Loving Father, Abba,
You have blessed us with many good things & today we come to Your throne of grace to ask for Your continued blessings for Kashvi as she attempts to bring the gospel to women in prison doing outreach in jails . Thank you she could minister to the police superintendent & that her heart showed Your unending love. In Jesus name Amen
I pray Holy Father than all those who heard the gospel of Jesus Christ during Kashvi's imprisonment will continue to pursue and seek after You and build a a relationship with You and Your Son. And I pray that You will help her sister to pursue You as well, her and all her in laws and family. I pray also that You bless and protect her ministry. Amen!
ABBA FATHER, Wow how beautiful to know that you use all things for their Good and your GLORY! What a GOD!! Thank you for protecting them and using them to spread the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST! Holy Spirit Thank you please continue to protect them forever & always until they are in your arms!
Father, edify, encourage and strengthen Kashvi as she serves and ministers to others in Jesus' name. Give Kashvi much spiritual fruit as she continues her outreach to the women prisoners. Grant Kashvi favor with the prison authorities as she endeavors to bring hope into a hopeless environment. Bless Kashvi as she proclaims the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Dear sister in Christ- we plant the seed and God reaps the harvest! Please stay strong in the faith. The time is short. Jesus is coming and it will all be worth it when we meet our Saviour face to face.
In the merciful Jesus, our heavenly Father Elohim Chaseddi, God of lovingkindness, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Kashvi. We ask for mercy, for healing, a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to her. Amen
Father, we rejoice with Kashvi for the prison ministry that has arisen out of her brief imprisonment and ask for You to continue to grant her favor with prison officials and that many would be drawn to You through Kashvi's teaching. Grant her ongoing boldness and authority to teach and preach freely despite laws to the contrary, in Your name,amen.
Precious Lord Jesus, here these Your children...bless them, protect them and prosper them openly that others may see and believe. In Jesus name I pray, Amen MARANATHA
In the powerful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Omnipotent, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faith that overcomes fear for Kashvi. We ask for a hedge of protection, angels directly from heaven to encamp around and minister to her. Amen
Lord, what a blessing our sister Kashvi is! Thank you for the boldness and faithfulness you've given her. Thank you for the fruit evident in her life. Would you bless her, continue to protect her, and continue to deepen her faith. Would her sister in law respond to that gospel message! In Jesus name. Amen.
All praise, honor and Glory to You Abba, Adonai my Elohyim for my beloved sister Kashvi and her faithfulness to continue to share the gospel despite imprisonment. Bless her indeed I pray and enlarge her territory and may You continue to use her in powerful and undeniable ways for Your glory to lead many, many more to the throne of grace I pray. Amein
I have added Kashvi to my prayer list.
Heavenly Father,
We thank You for our precious Sister Kashvi, her faithfulness to You, her ongoing ministry, character, honesty, and her boldness in praying and sharing the Gospel. Please bring many to salvation that have heard Your truth. We pray these things in the mighty name of Jesus.
In Him,
Dear LORD, we lift up your servant Kashvi for her love of you & courage to share Jesus. You have started a thirst for Jesus. Help Kashvi communicate your word efficiently. Give her wisdom, & courage as she shares. Thwart satan as he works to blind hearts to you. Tear anti-conversion strongholds down so that Holy Spirit moves freely. In Jesus I pray.
Thank you for the strong witness of Kashvi, Heavenly Father. Continue to equip her to be bold to share the gospel with the women in the jail and their children. Provide for her needs according to your riches in glory.
In the saving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah, God Who saves from sins, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for saving Kashvi and prisoners from sins. We ask for hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen.
Dearest Sister Kashvi,
The Lord is so proud of you for your steadfast love you have shined on those in jail with you. I know that you have done this and the ripples it will make will save others more than you can imagine. The Lord has been glorified by your actions and your voice of love. I pray for your ongoing ministry and your beloved spirit.
Dear Heavenly Father, Thank You for the victory You gave to Kashvi in jail! May the Name of Jesus Christ be evermore praised in India because of her faithfulness to You! Please continue to give Kashvi protection & favor in the eyes of all unbelievers she ministers to! Make her kind & loving manner irresistible to everyone she meets in Jesus 4YourGlory
Dear Heavenly Father I amen these previous prayers. Glory be to You who have answered our prayers in earnest! All we have asked You are doing! From the authorities to the Christian character having a ripple effect! Bless her & I pray more Christians would take her example in her country. May You do the same with them. In Jesus' Faithful Name amen.
Lord I give you thanks for protecting and expanding the ministry of Kashvi. She has met with the unexpected as her witness has revealed the hunger for Christ in many of the people around her. Bless kashvi for her courage and faith. - Paul - USA
Lord I praise You for the faithful witness of Kashvi and for her relentless pursuit of sharing about You. I pray for those she prayed for to be able to taste and see that You are good and I pray for her witness to keep being strong. I pray Lord for You keep giving her wisdom and discernment for how to proceed and courage to share of the good news.
May messiah holy one of Israel and the king of creations only begotten son bless and keep you dear sister in Christ
Thank You, LORD, for Kashvi: Her boldness to share in her difficult circumstances. For bringing forth good in what the enemy thought evil against her. I ask for Your continued bless her ministry and her life. Provide, protect. Pray for strength, peace, and wisdom. And let Your goodwill, and purposes be accomplished in and through her, in Jesus' name.
When we are serious about teaching and sharing GOD'S HOLY WORD, then HE will provide opportunities for us to do so. But, remember, you can not share what you do not know, so study much and always follow the HOLY SPIRIT'S lead. In JESUS HOLY NAME I pray.
Thank you Father for our sister Kashvi and how powerfully you have used her witness to overcome the hardness of heart of police and prisoners alike. Support her and strengthen her as she continues to be faithful to your Word in Christ. Bring to faith those she has shared with and protect her in all her ways. In Jesus' name, amen.
Father, your Word will never return void. The truth will always stir hearts; it is up to the hearer to allow it to cleanse them. Bless Kashvi as she stands for you and shares your love. Bless those in the prison who heard the truth; Holy Spirit continue to move. I pray you strengthen and guide Kashvi as she allows you to use her to minister. IJN
Lord we bless and praise Your mighty and loving Name. Continue to bless our sister with overflowing opportunity and protection. Please go with her every step of the way and bring to life those she has time to touch. Bring the whole community to their knees in loving obedience to Your Name. IN Jesus' Name, Amen.
Our Father, thank You for the kindness Kashvi is showing to those around her, and the seeds she is planting in the hearts of everyone she meets. May those seeds produce good fruit for Your kingdom. In Jesus' name, Amen
Lord Jesus thank You and praise You for Kashvi and her faithfulness to obey witness. Continue to build Your kingdom through her work.
Thank You, dear Heavenly Father, for Kashvi and her love for You. Continue to use her for your glory in the lives of the women and children to whom she ministers. In Jesus' name, Amen.