Thank You Lord for the boldness of some believers. Please protect them in sharing the gospel. Help the videos to touch the hearts of many and turn them to You. Please protect the broadcaster and give him wisdom in what to do next. Help the church to grow despite the persecution and help the persecutors to come to faith in You. In Jesus Name, Amen
I hope freedom of the press is guaranteed. Amen!
Father, please give wisdom and guidance to this believer. May he trust Jesus fully and walk by the Spirit and not lean on his own knowledge and understanding. Please protect him from evil. Draw many people to Jesus in this region for salvation. Amen.
Father God I pray that this YouTuber will be given Wisdom from on High, on How to navigate his channel and what to do next in the future. I also pray You protect him as he exposes the kingdom of darkness. But I pray he realizes his battle was NEVER against flesh and blood. But Satan. I pray he makes this known. I pray this in Jesus Christ's Name, Amen.
Oh Father God Your people are in danger and peril, and they need You to rescue them and provide for them and shelter them and deliver them from evil!
Lord God, I do pray for this brother and ask that he would have wisdom in determining what to do next, that it would be clear how he can be obedient to You, and that he would trust You even as he suffers. Please give the front-line workers ministering to him wisdom as well, to help him turn towards You and grow spiritually.
ln the sacrificing name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Agape, God of love, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You that Christian broadcaster in Central Asia boasts in the cross of Christ. We ask for healing, for hedge of protection, and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to him. Amen
Our Father, please help all Central Asian Christians. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
Thank You for the boldness and creativity You gave our brother is this hostile environment. Grant him protection and wisdom as he continues to upload his videos. And may the Holy Spirit empower the material he has already uploaded to bring salvation to many.
Lord Jesus - You make us brave and bold! Thank you for the faith of this Christian broadcaster in Central Asia to proclaim your goodness to non-believers. I ask that you keep him safe from evildoers that wish to harm him. I pray that you would reveal the truth to those in Central Asia by equipping Your people to testify. In Your name I pray, amen.
Father, your children need wisdom. This brother needs protection and wisdom in knowing how to deal with this situation. There are times you would have us speak, and there are times we would be silent. When you put words in our mouth, give wisdom and boldness to declare the Truth. If you have called this brother to do so, move on his behalf. Move Jesus
In the saving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, God Who rescues, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for rescuing Central Asian Christians particularly this broadcaster. We ask for hedge of protection and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Father please protect and guide this man. Help him to listen to wisdom, and grant him discernment as to his next steps.
Abba, I lift up this dear brother to You in prayer. I pray Your divine hedge of protection around him and pray the videos he's created on YouTube would reach the hearts of those open for truth and cause them to surrender their lives to You and accept the blessed gift of Salvation through Yahusha HaMashiach our Adonai. May Your name be glorified! Amein
Lord I praise You for this brother who has been so bold. I pray for him to keep seeking You. I ask for an outpouring of wisdom and for safety as he decides what to do. I pray Lord for his faith to remain steadfast in You and for Your peace to guard his heart and his mind. I pray for those around him to be people of peace and trustworthy.
Lord God, Thank You for the Truth going out over the airwaves in Central Asia! Bring all Your Children to Your Kingdom in the Name of Jesus and protect this man as he hiding. Make the people pursuing him lose total interest in finding him. Give him forgiveness for his enemies & cause the power of the Gospel to bring in thousands of people to Your GLORY
Father God, I thank you for these followers of Jesus who desire to spread the gospel where they live. I pray that you will protect them as they boldly speak about their faith to others.I pray that you will give the people in Central Asia ears to hears and hearts to receive the good news.I pray that many will respond with joy and exalt the name of Jesus
In the inviting name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Nissi, our banner, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for inviting broadcaster and other Christians in central Asia. We ask for a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Heavenly Father, I pray that many people in this country would come to a saving faith in Jesus through these videos. I pray for your protection and guidance for this broadcaster in hiding. May he receive Your strength and direction in his life and may he find a way of escape from his enemies as guided by Your Holy Spirit, Amen.
Father, enable our brothers and sisters in Christ who live in Muslim-majority nations to exercise wisdom and discernment in their endeavors to reach unbelievers with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Help them to not unnecessarily or unknowingly provoke or condemn others for their misguided and errant beliefs in Allah, Muhammad and the five pillars of Islam.
Father, Please protect this Christian broadcaster who is now in hiding. Give him wisdom and guide his future steps.
Our Father, watch over and care for our brother who is in hiding for his videos. May hearts be open to his message, and come to know Jesus as their Savior. Give him wisdom in knowing what to do next. Open doors, and hearts, for him to tell others about Jesus. In His name, Amen
Thank You for this brave and bold brother and his willingness to spread the gospel even at great cost to himself. We pray that You would protect him from the forces of darkness and that he could continue to spread Your Kingdom. Please give him wisdom and discernment over his next steps, allowing him to glorify You in the best ways.
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for the boldness of our Christian brother and zeal for evangelism. Guide him by your Spirit that he would know what his next steps should be. Give him the wisdom to speak the truth in love and to persevere in teaching the Word with kindness and respect. Protect him, Lord.
Lord,the brother doesn't know that to do. May Your Spirit lead him.Keep him safe while providing refuge for others through this digital message. Your Word cannot be hindered.May he be bold in You but with Your wisdom.He is oppressed because this message that he has offers freedom for lost & helpless souls.Please allow this brother to carry on Your work
Lord God thank you that the internet can not just be used for evil but also for the gospel n your kingdom in central Asia I pray for your hand of protection to be upon this internet broadcaster serving you n the body of Christ , please give him wisdom n guidance for future steps in continuing his work for the kingdom that will bear fruit In Jesus name
ABBA, give wisdom to this worker. Show him your desire for his ministry. Protect him as you lead him. Hide him in your hand. Thank you for this out reach to the muslim community. May their hearts be open to Jesus. Cleanse out evil & show them truth. May they hunger for your living water. Amen.
Take care of our brother in his hiding and allow him to continue his mission underground undetected.
Dear Lord, we know that You want us to spread Your gospel to all the world. Help us to use language and actions lead by the Holy Spirit so that others may come to know You and the love You have for each and every person. Help us to spread the love of Jesus and help the broadcaster and all Christians listen to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Holy Father, I pray for the protection of this brother. Keep him safe Father. Also, in his zeal to share Christ, may You give him wisdom as he shares Christ. May Your love be his vocabulary. Use his podcast to bring people to Christ. I pray this now in His name. Amen.