This social media post about "some vile people… who have embraced Christianity for the sake of money" exposed 10 Christian families and prompted a backlash from 12 nearby mosques.
This social media post about "some vile people… who have embraced Christianity for the sake of money" exposed 10 Christian families and prompted a backlash from 12 nearby mosques.
Mar. 20, 2025 | Bangladesh

Church Threatened by Large Mobs for Ongoing Ministry

[68] prayers in [9] nations have been posted for Christians in Bangladesh.

After a secret Christmas program at Saiful’s house church in late December 2024, someone obtained photos and exposed the church on social media, prompting outrage against Saiful and the church from several nearby mosques. Within hours, the situation escalated until a large Muslim crowd marched to the church, threatening violence. Police intervened to stop the procession, but the leaders of the rally vowed to return with more people to burn Saiful’s house. Local authorities have granted permission for the Christians to continue meeting, but Saiful has been warned to take safety precautions. Mosque leaders have instructed the Muslim community to shun the exposed Christian families; still, the Christians meet almost every day to pray and study the Word of God. They continue to share the love of Christ with those who are persecuting them.

Click here to find out about Christian persecution in Bangladesh and learn how to pray.

Write your own prayer for Christians in Bangladesh

  • Dear Lord, bless your holy name! Thank you for protecting Saiful & the other church members from these extremists. I ask you to tear down the strongholds of evil that are jealous of your children in Christ. Purify their hearts & give them a thirst for Jesus, the living water! Talk to them in dreams & visions to bring them to salvation. In Jesus name!
    Shelly D - USA
  • Jesus, we thank You for the Bangladesh church undergoing persecution. We pray that You will continue to strengthen them and increase their faith. Let them experience Your presence and use their testimony to draw many more into the church. Let there be a revival. In Jesus name. Amen.
    Peter S - Canada
  • Oh Lord, what strength and faith you give your faithful servants. Reward their trust in you and bring them and all their village to everlasting life.
    Margaret D - USA
  • Lord Jesus thank You for my brothers and sisters meeting at Saiful's house. Lord protect them and keep them safe. Lord help them to continue showing Your love to their neighbors even as they are being persecuted by them. To Your glory Lord Jesus.
    Andrew S - USA
  • Father, we pray for this small faithful community, asking you to richly bless them for setting their hearts on things above, giving strength and wisdom. Please use them to be a light in this very dark place. Open the hearts and minds of the local Muslims who are threatening violence and show everyone your great power to bring transformation!
    Brenda M - USA
  • Heavenly Father, all praise is yours, we pray for protection on this church and all its members. I pray that those who wish to do harm will put all their hate away. We pray that the holy spirit will find its way into these people's hearts. In jesus name.
    john o - USA
  • Gracious Lord God, please help the people of Bangladesh. Their nation has suffered a color revolution. Christians who lived in peace are now targeted. Give great wisdom and safety to Saiful and the members of the house church, especially the 10 families. Let this turn out for good. May the witness of the believers soften the hearts of their persecutors
    Jean S - Canada
  • Heavenly Father God, please protect Saiful and the house church along with so many other BengaliBangladeshi Christians. I pray that they will not stop their gathering but I pray that they will do so in safe precautions. I pray their enemies will repent and turn to Christ Jesus as God and Lord before it's too late. Free them all. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
    Mariah Ki'erra D - USA
  • Gracias, Señor, porque sabemos que Tu eres un Dios de poder y fuerza, y Tu amor por Tus Hijos es infinito. Pedimos que cuides a Tus siervos en Bangladesh, aquellos acosados y atacados de diversas formas, para que vean Tu gloria y puedan estas personas llegar al arrepentimiento. Te alabamos por la fidelidad de Saiful y su congregacion, no los dejes.
    Gonzalo Felipe M - Chile
  • Lord thank You for protecting this church. Thank You because we know You care and love this church. Thank You because they can continue to gather in Your name! Use this church to spread Your love & Living Word to everyone around them. May more people come to Christ through this church. Strengthen them, give them the wisdom they need to persevere. Amen.
    Krystal A - USA
  • Thank You for these believers in this persecuted place. Please continue to help Saiful's house church to gather regularly to pray and worship You. Help them to continue to share Your love with all they encounter including the persecutors. Thank You for the police standing up for the church and help more authorities and others to come to faith in You.
    Cynthia H - USA
  • Father, please encourage and bless Saiful and the church. Please keep them safe from those who threaten and persecute them. Please continue to give them the supernatural strength to show the love of Your Son, Jesus, to those who persecute them, and may that lead to persecutors becoming believers. Strengthen and protect Christians in Bangladesh. amen
