Melke (right) and Yeshi (left) both lost their husbands in an attack by militants.
Melke (right) and Yeshi (left) both lost their husbands in an attack by militants.
Mar. 06, 2025 | Ethiopia

Bold Witness Murdered by Militants

[1] prayer in [1] nation have been posted for Melke and family.

Kitessa was a dedicated church leader murdered by armed militants, leaving behind his wife, Melke, and five children. Because of his passionate evangelism, Kitessa was warned he would be killed if he did not stop preaching the gospel. Still, he remained committed to sharing the gospel and leading a church in his community. On Aug. 25, 2024, Kitessa was returning home after preaching a Sunday service when armed militants opened fire on him. Kitessa’s wife, Melke, was within earshot of the gunfire and quickly tried to reach her husband by phone. When he didn’t answer, she ran toward the sound of the gunshots, finding her husband alive and lying on the roadside. He died before they were able to get medical assistance. Melke is now responsible for raising their five children on her own. The global body of Christ has helped provide for the family’s needs, and Melke requests prayer that her children will remain firm in their faith.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Ethiopia and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Melke and family

  • Beloved Father: Praise be to You for the life of Pastor Kitessa! He is now with You in glory! Please comfort, protect, and provide for sister Melke & her children. Please strengthen the faith of her children that they may stand firm. Please cause Your terror to fall upon the cowards who murdered Kitessa that they would repent & make restitution to her.
    Mario C - USA