Father, we intercede for Xa, Sara, and David as they struggle with the circumstances surrounding Pastor Diem's imprisonment and death. May they find encouragement in knowing that their husband and father is now in the presence of the Lord. Enable Pastor Diem's family to forgive his persecutors and to extend mercy and grace to others in need of Jesus.
Lord, please reconstitute this family with thyself at the head. Heal their hearts and give them a future and a hope.
In the wonderful name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Jireh, God Who provides, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Xa and family. We ask for provision, a hedge of protection, heavenly angel to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Father God, we pray for your comfort and strength upon Xa's widow and children and we thank you for his faithful witness unto death. Provide for their needs as they continue to grieve the loss of a husband and father. We pray that you would bring healing to this mother and children in Jesus' name, amen.
In the touch of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Jehovah Nissi, our Banner, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Xa and family. We ask for comfort, provision, touch of Jesus, hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
OLORD, I lift Xa & her children to you asking for healing, emotional & spiritual. Give them peace that your servant Diem, is happily with his Lord & Savior in heaven, even though his body was not returned. Give this family a vision of your perfect love & care for your servants who are faithful to the end. May Vietnam become a place Jesus is loved. Amen
Lord God, I pray for Xa, Sara, and David, that their hearts would find peace and comfort in You, that they would have faith to trust that You are who You have revealed Yourself to be in Your word. May Diem's death be used as an encouragement to others to follow faithfully after You, and may they see gospel fruit as a result.
In the refuge name of Jesus, our heavenly Father, our Refuge and Strength, as brothers and sisters in Christ we praise You for faithfulness of Xa and family. We ask for shelter, for strength, for provision, a hedge of protection, heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Our Father in the name of Jesus comfort, hold Xa and her family in your hands, You know the truth of her husband death, comfort this family and give them the peace they needs to hold strong in Father, give Your angels charge over them, help them keep the faith and not give up, let nothing formed against the prosper, in Jesus name we pray,
Lord, heal the hurts and minister to this family's grief. May they take comfort that Diem is with You and no longer suffers. May the truth his death become known and for for real justice come to Vietnam. Please provide for their material, spiritual and emotional needs. May they find peace, comfort & hope in You and Your Word. P lease protect them.
Lord please be with Xa , Sara and David. Comfort them. Provide for them. Be with them in their sorrow. Bring people to them that can help them with their grief. In Jesus's name.
Dear Lord, bring good out of this great evil done to Xa & her husband and family. Comfort them, provide for them, strengthen them. Deal with those who abused and murdered her husband and help Xa and her children to forgive and find peace and hope and joy in You. Help her children to work through their grief and questions and maintain their faith in you
Lord, we commit Diem into your spirit May he find rest Lord we lift up Xa, Sara and David who are left behind. May you encourage them daily. Lord, may you give them peace and boldness to pray for the enemies of God pray for the government pray for all the evil in the world. May they go forward boldly preaching your word to all the nations!
Heavenly Father, I pray for Xa and her children who have suffered the loss of their husband and father. Please meet their needs and comfort them in their grief. I pray they will have support of other Christians.
Dear family in Christ, I pray you will feel God's presence and stay close to Him. Stand firm. Jesus is coming soon. The only things that matter are what is done for Him. I will keep you in my prayers.
Father God, please minister your great love and compassion to this family in their grief.I pray that your comfort and peace will fill them up and give them everything their hearts need for healing. Please encourage them in their faith and help them to more forward with their ministry.I pray you will provide everything they need right now. In Jesus name
Lord thank You Xa and her family. Please bring them comfort and peace in the loss of Pastor Diem. Help her children to place their faith in You and help You to be glorified through their father's death. Bring justice in this case and help their attackers and persecutors to come to faith in You. Please help them to have provision, In Jesus Name Amen
Father, I lift up Xa to you. May she and her children feel your love and compassion for them as they struggle with Pastor Diem's imprisonment and death. May they grow in you and serve you with all of their hearts. Provide for their every need as they trust in You.
Heavenly Father, how heavy the burden of the unjust death of a faithful spouse. You said you are near to the broken hearted. Please be near to our beloved sister, Xa. Please work in her life. Please work in her children's lives. Please provide their every need. Thank you for Pastor Diem's life and his courage. May his family see the fruits of his labor
My Lord, thank You for the witness of Pastor Diem and his wife. He fought the Good fight till the end. May his wife be comforted knowing he is in eternal joy now. Please bring strength and healing to her and her children. May their loss not be in vain but draw many conversions.
Father, thank You for the hope we have in Jesus that Diem is now with Jesus! Please continue to give comfort to his family. I ask for Your love and grace for his children. Empower them to forgive and to be free from bitterness for this evil done to their father. Help them to love and trust You, with their mother, through the life they now live.
Oh how sad, Lord. But I know that you were with this dear pastor at every moment, bringing him strength and comfort. Please be with Xa and both of the children. Help David and Sara grieve the loss of their Dad and may they follow you all their days. In Jesus name, amen.
In the Lordship of Jesus, our heavenly Father, Adonai, as brothers and sisters in Christ, we praise You for faithfulness of Xa and family. We ask for comforting Holy Spirit, a hedge of protection and heavenly angels to encamp around and minister to them. Amen
Loving God, we mourn with Xa and her children who lost their husband and father. Wrap your loving arms around them to give them comfort and peace. Please show them that you still have plans for them and fill them with Your love. In Jesus name, amen.
O Father God, my heart aches for the grief Xa and her children experience. I pray that in the questions they may be wrestling with, you will protect their hearts from bitterness. Surround them with the gospel promises and heal them stitch by stitch as you know they need. Let the faith of Pastor Diem bring them hope and build up their own. Amen.
Father, please bless this dear family. Give them profound comfort. I pray that you would give them a sense of pride in how their husband and father boldly lived for you. I pray that your kingdom would advance in Vietnam and that the light would shine through the darkness and through this horrible situation many would come to know you and your love.
Dear Father in Heaven, I left up Xa and her adult children who grieve the loss of their husbandfather. This is so difficult Lord and I ask that Holy Spirit comfort them in their deepest pain and need. May many come to know you as Lord and Savior through the faithfulness of Xa & Pastor Diem. His death is not in vain and we ask you heal & make whole!
Oh my Father, Abba, You are near, so near to the brokenhearted, the suffering, and the persecuted. Pour our Your divine comfort and peace that passes all our understanding around beloved sister Xa and her children. Only You are able to heal their inward wounds and I trust You will do so in Yahusha's name. Bless our dear sister and children!
Dear Lord Jesus, Our hearts go out to Xa as she has endured such sorrow from her husband's suffering and death. Comfort her and make her aware of your presence as husband and father of her fatherless children. Heal the emotional wounds and restore their spirit as they trust you to bring good from what was intended to punish them for their faith.
Dear Lord, I pray for Sara, David and Xa, that you will comfort them as they wrestle with the death of Past Diem, whom they were not even able to see to help with their process of grieving. Enfold them in your ever loving arms. I pray that Pst Diem's death will not be in vain, and that it will cause many to come to faith in You. Keep Sara, David and Xa