Father, thank You for Monoara, Salma, and her granddaughter. Continue to bless and encourage our sisters in Christ as they recover from the August 2024 Islamist extremists attack(s). Bless their prayer meetings as they intercede for others. Holy Spirit guide and direct their attitudes and thoughts as they come before Your throne in Jesus' mighty name.
Lord always you are worthy of praise, we praise you for sparing Monoara and her family from harm. Supply their needs both physical and Spiritual, and support them with Your right hand. Fill them and surround them with Your Spirit, uplift them and establish them in Your Holy ways. Protect them and I pray they will remain Your light amidst the darkness
Father, I want to lift up my dear sisters in Bangladesh and I too am grateful their lives were spared! TY for keeping them under the shadow of YOur mighty hand, & reminding them they are there! TY for providing for all their needs and blessing their prayer mtgs. May they see Your mighty hand working iJN! TY for strengthening ea person's faith IJN.
In the refuge name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, our Refuge and Strength, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Monoara and family. We ask for shelter, for strength, for provision, a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Dear family in Christ, I pray you will feel God's presence and stay close to Him. Stand firm. Jesus is coming soon. The only things that matter are what is done for Him. I will keep you in my prayers.
Father, please restore all that "the locusts have eaten" to Monoara and her family. As you promise in your Word, replenish them with 100% and 20% above that! Give them a most powerful witness that wins multitudes to Christ, while encouraging believers to stand strong in the midst of great hardship. Bring them greater comforts than before. Be exalted!
Thank you God for such strong faith of Monoara and her sisters. Grant them deep peace, trust and provisions for them as only you can provide. Increase their faith and may those who worship and live together with them be excited to also share in the love of Jesus. Defeat evil spirits and bring glory to Jesus. In his mighty name Amen Pat US
LORD: Thank You for turning their, Monoara and her family, mourning into joy after all the loss. Restore all the enemy has taken. Increase their faith, peace, comfort, and joy through all. Protect them day and night. LORD, I know they are precious to You, bless them in Jesus' name
In the Lordship of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Adonai, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Monoara and family. We ask for a hedge of protection and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Dear Lord thank you for protecting these dear women. May they fully recover and may you redeem what the locusts has eaten. Guide and direct their path. In Jesus' Holy name. Amen!
Dear Heavenly Father, thank You so much for preserving the lives of Monoara, her daughter and granddaughter. Thank You, too, for the hope You give in the midst of loss. In Jesus' name, amen.
Thank You, Lord, for using for good what the enemy meant for evil. Thank You for strengthening Moanoara and her daughter and granddaugther. Thank you that they are seeking You to provide for them, and that they have not allowed their loss of earthly possessions to destroy their faith in You. Bless and use their prayer meetings to build Your kingdom.
In the living water name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Mayim Chayim, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You that Monoara and family tasted of the living Water, Jesus. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Father please provide for these who have lost so much. May they have confidence that in you they are safe from harm. May they abide in you day by day.
Thank you lord that these people still believe and are strong in their faith. I pray that you protect and heal Monoara and her family from any hurt harm or danger. Camp your angels around them and heal them. These people are no different from us. Let them keep this faith, and let it remain in their hearts. And never turn against you Protect them O Lord
Father God, thank You for preserving the lives of Your precious daughters. May they continue to know You as their deliverer, shelter, and refuge in the midst of those oppose You. Stretch forth Your hand to cover them and to perform signs and wonders so others may come to know Jesus through them. Comfort and heal them, in Jesus' name!
Father I thank you that our sisters in Christ were spared and are alive to praise you. I ask your please be upon them giving strength n peace ,please send them aid n provide for their needs n a new home . May their prayer meetings honor you and bring to them unity n joy and bear fruit for your kingdom n witness to their faith n your love In Jesus name
Father please protect Monoara and her family from further evil and harm. May their prayer meetings be successful in healing them and others and to bring many lost souls to You. Provide for them and provide good Christian fellowship with other believers in their area. Open the eyes, hearts and minds of their persecutors to belief in the Gospel.
Dear Father in Heaven, We ask you to continue to encourage Monoara and her family. Please provide what they need to live as their home and belongings are gone. May they recover physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually from the attack. Thank you that you provide for their needs out of Your glorious riches in Christ Jesus! Amen
God of Peace I thank you for preserving this family and for giving them a positive outlook on life. Father I ask that you continue to protect them and guide them as they continue to run their race and be steadfast in following you. Lord I stand with them in the hope that you will keep them safe. We love you Lord. Amen
O Father God, what faith Monoara has even though her loss has brought grief. Bless her and her family with provision as they rebuild their lives. May the thanksgiving to Jesus they express astonish others to the point of them coming to faith. Lord, may you move in this country to stop the Islam terror. For your name. Amen.
Father, I pray for these who have lost all because they are believers in Christ. Father, help them to rebuild their lives and may they continue to worship the one true God and His Son the Lord Jesus Christ. May You restore law and order in these areas for the safety of all. I pray this thru Christ. Amen
God, thank You for these three women's lives, and their faith. Thank You for protecting them as evil came to destroy; let that give them courage, and knowing you near. Continue to protect them, and others in this country. Let your word soften even the hearts of their enemies, and give them justice, Father; keep evil far away from Your own. Send peace.
Abba, Thank You for Beloved sister Monoara and her family for their faithfulness in serving You. I pray what the enemy meant for evil, YOU would turn it all around for good and pour out a blessing upon them that they could hardly contain! May Your name be glorified through it all I pray in Yahusha's name. Thank You Adonai in advance.
Lord, You are our provider. Restore to Monoara all that she has lost and give her daily all that her family needs. Lord, I pray a blessing over this family for increase in provision, opportunities to share Jesus, faith and joy in You. In Jesus' name, amen.
Lord God, I pray that You would continue to grow these dear sisters in their faith, and that they would be used mightily to proclaim the gospel to those whose hearts You have prepared. Please provide for their physical needs, and may they bear witness that they know how to be content in need and as they abound because of Your strength.
Father, you love Monoara and her family deeply. Thank you for sparing their lives. Please provide for their needs and protect them. May the attackers be drawn to Jesus for salvation. May these sisters in Christ trust Jesus fully at all times. Thank you! Amen.
Father God, I pray that you will encourage and comfort Monoara and her family. Please provide everything they need and more. May they be blessed beyond measure. I pray that they will have so much that they have to give some away. I pray that others will see your faithfulness in their lives and you will be glorified. Please use their ministry powerfully
Father, thank You for sparing the lives of Monoara,Salma and her daughter. Please grant them shelter, protection, food, clothing and sustenance. May their faithful witness of You bring others to salvation, Please bring Your peace, justice and righteousness to Bangladesh, by drawing many to Jesus and uniting them in love, grace and mercy.
Father, thank You for the faith these family members have exhibited under these circumstances. May You continue to uphold, strengthen and encourage them to walk with You. May their trust in You grow as they love You and serve others. May You do in their lives to restore in the same way You did for Job. In Jesus name, Amen.