Goma Kunwar
Goma Kunwar
Oct. 24, 2024 | Nepal

Christian Wife Stands Firm Despite Continuous Abuse

[134] prayers in [12] nations have been posted for Goma.

Goma Kunwar has suffered repeated beatings and mistreatment at the hands of her Hindu husband since putting her faith in Christ in 2022. More than once, his attacks have been life-threatening. On Jan. 2, 2024, Goma’s husband beat her badly and attacked her with a sickle, cutting her head so that she required medical treatment. Despite the abuse, Goma does not want to leave the Lord. Pray that she will receive the physical and emotional care she needs; that her husband, Tek Bahadur, will come to faith in Jesus Christ; and that her faithfulness to the Lord will be a testimony to the friends and neighbors who are urging her to give up her faith.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Nepal and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Goma

  • Avi Ad! I thank You that Goma's love for You outweighs the abuse she receives from her husband. She just wants to know You Jesus and the power of Your resurrection, the fellowship of Your suffering and becoming like You in Your death. Continue to strengthen and guide her with Your Holy Spirit. In Yeshua's name
    Randal A - USA
  • Dear Jesus, wrap your loving arms around Goma. Thank you for her steadfast faithfulness. I pray for salvation for her husband. I pray for his mind to be flooded with happy marriage memories. I pray a blessing on her housekeeping, cooking and chores so that he can find no fault with her. Let your peace and joy sustain her and heal her, in Jesus name.
    Vi P - USA
  • Father we place all the believers in south Asia in your hands. We pray that the persecutors be drawn towards you. Change us and also them . Help us never ever to harbour any ill feelings towards none change our nation's lord let them see yourlove and ur sacrifice father I want to see my country and neighbouring nations in heaven praising you father.
    Shinie R - India
  • Almighty Heavenly Father please protect Goma from the violent attacks from her husband. Also that you help her to keep strong with her faith in you . May her husband & others see the Love of your son The Lord Jesus Christ in her so that they'll turn their hard hearts towards you. Amen
    Janie D - United Kingdom
  • Father God please help Goma in the situation that she is in. In Jesus name. Amen
    Arnie W - USA
  • Father, please bless Goma with Your Presence. I pray You'll protect her physically; heal her emotionally and renew her spiritually. Please help others come to Know You through her testimony. In Jesus Name, amen
    Debbie M - USA
  • Thank You Father for the faithfulness You have instilled in Goma. You have helped her to stand firm in the faith of Christ and I praise and thank You. Father, use her as Your witness before her husband and family and community. She is salt and light and I pray You will be her protection. For her husband, save him thru Jesus. I pray this thru Christ.
    joey S - USA
  • Father, thank you for calling Goma into a saving relationship with your Son. May her sustaining faith, love and forgiveness be a witness to her husband as you give him grace to repent and call Jesus Savior and Lord as well. Keep her in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you. In the matchless name of Jesus, amen.
    Tammie J - USA
  • In this prayer section, we read of much abuse of CHRISTIANS in Nepal. Women of faith have very few options in this and other "man controlled countries". They have no where to run to, no one to help, and seemly no who cares about their mistreatment. Thank GOD for VOM!! I pray for Mrs. Kunwar, her husband might soon kill her without any penalty!!
    Bobby C - USA
  • Eternal Father, have mercy on Goma. Strengthen her in her faith and let her continue to walk in Your will and Your ways. Comfort her both physically and emotionally, giving her strength to stand.. Touch her husband and lead him to faith in Christ Jesus. Show him the errors of his ways. Make them both witnesses to their neighbors and friends. Amen
    Andre K - USA
  • Bless Goma ðŸ
    Mitch L - USA
  • Father, I praise you for giving Goma courage and strength to persevere in faith. Use her for your glory as she remains steadfast in following you. I pray for her husband, that you may soften his heart and draw him unto you with a mighty conviction. Provide healing for her body and emotions, and meet all her needs. Amen.
    Selma O - USA
  • Jesus, be to Goma Kunwar a true friend in this time of testing. Boost her hope. Heal her physical injuries. Comfort and encourage her heart. Reach out to Tek Bahadur, and stir his heart to faith and repentance.
    Jim T - USA
  • Father, continue to give Goma the grace to be humble and kind in her trials. Forgive her husband and draw him to you, so that he can surrender his life to you, and together they will be a formidable force in your Kingdom, winning souls and fulfilling their purpose here in the earth.
