If you read the book of Acts, you will find a story about how the natives helped the Apostle Paul. Amen! They deserve respect too!
Father, continue to give courage and strength to Joyo and Setiaban. May they trust Jesus fully and be led by the Spirit. Please protect them and give them wisdom each day. Draw more people to Christ in Indonesia. Thank you. Amen.
Thank You Jesus for the faith & courage of these men! Strengthen Joyo & Setiaban as they continue to be Your witnesses. Protect & guide them along Your path. Open hearts to Your Truth, that many may be saved by their ministry. Bless their persecutors with Your love & Your followers with Hearts of forgiveness towards them. Let Your Grace abound! Amen!
Holy Father I pray for Joyo and Setiaban, I Pray in the Name of Jesus Christ that Joyo and Setiaban will remain vibrant witnesses for Christ among the Sundanese and that many more will come to faith in Christ through their testimony. I also pray You protect their health, and provide for them. You are their Source and strength. Amen and Amen!
Oh Father God Your people are in danger and peril, and they need You to rescue them and provide for them and shelter them and deliver them from evil!
Lord God, I thank You for these brothers and their faith in You. Please comfort them as they grieve their brother and may they have increased passion to preach the gospel and love for the lost. I pray that they would have much fruit among the Sudanese, and they would not grow weary and lose heat from the persecution.
OLord, Strengthen Joyo & Setiaban in their faith. Bring other Christians to encourage & help them grow. May these unbelievers around them awaken to Jesus Christ. Holy Spirit pour your power over them & awaken their cold hearts to you. Move in Indonesia in a great way so that Jesus is glorified there forever. Amen.
ln the sacrificing name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Agape, God of love, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You that Joyo and Setiaban boast in the cross of Christ. We ask for healing, for hedge of protection, and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Thank You, God, for revealing Your salvation to this family group, and that Wira ihas gone on ahead and is now waiting for a reunion with Joyo and Setiaban. May these remaing brothers continue their faithful witness among the Sundanese . May they see the fruits of their labors as they bring the light of the glorious gospel of Christ wherever they are.
Lord, thank You for these brothers who are evangelists for You. Help Joyo and Setiaban to remain vibrant in their faith to proclaim the gospel no matter the cost. Help more Sundanese to come to faith through their testimony including members of Islamic organizations in Indonesia. Let them be comforted from their brother's passing. In Jesus Name, Amen
Father God - thank you for the faithful witness of Joyo and Setisban. Please strengthen them as they continue to testify to Your goodness in the face of persecution. Help them endure, knowing that You will receive glory. I pray that you would draw the Sundanese people back to Yourself, the one and only true God. In Jesus' name I pray, amen.
Father, I lift up Joyo and Setiaban to you and ask you to bless their ministries. I pray you give them wisdom and boldness. Give them compassion and guide them as they reach out to those who are in desperate need to hear the message of hope. I pray you open doors of opportunity and speak to the hearts of those that hear. Move in this situation. IJN
In the saving name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, God Who rescues, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for rescuing Joyo and Setiaban. We ask for hedge of protection and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Father thank you for the faithfulness of these brothers. Help Jojo and Setiaban to continue running the race of faith with endurance and vibrant witness to others. May they bear much fruit for your kingdom.
Abba Father, The TRUE LOVER of our SOUL! Please help them to spread the GOSPEL!! and protect them on their way!! Holy Spirit please I pray you continually guide them with your Gentle Spirit knowing that they are secure in the palm of their Fathers Hands & that they are covered by the BLOOD of JESUS!! In Jesus Name Amen!
Revelation 8: 3-5
Abba, I thank You for the faithfulness of our beloved brethren Joyo and Setiaban who've boldly shared the Gospel with the Sundanese. I pray that countless would come to know Yahusha as HaMashiach through the preaching of these dear brothers.Bless them for their faithfulness I pray in Yahusha's name. Thank You Abba in advance, Amein.
Lord I praise You for all who came to faith because of the witness of Joyo and Setiaban. I praise You for their faithfulness and for their continued care. I pray for great vibrancy among them and for them to keep soaking in Your presence. I pray for their hope to remain rooted in You and for them to sing of Your praise daily!
Father God, I thank you for raising up these brothers to spread the good news of the gospel in the Sudanese area. I pray that you will magnify your holy name and draw many people to faith in Jesus Christ through their faithful ministry. Please protect them from the attacks as they seek to spread the good news. I pray in Jesus' name, Amen.
In the inviting name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Nissi, our banner, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for inviting Joyo and Setiaban. We ask for a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Father, thank You for Joyo, Setiaban, and their deceased brother, Wira. Bless Joyo and Setiaban for their passionate commitment to follow Jesus Christ even when suffering and persecution occur. Help Joyo and Setiaban to continue being vibrant, courageous witnesses for Yeshua and that many Sudanese citizens living in Indonesia will repent and be saved.
From time to time I think about how we will only know the full affects our prayers had in the next life. I ponder how much the prayers of my fellow believers here, praying for both the Sundanese and Sudanese, will lead to revival in both Sudan and Indonesia. Thank You for the Holy Spirit who pleads for us in groans that can't be expressed in word
Father, I pray for these evangelists who have suffered persecution at the hands of the Islamic social organization. Give them strength and courage and comfort them in their grief of losing a dear brother. Help them to remain vibrant witnesses for Christ among the Sundanese . May many of them come to faith in Christ.
Our Father, continue to strengthen, and use Joyo and Setiaban, to bring others to Jesus. Give them the peace that passes understanding as they face hostilities. Give them joy in doing work for You, and open hearts to their message of the Good News! In Jesus' name, Amen
Almighty God, we give you praise for the conversion of Joyo and Setiaban. Thank you for the power of their witness to touch other lives to saving knowledge of Jesus. Grant them grace to stay strong in love of Christ that they may continue to share message of Jesus with the lost. Bless their lives and provide their needs. In Jesus name Pat US
Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for opening the hearts of these 3 brothers in Christ to accept the truth of your gospel. Give boldness and wisdom and courage now to Joyo and Setiaban that they may keep their passion for evangelism and see more fruit. We pray for the salvation of more in the community and those who are persecuting them.
You know of Joyo & Setiaban's love & passion for You.Enable them to boldly yet securely proclaim Your Truth. Thank you for raising up these two for the work among the Sudan-people group.Lord,they need You to be able to do this and help them realize that apart from You, they can do nothing. Strengthen & refresh them for the work that You opened for them
Father, first I thank you for the Sudanese brothers salvation and their work as evangelists may you continue to motivate strengthen ,protect n guide by your spirit n living word Joyo n Setiaban in their work as evangelists that they will bear much fruit un to salvation n many would be saved ! In Jesus name I pray
Help our brothers, Joyo and Setiaban with their new ministry.
Dear Lord, we thank You for these Christians and ask that they be used to continue to spread the gospel throughout Indonesia. Please help them to keep strong in their faith and make disciples of their countrymen. Help those who do not believe to open their hearts and minds and allow Jesus in their hearts and proclaim Him as their Lord and Savior. Amen
Father, thank You for these brothers who win people to Christ. What an example! Lord, may You use these brothers to bring more people to the Lord Jesus. Lord, as the apostles met with hostility, it did not stop them from preaching the gospel. I pray You will continue to use these brothers in Indonesia. Thank You for their ministry. Amen.