Father, I pray for Ishaq. I pray that you would keep him safe and give him wisdom of how to avoid getting deported to Eritrea. I pray that you would find a way of escape for him. Please give him your comfort and your presence and even other Christians, who might be able to get him into another country. In Jesus name, I pray amen.
Abba Father, you knew this season of life would come for Ishaq. Abba Father praying for you Holy intervention. Wisdom Ishaq, support for his safety for today and the days ahead. Father your PEACE that passes our understanding. Father we pray in faith, that you have a plan for this young man. Give him courage, remove fear, provide HOPE for the days.
Gracious Father,
Please be with our brother Ishaq. Grant him the ability to be able to stay where he is and not be deported to Eritrea. Please grant him safety and continue to use him to bring others to salvation in Christ. In Jesus name, amen.
Jesus, please make a way for Ishaq to stay safe.
Lord, please guard Ishaq with your arms of protection. We ask for your wisdom to him as he seeks safe haven. If possible, Lord, please guide him to be able to obtain his legal residencycitizenship in the country where he was born and is doing your work.
Father, we pray for our brother Ishaq, for doors to be opened to him to find a place to live in peace and continue in his work of evangelization. We give thanks for Ishaq's work, and we pray that he can continue in his work in strength. We pray for Ishaq's safety and comfort, and for his leading, guidance and protection. In Jesus' name. Amen.
Faithful Father, please direct Ishaq's path. Protect him from the enemy. Give him clarity and bring those around him who can encourage and help him along the way. Help him not to be afraid,but to trust You, who will never leave him. In Jesus name I pray!Amen!
ABBA FATHER you don't want us to be ignorant about the SPIRIT'S gifts. They keep us from being led astray by mute idols. Many have gifts to see radical ways of escape in dangerous cities: lowered down in a basket, walking invisible through prisons, driving past guards with Bibles on the front seat"¦open Ishaq'a eyes to the possibilities!
Father In the Name of Jesus Christ I thank you for Ishaq desire to serve you. Lord I ask that you help him to get the proper documents to live in the country where he resides. Father give him favor wisdom and protection. In Jesus Christ Name Amen
Dear Jesus... We pray for mercy on Ishaq that he be able to remain where he is and spread the good news.. We also pray for Eritrea, that the govt may learn Christians are nota threat but salvation for their people!
Help Ishaq not worry and faith in Hod whenever he is sent to. Help me have a positive outlook and know God is with him.
Lord, please intervene for Ishaq. Do a miracle! Let him stay in this land where you have planted him. Let the records and paperwork be lost or messed up so that there is no record of his Eritrean roots. Use him where he is. Thank you for how you use your people.
Appear to Ishaq Father because he needs to hear from You on what to do. Blind the government eyes to his activities and send an angel to guide & protect him. Let him feel and fully sense Your love as he navigates through this process. Let him rejoice in knowing You are there for him and providing Your answer and directing him as he seeks Your help!
Father God,
We pray for Ishaq to be guided by Your Holy Spirit. We pray that Ishaq knows Your voice, Jesus. We pray for his commitment to Your Kingdom to grow stronger as he listens for Your voice. Provide and protect him during this season in the wilderness. We pray that he is obedient as You reveal Your plan for his life. Bless him as only You can.
Dear Lord Jesus, You know all the complexities of Ishaq's situation. Please guide him to the right path and place for him. May he rest safely and comfortably in Your arms. I pray for freedom for Eritrea and every oppressed land. In Your Name Jesus I pray. Thank You. Amen.
I would pray that Ishaq would not have to go to Eritrea. Mark Beal
God, help Eritrea to find safe haven somewhere. Help him to continue to be strong for you. Help him to be open to a new place and help them to take him in. Keep him safe as he continues to figure out where he can go. Put Christians in his path and keep him working for you. Praisie God for his salvation.
Lord I pray for Ishaq and I pray for You to make a way when there was no way. I pray for You to reveal Yourself to him and lead him. I pray for Your peace and hope to cover him and guide him. I pray for a way for him to stay in his nation and I pray for You to pour out wisdom as he leans into You. I pray for him to be able to get a visa
Lord Jesus, thank You that Ishaq has not been deported even when stopped by the police. Continue to protect him while he awaits Your open door. Guide him in the way You have for him. Let him hear Your still small voice of peace and comfort. May he surrender to You, knowing that You work all things together for good. May the peace of God be with Ishaq!
Lord, we commit Issa' situation to You for Your intervention. Nothing is impossible for You. We ask that You make a way for Ishaq - even the miraculous with respect to his residency. We also ask for wisdom for him and the right counsel to bring about the way out. Protect your son and let Him have clear directions from You. Thank You Lord, amen.
Father God, Please give peace to Ishaq. Let Your peace guide him in what is in his ability to do, and let him have peace knowing all things will work together for him as he continues to love and put his trust in You. Grant him any information that would give him hope, and may You fill him with joy and peace in believing that hope would be strong in him
Father God of all wisdom, love & mercy, we know Your plans are the best plans; always for what is best for Your loved ones. Please give Ishaq the courage to face whatever it is that You have in store for him. We ask that You would spare him from Eritrea but also know that You are in control if he does end up there. Strengthen him to face anything. Amen
Holy, Almighty Father God, grant Ishaq favor with the authorities so that he can safely stay in the country of his birth and continue to serve You there. Don't let him be sent to Eritrea. And I pray for freedom for the believers suffering imprisonment and persecution in Eritrea. In Jesus' Name I pray.
Dear Lord, I praise you for Ishaq's strong Christian witness in the face of adversity. May you guide him in his dilemma to a solution that preserves his liberty as well as his witness. Amen.
Dear Jesus, Ishaq has been a faithful deliverer of the gospel and Bibles to people desperate for your love and salvation. Now that he is facing deportation I'm asking for you to provide the visa he needs so he doesn't have to return to a country that would imprison him. Change the Eritrean government to allow Christians to openly follow you.
Lord I pray for my brother Ishaq. Would you answer his prayers for wisdom and provide a clear step for him. Would you help him not to fear the future, but would you deepen his faith and remind him that you go before him. Would you bless his faithfulness and keep him from persecution. In Jesus name, amen.
Lord Jesus please open up a way for Ishaq where there is no way. Give him wisdom to know where You want him to be, go before him, and have Your hand upon him. Thank You Lord Jesus.
Lord Jesus, we all try to plan for our futures, but we know You are in control. I pray that Ishaq knows You have a perfect plan for him. And You will give him the strength, wisdom and joy to accomplish Your plan.
Lord help Ishaq get the documents and status needed to continue your work without retaliation in Jesus name amen.
Dear Lord, I praise You for the Bible distributions and the believers in this Arab nation. I praise You that the gospel is being shared. I thank You for Ishaq who is doing this work. I pray for Your protection of his life. I pray he could get his residency and not be arrested or deported. May his work continue and flourish. In Jesus' name, amen!