Four percent of Turkmen are Christian, but the government regularly persecutes Christians outside of government-sanctioned denominations.
Four percent of Turkmen are Christian, but the government regularly persecutes Christians outside of government-sanctioned denominations.
Oct. 24, 2024 | Turkmenistan

Turkmen Christian Flees Government Oppression

[86] prayers in [7] nations have been posted for Turkmen Christian.

A bi-vocational evangelist has fled Turkmenistan after being threatened by authorities. He has been active in sharing his faith and had previously been arrested, along with other Christians, for attending Christian worship services. He was also fined for his evangelistic efforts. Authorities now want to charge him for work he did at his place of business. “But he feels the government is really using that as an excuse to arrest him for his Christian activities,” said a front-line worker. Our Turkmen brother requested prayer for wisdom and that he would be reunited with his family.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Turkmenistan and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Turkmen Christian

  • God, I pray for this son of Yours, that You would protect him. You have promised to give wisdom generously to all who ask; let his every move be in accordance with Your will, wise and faithful. Please reunite him with his family; keep them safe, and keep all their faith strong, even as this happens. You are greater than the government; give justice.
    Kesse R - USA
  • Lord, I pray for this man who has had to flee from his home and family. I pray that You would work in such a way for him to be reunited with his family. Please grant him Your wisdom as well. How we need Your insight in these difficult times!
    Cheryl B - USA
  • Lord Jesus thank You for my Turkmen brother. Lord give him wisdom in dealing with the authorities and reunite him with his family.
    Andrew S - USA
  • Father, give this brother the wisdom and discernment he is requesting. Grant him courage to go wherever and do whatever you are guiding him to do. Please reunite him with his family. Thank you for the faithfulness of your children in Turkmenistan. Strengthen them to be faithful to your call. Provide for and protect them. In the name Jesus, amen.
    Linda T - USA
  • Lord, thank you that the Turkman Christians are faithful to spread your word and minister despite persecution. Give them endurance. Give them courage and joy. Let them excel and be prosperous in all that they do. I pray for souls! I pray for many to come to know Jesus through their steadfast witness. Bless and encourage them today.
    Vi P - USA
  • Father, please reunite this evangelist with his family, I pray Your protection, provision and blessings upon them. Please open the doors You want him to walk through and lead others to Yourself. In Jesus Name, amen
    Debbie M - USA
  • Holy Father, I pray for this brother who shares Your word with a dying world. Thank You for his ministry. May others come to Jesus because he preaches the word. He needs work, and shelter and fellowship. Father, I pray You will be his provision. May he know the love of God in his times of trials. I pray thru Christ. Amen.
    joey S - USA
  • Father, I pray you give wisdom to the Christians in Turkmenistan that the words of their mouths and the meditation of their hearts would be in your will. Fill them with the love of the Lord that many would come to repentance. In the matchless name of Jesus, amen.
    Tammie J - USA
  • The price of being a true CHRISTIAN in any non-CHRISTIAN country is very high. Your faith is greatly tested by your peers and by the government. Hebrews 11:6 tells us that " without faith it is impossible to please GOD"; and faith grows by trials, 1Peter 1:7. I earnestly pray for this evangelist, that he will be strong in his maturing process.
    Bobby C - USA
  • Eternal Father, bless our Turkmen Christian. Give him the wisdom to act according to Your will. Let him know wisdom in how to react the the government in which he lives. Make a way for him and let him be able to be reunited with his family. Touch the hearts and minds of those in government that they will come to know the truth of Jesus Christ. Amen
    Andre K - USA
  • Father, may our Turkmen brother soon be reunited with his family. Please grant our brother wisdom and guidance, along with Your encouragement and all surpassing peace. Please soften the hearts of the Turkmen leader, authorities and people to Jesus and Christians. Please open the nation to the Gospel, and that with great effect. In Jesus name, amen.
    David L - USA
  • Father, may our Turkmen brother soon be reunited with his family. Please grant our brother wisdom and guidance, along with Your encouragement and all surpassing peace. Please soften the hearts of the Turkmen leader, authorities and people to Jesus and Christians. Please open the nation to the Gospel, and that with great effect. In Jesus name, amen.
    David L - USA
  • Father, I pray for this Christian brother that you would protect him from all harm, and provide for his needs as he is away from home. Watch over his family and provide for them. Give him wisdom and guide him, and make a way for him to return to his family without punished by the government. Amen.