    David L - USA
  • Continue to bless these gatherings for those hungry for Your Word and fellowship. Their danger is evident to the enemy. Fend off the attacks of the enemy so threatened by Christian growth. Grow these believers in depth and breadth. Make them a blessing to every community.
    Pam M - USA
  • I pray for courage and safety for the Christians in Bangladesh.
    Barbara T - USA
  • Dear Father, thank You for the godly courage of this house church as they continue to meet, pray and study Your Word. Thank You for their earnest prayers for their persecutors! Please shine Your divine light through to the lost. I ask Your protection over Saiful's house. In Jesus' name, amen.
    Lynne W - USA
  • Dear Lord, we thank You that the Christians were protected by the police. However, the haters will come back. Please help our fellow Christians to have faith that You will provide and strengthen them. Help them to continue to share the love of Christ with those who are persecuting them so that their persecutors may also come to accept Jesus as Lord!
    Donna H - USA
  • Jesus we ask thath you would strength the Christian's in Bangladesh. You would take away any fear and give them love for there enemies. Help them and all Christian ever were to resist in your power alone. In jesus name we ask. Thank you God.
    Craig M - USA
  • Father Yahweh, I lift up Sailif unto you today. Dear God Yahweh, protect his home and protect his house congregation and church from the evil hatred of the Muslims there in Bangladesh. Don't allow the evil to prevent his house church from prospering. Father God they enjoy being Christians and learning about YOUR WORD, therefore keep them, Amen.
    Samuel W - USA
  • Dear Lord,
    I pray that you will be with Saiful and his church. Thank You so much for their perseverance in continuing to meet together and show Your love to those around them. I pray that You will open up the eyes of the Mosque leaders and the muslims around them.
    Jehosheba R - USA
  • Father, Saiful and his fellow brothers and sisters at church may be anxious and terrified. But, Father, the Lord Jesus promised that He would give peace - peace that does not come from the world. You have commanded us for our hearts not to be troubled and not to be afraid. We pray that the Holy Spirit will give them this peace. In Jesus name amen
    Daniel K - Australia
  • Almighty God, I give thanks for my persecuted brothers & sisters in Bangladesh. I pray You would protect them from the forces of evil that seek their harm. I pray these believers would continue meeting to pray, worship & strengthen one another. I pray those persecuting Saiful would be convicted of their sins & repent. I pray for their salvation!
    Curtis M - USA
  • Thank You, LORD, for Your grace to keep these Christians daily: in prayer and Your word amidst the persecution. I pray for Your presence to guide & protect. Surround them with Your holy angels to fight for them. Continue cause their faith in You prevails. Ask Your Holy Spirit to work through them to bring down strongholds, set the captive free. IJN
    P F - USA
  • Father we ask that you would protect, give wisdom, joy & perseverance to the Christians in Bangladesh. Surround them with your love, show them the words & faith to press forward to the prize that awaits them. In Jesus name.
    Rhonda F - USA
  • Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. God I pray the poor would not claim the gospel as a means to wealth, for they will not agree to the sound instruction of our Lord Jesus Christ. Help believers work with their hands that their daily life may win the respect of outsiders and that they may not depend on anybody.
    Andrew H - USA
  • Lord of Heaven and Earth, You are the ruler of all. I praise You for Your saving power and Your Spirit at work in Your children. Watch over these dear believers and keep the safe. Help them to fear no eveil for You are with them. May Your rod and staff comfort them. May You be glorified!
    Susan B - USA
  • Dear Lord Jesus, thank you for giving this group of believers the courage to meet and worship you together. Give them wisdom and boldness to continue to do this. Soften the hearts of those who oppose them. Thank you for giving them some police protection - we pray that the police also may understand and accept your gospel.
    Margaret H - USA
  • Keep our brothers and sisters safe from danger and large mobs of unbelievers who threatened their lives, property and spiritual life.
    Debbie V - USA
  • Lord Jesus, it baffles me why people embrace hatred instead of Your love. I pray that You encourage, strengthen, protect and guide Your believers in Bangladesh.
    Joel B - USA
  • Thank you Lord for Saiful's faithfulness! Thank you Lord for these believers that fear GOD more than they fear man! In the valleys they praise and worship you! Protect them! They bravely draw near to you in the shadow of a Mosque community! Through them shine your light so brightly Lord in the darkness & violence of their city so they all my be saved!
    Carrie A - USA
  • My Lord, please Saiful and his friends were only celebrating Christmas, and he is suffering a backlash for it. Please ensure that he and Your other followers are protected and able to practise their faith in peace. I pray for the conversion of those persecuting them.
    Denise G - Canada
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