Father, please continue to bring comfort and healing to these dear brothers and sisters. May they know and experience your incredible love for them. May they trust Jesus fully even in the chaos and challenges. Convict the attackers of sin and save them thru Jesus. Thank you for how you will bring something good from this tragedy. Amen.
Lord Jesus! We ask You to heal the wounded bodies, but also the wounded hearts of all the surviving believers. Give them the faith to carry on, serving You despite the fear and sorrow that they are walking through. Let them know that You are with them every step of the way despite the horror they have been through. Give them peaceful, forgiving hearts!
Holy Father God I pray for Burkinabe Christians who face persecution and are injured in all regions of Burkina Faso. I pray they will be healed of their injuries. I pray that this will encourage and embolden them as they are like Jesus. And that they never recant their Faith. I pray for courage, strength, and undying love. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
Lord order in this chaos and orient thy children to thy face.
Father, I lift up my Burkinabe brothers & sisters. Thank You for the salvation & strong faith You have given them. Thank You for their perseverance amidst danger. Please comfort the families of those who were murdered. Keep those safe who are missing & bring them home. Provide healing to those wounded. Draw those lost in Islam to You in repentance.
In the saving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, God Who rescues, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for rescuing Burkinabe Christians. We ask for hedge of protection and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Father please heal those who are injured, comfort those who mourn, convict those who have done wrong. Please work out these tragedies for good.
Abba Father Oh what a Glorious God you are! Your ways Higher than ours. I pray for these BrotherSisters in Christ! Please Please Holy Spirit give them your peace that surpasses all understanding and to keep their heartsminds always fixed on you LORD JESUS! To know that they have passed from Death to Life In Jesus Christ! In Jesus Name Amen!
JOHN 14:6
Father God, I pray for the Burkinabe people as a whole and especially for the Christians. Please comfort their hearts after such great loss and heal the wounded. I ask that you would be bring peace and provide protection to those building Your kingdom in the face of opposition. In the powerful name of Jesus Christ, Your son, I pray. Amen.
In the inviting name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Nissi, our banner, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for inviting Burkinabe Christians. We ask for healing, a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Father, we intercede for our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout Burkina Faso and ask the Holy Spirit to comfort and console the grief-stricken who've lost loved ones during these more recent Islamic extremist attacks. Grant health, healing, and complete spiritual, mental, emotional and physical recovery to the wounded in spirit, soul and body.
Our Father, fill those with pain and suffering with Your healing Spirit. Heal those who are physically injured. Rise up and scatter Your enemies, those who wish to harm Your children. Bless Your children with strength to endure. In Jesus' name, Amen
Holy Father, for these brothers and sisters who have suffered great loss, I pray You would heal and comfort the afflicted. Father, encourage them in their grief. Supply for their needs at this time. Lord, protect them from the evil one and his followers. Lord, the enemy need Christ. May they repent of their evil and violent ways. I pray thru Christ.
Father, move mightily in Burkina Faso. Lord, you see the pain and the evil going on here. Lord, send comfort and strength to you children. Guide them as they face the enemy of their soul. Rebuke all fear and give them wisdom. Help them forgive those who have hurt them. Lord, let your healing virtue flow upon each who are hurting, heal completely.
Father,You promise that where there is great evil,Your grace superabounds.Mighty rushing wind ofHoly Spirit,sweep across Burkino Faso,causing violent Islamists to fight among each other to their diminishment,while bringing grace,relief,healing and provision to the brethren.Bring gospel of peace to massacre survivors.Convert tens of thousands.Be exalted
Lord God, I know I could never endure such harm unless You empowered me by Your Spirit and came to my rescue. You are the Comforter to those who mourn. Comfort, comfort Your people. Heal the broken hearted. May they experience the provision You have through the body of Christ. May they know Your manifest presence. Supply Bibles, restore hope and faith
In the merciful Jesus, our heavenly Father Elohim Chaseddi, God of lovingkindness, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Burkinabe Christians. We ask for mercy, for healing, a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to him. Amen
Father God, I ask for your great mercy and grace to flood the brothers and sisters in Christ that are in Burkina Faso. I ask that you will heal and comfort those who have been wounded. I pray that they will see your mighty hand at work and that you will glorify your holy name among them. Continue to draw people to faith in Jesus throughout this area.
Mighty God Jehovah, we stand with our brothers and sister and cry out to You Lord for deliverance. May the healing power of Jesus rest on the wounded. May their persecutors bow their knees to the Name of Your great Son Yeshua. Make haste to deliver Your people oh God. In Jesus' Name. Amen
Thank You for our brothers and sisters in Burkina Faso and their willingness to follow You despite intense, lethal persecution. I pray that You would provide the survivors comfort in the midst of loss and turmoil and that You would miraculously heal the wounded. May the missing be found. May You be glorified through their trials.
Father God, please stretch out your healing hand in the name of your Holy Servant, Jesus Christ & perform healing miracles for those injured in these attacks so their faith is strengthened & unbelievers may see & repent & put their faith & trust in you through the name of Jesus Christ! Please bless those injured with boldness & courage! Amen!
Lord, we thank you that the balm of Gideon is upon everyone who wounded both physically and emotionally in these attacks. Lord, we thank you for the resolve to steadfastly continuing to follow you. We thank you for peace love and providence in Jesus' name amen
God, You know every Christian in Burkina Faso who is hurting. Hurting from losing a loved one, or wounded in body. Bring healing. Bring supplies. Give them safety. God, turn the hearts of their enemies away from evil. Send Your angels to protect Your own. God, for the wounded, let them be tended to, and heal. Send miracles, and courage, and love. Amen.
Lord Jesus thank You for my brothers and sisters in Burkina Faso and Niger. Bring Your healing and strength by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Let Your kingdom come Lord Jesus.
Father, we recognize that persecution is a fact and reality of following You but we are deeply grieved and saddened by the killing of our brothers and sisters in Burkina Faso. We mourn the tragic circumstances of the many who are wounded and without parents and families, perhaps laying wounded and in pain, continuing to suffer. Jesus be near them!
Heavenly Father, I pray for these Burkinabe believers who have been through so much. I pray for healing for those who suffered physical injuries or emotional trauma. I pray for comfort for those who lost friends or family members in these attacks. I also pray the extremists would be convicted of their sins that they might repent leading to salvation.
For the wounded Burkinabe Christians, O Lord God we pray physical and emotional healing. For those who are missing, we pray your mercy. For those who have been left behind to mourn for lost or murdered loved ones, Lord send the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. Be grace and peace for all the Burkinabe Christians. Keep their faith firm. In Jesus name, Amen
Dear Lord, may you spread the wings of your protection over all Burkinabe Christians and shield them from the genocidal attacks of Muslim extremists. May these extremists recoil at the horror of their own actions and become softened to the witness of those they persecute. Amen.
In the powerful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Omnipotent, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faith that overcomes fear for Burkinabe Christians. We ask for a hedge of protection, angels directly from heaven to encamp around and minister to them. Amen