    Selma O - USA
  • Spirit of God, inspire in our brothers and sisters in Turkmenistan wisdom from above. Lead them in paths of righteousness: to be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. Grant that, in your time, this Turkmen brother will be reunited with his family.
    Jim T - USA
  • Father, we ask that You would protect this brother and provide for him and his family. Use this to expose the injustice of authorities and how he has done no wrong, use it to provoke jealousy so that others would want what he has, peace with God through Jesus Christ.
    Janie B - USA
  • Father, you see the situation with this brother. I pray you move on his behalf. Lord, reunite him with his family. Give him and his family wisdom and strength as they know what to do. I pray you comfort them; guide them, use them for your glory. Lord, please open a door for this family to be together. I pray you would speak to hearts and open eyes. IJN
    Polly C - USA
  • Father God, I pray that you would guide this man who has fled his home and home country. Lead him every step of the way, either to be reunited with his family in his own country or to build a new life in a new country. Use him and may he continue to evangelize and spread the gospel. Keep him encouraged. IJNA
    Kevin R - USA
  • Help our brothers and sisters in Christ . Give strength, faith and courage as well protection.
    Debbie V - USA
  • Hevenly Father, praying to bless and protect these Turkmen Christians, give them wisdom and knowledge on sharing their beliefs, wise as a serpent yet gentile as a dove. Moving them in and out of danger for Kingdom business in Jesus name.
    john o - USA
  • Father God I lift up this man of God asking that you would grant him favor mercy and grace! Vindicate him oh Lord go on his behalf and bring down every false accusation. Deliver him Lord your word says those who trust in the Lord shall not be ashamed"¦ Show him your glory let your Will be done May he continue to do your work Lord in Jesus name amen
    Amber S - USA
  • Father, I lift up thisTurkmen brother who had to flee Turkmenistan after being threatened by authorities. May he continue to share his faith with all whom he comes in contact with. Please provide him wisdom on the way to go. I also ask for your mercy and allow him to reunite soon with his family.
    Isaac M - USA
  • Most Gracious Heavenly Father, I pray with my brother, the Turkmen Christian, that You will give him the wisdom he requests, and that he would be reunited with his family. May the authorities cease their harrasment of him and all Turkmen Christians, and the Gospel flourish there. Please move on his and their behalf. In Jesus' Name. Thank You. Amen.
    Christienne D - USA
  • Lord God please fill this brother with Your encouragement, assurance, love & faith that he might stand firm. If You should will it, please reunite him with his family. Give to him from Your great wisdom that he might walk in Your will and magnify Your Name by the path he takes.
    Jason R - USA
  • Lord, please help and protect our brother. Please encourage him and give him wisdom in his choices today. Please open the hearts and minds of those who are persecuting him and his community. and convict them of their sin and their need for Your forgiveness and grace. In Jesus' Name,
    Joshua U - USA
  • Dear Lord, may our Turkmen brother have the wisdom he prays for and be reunited with his family. Amen.
    Tom H - USA
  • Gracias Señor por ser siempre consuelo y aliento para Tus siervos en el mundo. Pedimos que así siga manifestándose Tu mano en la vida de este hermano en Turkmenistán, por toda la persecución y acoso que sufre. Que Tu gracia y gloria se vean claramente, sosteniéndolo en sus batallas y pudiendo reencontrarse con su familia. Gracias.
    Gonzalo Felipe M - Chile
  • Father God, I lift up my brother who has fled Turkmenistan and ask that you protect him and make him invisible to those who would persecute him. Please give him Your wisdom on his next steps and comfort his family and please reunite him with his family as quickly as possible. Please fill this family with Your peace and discernment in Jesus Name Amen!
    Sarah H - USA
  • Thank You for this brother and his faith to follow You despite the persecution. Please give him wisdom to do what is right before You regarding coming back to his home and help him to be reunited with his family. Help him to continue to worship You no matter the cost. Help him to be a witness for You despite the circumstances. Let justice be served.
    Cynthia H - USA
  • Our Father, please give Your wisdom as a guidance for the Turkmen Christians and teach them all they need to know. Give them hunger for Your Words and lead them. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
    Maria D - Finland
  • Gracious Lord God, please let Your will be done in Turkmenistan. May the previous ministry of this brother bear fruit in changed lives despite the restrictions. Provide for his family's safety and may he soon be reunited with them. Answer his prayer for wisdom and may he act quickly on the wisdom You show him. Strengthen and protect the Turkmen church.
    Jean S - Canada
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