Father, where truth is withheld from those who live without, the passion to know grows in the hearts of individuals. Your word does not return void but prospers in the hearts of those who seek the truth. May those who are sharing Your truths be wise and discerning in how, when and where to share Jesus. In His name, Amen.
Lord God I thank you for the gospel witness in laos I pray for the country govt n people of Laos that ther eyes would be opened to the truth of your word. May you give wisdom n discernment to the body of Christ in Laos as they practice their faith n witness to those around them I pray the gospel pamphlets reach those in need of salvation In Jesus name
Dear Father we thank you for the distribution of these Bibles and pamphlets from an unknown source and we pray that they may be a means of bringing someone to salvation.
Thank you that the pastor who was arrested was released unharmed.
Bless all the believers in Laos that they may have courage and wisdom in sharing their faith.
In Jesus name, Amen.
Lord God, please let these Bibles and pamphlets that have been distributed to schools in Laos find their way to those who are searching for You. We pray a covering over these materials and for those who read them. Thank You for releasing this pastor, and give him and this church wisdom and discernment in navigating their faith in this hostile area.
Beloved Father: Thank You for the distribution of Bibles & Christian literature. May these resources find their way into the hands of people whose hearts have been prepared by the Holy Spirit. Thank You for releasing the pastor. Please bless & preserve him & his flock. Soften the hearts of Laotian officials that they may turn to Christ. In His Name.
Dear Lord,
We pray for this pastor, who, without evidence of the church's involvement in distributing Christian materials, was released from custody. We pray for Christians in this district to be both bold and wise as they practice their faith in the community. We also pray that some of these Bibles and pamphlets will find their way to others.
Lord in Heaven, May the pastor in Northern Laos remain free to lead his church and that they may be wise in how they spread Your Word in their community and beyond. May the Bibles and pamphlets that were confiscated by police find their way into the hands of those seeking Jesus Christ. Also may the Christians there be able to worship You in peace. Amen