Indian pastors and church planters are under severe pressure due to anti-conversion laws intended to curtail Christian activities.
Indian pastors and church planters are under severe pressure due to anti-conversion laws intended to curtail Christian activities.
Jan. 30, 2025 | India

Hindu Father Charges Christian Son with Illegal Conversion

[8] prayers in [3] nations have been posted for Chhater Singh.

Chhatar Singh, a schoolteacher in India, placed his faith in Christ in 2002 and has planted churches in seven villages. In 2010, when his mother died, he refused Hindu funeral rituals for her, which turned his father against him. On Jan. 27, 2021, the police arrested Singh and three other Christians on false charges of forced conversion. They spent a month in jail; consequently, Singh was suspended from his school. In July 2024, after Singh’s father cut off his inheritance, he filed a criminal complaint against Singh of trying to convert him to Christianity. Singh spent 20 days in jail before bail was granted. His children asked their grandfather to withdraw the case, which he said he would do if they denied Jesus. The children told their grandfather that they were proud of their father for standing up for his faith and that they would never deny Christ.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in India and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Chhater Singh

  • Lord Jesus Christ, you sit above all thrones and powers, your name is the name above all names, storm, thunder and currents obey you, you alone Jesus have the power to strengthen your saints, strengthen them father and use them Lord to lead more souls to salvation. In Jesus name we pray amen.
    James Llargo D. P - Philippines
  • Dear Lord,

    We thank You for keeping Chhatar faithful. As stated above, what a wonderful moment it was when the children told their grandfather that they were proud of their father for standing up for his faith and that they would never deny Christ. Thank You for him to be released from jail, and work in his father's heart to come to Christ.

    Chris R - USA
  • Father I pray you would be very close to Brother Singh. Comfort him. Provide for his needs. Protect Brother Singh and guide him. Please save his father and bring peace to the family.
    Leslie O - USA
  • Padre bueno, te agradecemos que Tu fidelidad ha sostenido a Chhater Singh en todo lo que ha pasado. Pedimos por su situacion, que Tu mano siga siendo fiel con el y su familia, y que el corazon de su padre pueda ablandarse y reconocerte como el unico Dios y asi levante los cargos contra Chhater. Confiamos en Ti, que te manifestaras.
    Gonzalo Felipe M - Chile
  • Thank you loving Father for the steadfast faith of Singh and his children. May the heart of Singh's Father be softened by the faith of his grandchildren. Move him to drop the case against his son and open his eyes to the truth.
    In Jesus name, Amen.
    Lois Y - USA
  • Thank you Father for Ghhatar and his children!

    Thank you for the grace to stand and suffer for the gospel.

    Establish your counsel in this situation we ask in Jesus name!
    Michael O - USA
  • Gracious Lord, continue to bless this family with Your presence, grace, and love. May their faithfulness continue to bring You glory God and mightily save brother Singh's father. In Jesus name I pray
    Cheryl N - USA
  • Beloved & Holy Father: Praise be to You for the steadfast faith of Chhater Singh & his children. Please provide for our brother & his family. Please soften the heart of his father that he may turn to Christ. May the anti-conversion laws be overturned as more & more people come to Christ. We pray these things in the precious Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
    Mario C - USA