Himachal Pradesh is known as Dev Bhoomi, or Land of the Gods. Many Hindu devotees come here on pilgrimage.
Himachal Pradesh is known as Dev Bhoomi, or Land of the Gods. Many Hindu devotees come here on pilgrimage.
Mar. 06, 2025 | India

Pastor in "Land of Gods" Delivered by the Living God

[4] prayers in [2] nations have been posted for Hira.

A pastor named Hira Singh has used notoriety from being persecuted to share the gospel with even more people. In 2000, Hira Singh, who was formerly from a high-caste Hindu background, came to faith in Christ in Himachal Pradesh. This region is a North Indian state known as Dev Bhoomi (Land of Gods) and a prominent Hindu pilgrimage destination. In the early years of his Christian faith, Hira faced opposition from his family and community. However, in October 2023, when the village council summoned him, he faced serious persecution. Some people at the meeting attempted to kill him, but God miraculously delivered him. Since then, Hira has faced repeated threats and false allegations but continues to lead the church and share the gospel in adjacent villages. Because of the persecution incidents in October 2023, Hira gained popularity in local print and electronic media. Since then, he has publicly preached to anyone he meets.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in India and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Hira

  • Padre, grande es Tu fidelidad y amor que has mostrado con Tus Hijos. Gracias por el testimonio de Tu siervo Hira Singh, y como lo has salvado y protegido. Por piedad que Tu voz y luz se siga manifestando gracias a la accion de Hira, y que Tu mano lo siga liberando de la opresion y el acoso constante, y muchos lleguen a La Verdad y Te conozcan. Aleluya.
    Gonzalo Felipe M - Chile
  • Heavenly Father, I thank you for delivering Hira from the people who tried to kill him so that he could ultimately share the gospel to so many people. I pray he remains strong in his faith, for his continued protection and provision and that his persecutors will repent and place their faith in You.
    In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.
    Allison R - USA
  • Beloved Father: Praise be to You for the steadfast faith of Pastor Singh! Thank You for protecting him! Continue to pour out Your Holy Spirit upon him as he preaches Christ to the lost. Draw many to Yourself through his ministry. Continue to protect him. Build up the church in Himachal Pradesh. We pray in the Most Holy Name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
    Mario C - USA
  • Lord God our Heavenly Father, please bless and protect Hira Singh as he faces persecution for boldly preaching Jesus Christ. May he not be thwarted from believing and serving You. May those seeking to stop Hira be convicted of their sins, repent from their evil deeds and put their trust in You unto salvation. In Jesus name. Amen!
    Bill P - USA