, for the Body of Christ, coming to the aid Lod's grieving family. Please continue to provide for their every need. And thank You that he found salvation at just the right time! You are Amazing! May this entire village accept the saving grace of Jesus Christ and sin no more against Your people. This I ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.
    Christienne D - USA
  • Father, please grant Christians in Laos the supernatural strength to remain faithful and to show Your love even to their persecutors. May many more people in Laos Come to faith in Your Son, Jesus. Please bless and protect Lod's family and the rest of the Christians in the village, also Christians across Laos. In Jesus name, amen.
    David L - USA
  • Father, we praise You for our brother's faith in You and the opportunity to finish his life in your service. We pray for those in the community who are walking with you and facing trouble and persecution. Please prosper them and help them, give them wisdom and hope. In Jesus' Name.
    Joshua U - USA
  • Dear Lord, may you soften the hearts of Laotians to the witness of Christians in their midst. Amen.
    Tom H - USA
  • Our Father, thank You for the saving salvation of Lod. He is now in Your care. Please help all Christians In Laos and meet their needs. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
    Maria D - Finland
  • Lord, thank You for the faithfulness of these believers. Thank You for their steadfastness to follow You no matter the circumstances and the suffering they are going through for Your Name. Help this witness to speak to others and draw them to You by the power of the Holy Spirit. Help the authorities to coe to faith in You and bring peace to all. Amen
    Cynthia H - USA
  • Father what a testimony to Your saving grace. We praise you for Lod and rejoice that he is now in glory with You. We pray that the light these christian families are bringing to their village will reap a great harvest for Your kingdom. May these precious brothers and sisters in Christ continue to grow in their faith.
    kathleen r - USA
  • Father, strengthen, give wisdom & peace to the church in Laos as they serve you. May their testimony bring many to you for salvation. In Jesus name.
    Rhonda F - USA
  • Father, strengthen, give wisdom & peace to the church in Laos as they serve you. May their testimony bring many to you for salvation. In Jesus name.
    Rhonda F - USA
  • Father God I come to you in Jesus name and I pray for Laos Christians. Bless them and bless them indeed, expand their borders and enlarge their territories. May your hand of power be upon them and keep them from the evil one. Supply all of their needs spiritually, physically financially and emotionally. May they be rooted and grounded in Jesus' love,
    Jerry W - USA
  • Out saviour Jesus, coming to the Lord at 90, what a testimony! We thank You for the perseverance of the Christians. Continue to uphold them in hope. Help them know that they are majority, as those with them - the hosts of heaven,- are more than the villagers. We also pray that this testimony will bring more villagers to the faith. Thank You Lord.
    Peter S - Canada
  • Dear Lord, Make every provision for Lao Christians facing persecution. I pray their faith will increase and that they will remain bold witnesses for Christ in their communities. In Jesus' name, Amen.
    Dara W - USA
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