    Thank you for hearing and answering our prayers - Amen.
    JoAnne J - USA
  • Father, You are husband to Goma and all such in need of Your love and protection. Hold Goma fast as she holds fast to You. Comfort her, assure her, protect her. Convict her husband of his evil deeds toward her and his great need of You. Shame those who urge her to give up faith in You with their own spiritual bankruptcy. In Jesus' Name.
    Janie B - USA
  • Lord, we lift up our sister Goma in her suffering at the hands of her husband. We pray that You would protect her while softening Tek's heart and that the attack of the enemy will prove null and void. We also pray that Goma will remain faithful and that her integrity would provide a powerful testimony to her community, drawing them to Christ.
    Tim S - USA
  • Father, I pray for Goma and ask you to strengthen her. I pray you heal her hand and heal her hurts. Help her to love and forgive her husband. I pray you would speak to Tek, deal with his heart as you have so many others. You know what will get his attention, in the name of Jesus, move Holy Ghost. I pray others will see you in Goma and seek you. IJN
    Polly C - USA
  • Father God, please care for Goma. Protect her physically and emotionally. Encourage her heart each & every day and may her faith stay unshakable. Draw her husband to you. Defeat the powers of darkness operating in his heart & life, and open his heart to you. What an amazing thing it will be for both of them to be following Christ together! IJNA
    Kevin R - USA
  • Heal Goma's wounds and keep her faithful and strong in her witness.
    Debbie V - USA
  • Heavenly Father, thank You for sister Goma's resolve in following Jesus. Give her Your peace and strengthen her as only You can. We also pray for her husband Tek Baharud, that by the example of Goma, he may come to put his trust in Christ, in whose name we pray, Amen.
    Maria R - USA
  • Sister Goma, praying that the most high God will surround you with a hedge of protection and comfort you in this time of need. May the Holy spirit guide you to calmer waters, were praying that your husband will see the error of his ways and seek help with Jesus. Peace and blessings in Christ Jesus.
    john o - USA
  • I ask the Lord to strengthen you comfort you and deliver you your hearts desires.. May the peace of the Lord be upon you may your testimony give other women hope and increase their faith! I pray for your husbands salvation May the Lord transform his life in the name of Jesus God is with you and he is your strength
    Amber S - USA
  • Father, I am very saddend to learn of he suffering of sister Goma, I pray she wll recive the phisical and emotinal care she needs and that her husband Tek will come to faith in Jesus hrist and stop abusing his wife. May her faith continue to be strong and be a powerful testimony to her neighbor, friends, and family to be convicted of a need for a savio
    Isaac M - USA
  • Dear God, thank You for my sister Goma Kunwar and her faith in You. Please protect her from further harm from her husband. May he stop his violent attacks and find faith in Christ. Please heal her from every wound she has received and provide her with all the physical ad emotional support she requires. Thank You, God. In Jesu's Name. Amen.
    Christienne D - USA
  • I pray Heavenly Father that You allow Goma to receive the physical and emotional care she needs. Please enable her husband, Tek, to come to faith in Jesus Christ. Allow her faithfulness to You, be a testimony to the friends and neighbors who are urging her to give up her faith. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN!
    Scott P - USA
  • My prayer is that God will work in your life and in your husband's to bring you peace and safety in this life as He will definitely do in the life to come. Hold onto His promise for you and don't ever let go!!!
    Anne C - USA
  • My prayer is that God will work in your life and in your husband's to bring you peace and safety in this life as He will definitely do in the life to come. Hold onto His promise for you and don't ever let go!!!
    Anne C - USA
  • Lord God I am humbled by Goma's faith. Please fill her with the knowledge that You will not leave her, that You are for her. Encourage her. Thank You Father. Lord Jesus, please will You open Tek's eyes to his ignorance, his error, & his great need for You. Write Your beautiful story of redemption in their marriage .May You be glorified by their lives.
    Jason R - USA
  • I would pray that Goma will get the physical and emotional care she needs, that her husband becomes saved, and that she will be a testimony to opposing friends and neighbors. Mark Beal
    Mark B - USA
  • Dear Lord, may you protect and comfort Goma and may her witness bring her husband to faith. Amen
    Tom H - USA
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