"Now the promises were made to Abraham and to his offspring. It does not say, "And to offsprings,' as of many, but as of one, "And to your offspring,' who is Christ." (Gal. 3:16) The offspring, or seed, that God promised to Abraham refers to Jesus Christ.
Father, thank You for the wonderful work that You are doing in and through Halim and Salim. Thank You for the way in which Your Holy Spirit is leading and directing our brother's in Christ. We thank You as well for this godly former pastor who listened to and obeyed Your Spirit's still small voice by providing Salim and his family with needed shelter.
May these men find more fertile fields for their work among their brethren in Lebanon.
TY Father for putting Salim on the heart of the pastor. What a beautiful God & Father You are! Ty for providing for his needs. And TY Halim was able to witness to the Palestinian man, & we are believing He will choose Your peace & comfort for all he is going through. Lord, draw many to You through all the chaos. May they see You are the answer IJN
In the refuge name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, our Refuge and Strength, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Halim and Salim. We ask for shelter, for strength, for provision, a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Lord, bless Halim with a safe place to live, a secure job, and many comforts through Christian care. Give him Your wisdom as he courageously shares Jesus and wins souls in Lebanon. Bless the pastor who gave Salim a safe place to live. May Salim be of great help to the pastor in enlarging the tent of his ministry.Soften hearts of multitudes to faith!
The God Who Unites Your People, Jesus, You prayed that we may be one as You and the Father are One. I agree with the prayer of Leslie O. in the U.S. Thank You that prayers of faith arise to heaven and You collect them and pour them out at the right time to give breakthrough and establish Your Kingdom on earth; You reign forever. May You receive glory
LORD: Thank You for how You protect & provide for Halim, Salim & his family through all the changes from the chaos. Surely, You will continue to protect, & provide. I pray their faith & love toward Jesus will continue to grow through all their experiences: past, present, and future. Guide them & fulfill every goodwill for each of them. In Jesus' name.
In the Lordship of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Adonai, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Halim and Salim. We ask for a hedge of protection and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Thank You, Lord, for the way Your Spirit is building Your Church in Lebanon. We pray for the salvation of those 5 people that Halim witnessed to in the hospital, and for the young Palestinian man to whom he told that Jesus could give him peace and comfort. Thank You for providing a safe place for Salim and his family who were fleeing persecution
In the living water name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Mayim Chayim, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You that Halim, Salim and family tasted of the living Water, Jesus. We ask for a hedge of protection and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Father thank you that you are working even in the most difficult of times and places. Please help believers in Lebanon to know this truth and continue to abide in Jesus.
Our father in heaven hallowed be thy name Lord I pray that you will protect Halim and Salim Thank you for letting your word spread to countries in the Middle East You are the alpha and omega I pray that you will stop the bombing Not my will but your will be done as in earth and as in heaven Protect Halim and Salim. Help them to be strong in their faith
Father thank you for your faithfulness n the work you are doing in both Halim n Salims lives. May they continue to grow in the grace n knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ thru your living word n Holy Spirit I pray for their strength of faith ,perseverance n encouragement please have mercy n bring peace to Lebanon thru your love grace n salvation
and have Godly sorrow which worketh repentance
of sins. I pray in this way they would be made ready to believe on thy word unto salvation by thy increase. I pray they bear fruits meet for repentance to thy glory and the joy of believers. I pray in the name of the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ, amen.
lake of fire. I pray this causes many to be convicted of their conscience that they are sinners. I pray the believers will lead them to thy word according unto the King James Bible and that they would search it as Bereans. I pray they realize thou art the only name given whereby mankind can be saved. I pray they learn the price thou hast paid for sin
Dear LORD, I thank thee for the faith of these brothers. I pray thy will and purpose be accomplished and that thou get the glory through them leading many to thy word. I pray those who have been afflicted by war will realize how short this life is versus eternity. Eternity following belief in Islam will lead most in the Middle East to hell and the
Father, to be set free from sin and death is powerful in the lives of those who commit to Jesus. As Halim and Salim, walk this road of following Christ, may they continue to experience Your blessing and hope. May their minds and hearts be filled with Your truths and may they stand tall in devotion and service to You. In Jesus name, Amen.
Lord I pray that you would continue to protect Halim and Salim. May they have a safe place to live. Please provide food, clothing and any medical care they need. Holy Spirit guide them to people you have prepared to hear the Gospel and give them the words to share with those people.
O Lord, thank you for your care to Halim & Salim in the painful circumstances they are experiencing. Hearing how you heard Salim's prayer when his family had no where to go, encourages my own faith in your care of our suffering and need. I pray your strengthen these families as they face hardship and persecution. May they witness of your gospel. Amen.
Father, thank You for being at work in war zones like Lebanon and You are drawing people to Christ despite the violence and fear. I pray for Halim and Salim that You would supply their needs and protect them from evil with Your angels around them. Give their families a safe place to live and use them to minister to the people.Grow Your church inLebanon
Father, thank You for these brothers who walk faithfully in Christ. I ask Your protection from so much conflict. Lord, You are there and care for Your children. I ask You meet the needs of these brothers and their families. Father, thank You that they are light and salt there in Lebanon. Keep them strong Father. I pray thru Christ. Amen.
God, Halim and Salim have both known what it is to lose family and home for You. Remind them of the surety of the home You made for them in heaven, and of the family here on earth in Your church. Continue to have the church reach out, and give these two men encouragement in the middle of loss. Please keep them safe, and give them strength and love.Amen
Abba, my Adonai I love how You divinely provide a way for all things even when there may appear to be none. Nothing is impossible with You. Bless dear brother Halim and brother Salim I pray and enlarge their territory to declare the gospel to others and may countless more come to know Yahusha as Adonai through their testimony I pray in Yahusha's name.
Lord God, I thank You for the ways You are working in Halim and Salim's lives. I pray that they would continue to grow in their faith, that they would be surrounded by other believers who can encourage them, and that they would hold fast to the promises of Your word. May they have opportunities to proclaim Your gospel, and the courage to take them.
Father, in spite of external conflict, you are at work in the hearts and minds of your children and bringing them hope and peace. Please protect them and provide for their needs. May many others be drawn to Jesus through them. May they trust Jesus fully and not be afraid. Thank you. Amen.
Father God, please keep these believers and their families safety in the midst of war. I thank you for providing for them. I pray that you will continue to give them opportunities to share their faith with others. I pray that they will continue to see your faithfulness in their midst and testify of your goodness to them. Please draw people in Lebanon
Father, thank You for redeeming Salim and Halim, and for their protection and guiding them to people needing the gospel. May their lives be a witness of Your faithfulness and love, and give them the joy of leading many to salvation through Jesus. Please bring Your peace, righteousness and justice to this region, and draw many to You.
In the name of the loving Jesus, our heavenly Father, Agape, God of Great Love, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Halim, Salim and families. We praise You for provision, Your great love upon them. We ask of a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen